Fairy Journey

Chapter 28 Out of the Mind

Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and the universe is flooded. Rong Hui incarnates the sun, burns memories and dispels chaos. In a trance, I saw the past, and my mind was tied, and the heat of my body suddenly increased, and the outside was chaotic and empty. After several years, it also passed in a flash. He was shocked and quickly restrained his mind. He looked at his nose, nose and meditated, and time stagnated. All kinds of things in the past seem to fade away quietly.

He is unwilling to spend his time and is reluctant to give up his life experience. But how to get both fish and bear paws? Try to adapt, and the light and heat gradually restrain, only let the memory flow slowly in the heart. Little by little, it penetrates back to my heart and remember it firmly.

The memory repeated. He turned into the sun and the heat faded. Finally, he saw himself converging into a crystal bead, and couldn't help wondering: "This is this me?" It was found that the chaos surged back and then penetrated into the body. It was actually a turbid atmosphere, which made me confused and my whole body trembled. The power comes from the heart, the light and heat swing out, and the turbid air sweeps away.

There are no years and no directions in chaos. At this moment, he knows the value of memory, and he is unwilling to waste it easily. He quickly restrained his mind and faded the light and heat outside the body, leaving only a layer of flame. Chaos surged back and was blocked, and it could not invade half of the body.

Rong Hui remembers all the past. Every 16 years in his memory, he can reunite with Xiaoxuan for seven years, which is also happy. But over time, I found that I was getting smaller, and I couldn't help worrying: "When I burn out, will there be nothing left?" No..." Looking around, it was still a chaos. After weighing for a moment, he simply let go of a small mouth, ingest a trace of chaotic breath, and think about it carefully.

When he waited for the turbid gas to enter the body, he knew that it was black and yellow. The concentration is refined, but it is like hitting a stone with an egg, which is unshakable. The mind turned around and took two gas collisions. The mysterious yellow is excited, the flames burst, and the heat outside the body surges, causing chaos.

Rong Hui's body trembled slightly, came to his senses and found that there was something more in his body, which was comfortable. After a slight balance, I think it is beneficial and harmless. There was nothing else for a while, so he continued to hold Xuanhuang and collided. After three or five times, it can be gradually controlled.

He meditated on the past while dissipating chaos. After seven years of memory, the body not only did not shrink, but also increased a little. I have nothing to do, and I want to see what's wrong with the chaos outside? With a boost, the heat outside the body increases sharply, turning into a layer of filter and ingesting chaos. As far as I can think, Xuanhuang's two qi burst into the body. And because he has the heart to control, the fire net does not grow, but his body is getting bigger and bigger.

Over time, Rong Hui was gradually able to control the stimulation of "two qi" outside the body. So it was only blocked by a layer of fire net and directly ingested. Later, even the fire net was not needed. As far as I could think, Xuanhuang was excited and "rumbling" exploded outside the body. The white gas you need swept into the body like a whirlwind.

The two gases are excited, although monotonous. But Rong Hui found that his body was expanding and his ability was growing, but he was sincerely happy. Decades later, his body can no longer be calculated compared to the beginning. After getting used to it, I feel boring again.

After Rong Hui was distressed for a while, he suddenly remembered the shadow play. Everywhere in his mind, Xuanhuang gathered into two figures, punched and kicked, and made a move. Sparks flashed between the collisions, and white silk flew in. He thought it was interesting, so he thought happily and evolved into a villain outside his body. He also integrated the tricks he had seen into it and took a closer look.

Thousands of Xuanhuang villains fought with each other and showed their magical power. Although they were defeated with one blow, they already had a posture. The more he looked at it, the more interesting it became, so he chewed his memory while studying and derivation. Memories flowed, and hundreds of years passed in a blink of an eye. The crystal ball grew bigger and bigger, and later it could attract chaos to fly. The two gases gather more and more densely, like water, covering the surface.

He only felt that his body was covered with paste, and his mind was also suppressed on the surface of the crystal ball. He could only turn water into people and let them fight with each other. The villain is more solid, and the tricks he can bear are more complicated. "Golden Waves", "Phoenix Zhenyu", "Green Clouds"... Keep using it out, making it dark.

There are no bounds in all directions, and the years are long. Time is stagnant, and memory turns into eternity. Land, mountains, lakes and everything emerge from the crystal ball. Xuanhuang's villain is more solid, and then turns into a description of his appearance. Men, women, old and young, family and world, interpreting their own stories.

Rong Hui gradually lost his sight and saw hundreds of millions of creatures coming and going. He wants to find himself, but every creature is like himself. Every word and behavior is like your own story. If you haven't seen it, if you haven't heard it. Body and mind are united, half dream and half awake, and gradually turn into eternity.

"Jit..." "Second Master, Second Master!" The second master woke up!" Madam, the second master is awake!" ...Rong Hui suddenly heard a few birds and heard a burst of cheers. His heart was shocked and his eyes lit up. The top of the tent was blue, with a cluster of golden branches and jade leaves hanging on the bed frame, and the yellow-haired chicks were standing on the branches and shouting.

He will smile and see a girl in green standing outside the tassel brocade tent. Hearing Huanpei Dingdang again, Ling Xiao quickly walked in with the two of them. She wore a flying fairy bun with golden jade jewelry, a red shirt, and golden chrysanthemum embroidery on her shirt. Yingying strolling, with flowing waves, with a unique style. I came to my senses in a trance and knew that I had a dream.

He stretched out, got up and yawned: "It's comfortable..." Thinking of drinking with Bixia, he couldn't help sighing: "What wine? I can't even bear such a great stamina." While talking, I saw the girl in green lift up the tent, so I only wore blasphemous clothes and asked Ling Xiao, "Are you helping me with my loose clothes?" It's like I'm drunk, and I don't have to..." I caught a glimpse of the light outside the mirror door. At noon, I remembered that there was still a banquet, and hurriedly urged: "Quickly, change your clothes, don't let everyone wait!" He got out of bed, stood up for a moment of dizziness, took a step, and couldn't help staggering.

Green clothes, red sleeves and blue silk were full of consters, and they shouted together: "Second Master!" Ling Xiao was surprised and happy, and greeted happily, "Come on, go and tell your father and mother, and say that your father-in-law has woken up!" He stepped forward and reached out to hold it and quickly asked, "What do you think?"

When Hongxiu heard the news, he answered the sound and happily trotted away. The green clothes and blue silk reacted, one went to bring tea and the other went to eat. It's okay, it's okay!" Rong Hui brushed his forehead and answered, "Isn't it just a nap? As for you..."

"Did you take a nap?" Ling Xiao opened his eyes and asked, "Brother, I don't know how long he slept?"

"How long?" Rong Hui was slightly stunned, helped by Ling Xiao to sit down by the bed, and quickly asked, "It won't be the third day. I missed your 'back door'..." He laughed dryly and was embarrassed.

"Do you know that today is November 10th, and my brother has slept for a whole month." Ling Xiao explained with a serious look: "When my mother brought me here, my brother was already asleep. The room was full of wine. As soon as the north wind blew, it could be smelled outside the mountain gate, and it dispersed two days ago. With that, he took the green clothes and brought the tea and handed it to Rong Hui.

"Ah?" Rong Hui was stunned, picked up the blue and white porcelain cup and poured a mouthful of tea fiercely before he realized it. He couldn't help sighing, "I said why I was dizzy just now, and now I feel hungry..." He quickly asked, "Did you see anyone when you came in..." He turned his head and lowered his voice, which was difficult to speak.

"Do you mean Bixia Fairy?" Ling Xiao took the tea cup and said lightly, "She left early when we arrived."

"Oh..." Rong Hui was relieved and nodded slowly. Suddenly, he reacted and quickly asked, "She has left. How do you know her name is Bixia?"

"Hmm!" Ling Xiao curled his lips and sneered, "If you leave, can't you come back?" She temporarily lives at the foot of the mountain and comes to see you every five days. She cares a lot! After a while, it's time to come again!"

Rong Hui heard the jealousy in her words and saw that it was the step-in-house he had married back. Although he felt guilty, he didn't want to explain. Clear your throat and quickly change the topic: "How can we let the old man visit us as younger generations!" He turned his head and ordered the green clothes: "Cover!" He asked Ling Xiao, "What's the big deal this month?"

Seeing that the green clothes did not know where the clothes were, he got up in person and opened the wardrobe to the east of the mirror door. Ling Xiao stopped. Seeing that Rong Hui didn't say anything, he didn't want to ask more. By the way, "This has to start from the matter in September..." He took the initiative to talk about the major events in recent months.

In September of the 17th year of Hongxiao, all the officials impeached the law, and the three laws were sentenced according to the law, or demoted or withdrawn. They were all relatives and friends of the "Chunshen Lingjun" government. Until the herdsmen raided Datong and were defeated on the front line. The emperor couldn't control the situation and could only give a command and admonition: "Don't be paranoid to flood prison." Yi Shuai ordered the in-laws of the Huang family, Sun Jiao, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and briefly announced the border affairs.

Sun Jiao mentioned 400,000 relatives, besieged Xuanfu and rescued Datong, and defeated the enemy in the first battle. The herdsman coalition was frustrated, retreated to the west, and announced the danger of the same situation. The good news came out, and the whole country celebrated. However, the emperor summoned Liu, Li and Xie in the warm pavilion and discussed the reward: "The first merits of the sides, according to the imperial history, and flooded years, so it is not a warning. From now on, there has been a limit between far and near. Those who violate it will be treated." He not only selected a group of generals who can fight well, but also sheltered two imperial envoys who were demoted for impeaching the Huang family. Those who have intentions see that the border troubles have passed, and the court intends to turn the steering wheel, and also alienate the "Chunshen Lingjun Mansion" in Gwangju.

Ling Xiao was afraid that Rong Hui and Miss Huang Jiaqi would be used as guns by both sides after they became a Taoist couple. But when I said it clearly, I couldn't help but feel jealous. I just stopped and asked Rong Hui, "I'll go back to Chendu tomorrow. What should I bring?"

Green clothes and blue silk took out Lingxiao's picked Baolan silk deep clothes, and purple bamboo tied small crowns to help Rong Hui wear them. Rong Hui didn't want to get involved in the dispute between the court and the princes. He stood in front of the mirror door and changed his clothes from green clothes. While listening, he also had a headache: "The world says that immortals are good, but we immortals..." He straightened his clothes and smiled and responded, "How about wrapping a roast suckling pig in gold paper?"

The golden pig symbolizes chastity. It has always been cooked by the son-in-law's family after the couple's marriage, and sent to the woman's home when returning to the door. The woman's family asked her relatives and friends to share the old and eat it, and they have the right to witness it. Ling Xiao's face turned slightly red, and he lowered his head and smiled. Seeing that Rong Hui was dressed in a new dress and was about to go out, he suddenly heard Hongxiu's greeting: "Second master, madam, the old lady came with the uncle's family, the eldest girl and the second lady came in person!"

Rong Hui only felt that he had not seen his family for a long time and was moved inexplicably. Open the mirror door and welcome it out happily.