Fairy Stone

Chapter 181 to help

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It turned out that Guo Haiming saw that it was difficult to break through the anti-Qiankun gossip array from the front, so he selected several disciples of the Demon Sect who practiced the Tuxing system from the army and asked them to dig a cave from the ground behind the array and go straight into the opponent's array. Although the formation is strong, it is defenseless under the formation. After the Tuxing disciples opened the cave, Guo Haiming sent several people who were extremely agile, holding the poisonous smoke of the Demon Sect, and released them at the cave under the formation. Li Rifei and others in the formation did not know the secret until they smelled poisonous smoke, but their bodies were no longer at the command and could only sit and wait for death.

After destroying the other party's two arrays in a row, Guo Haiming expected that the opponent's defense was fine, so he led the army to continue to move in the direction of the camp.

Sure enough, as Guo Haiming expected, Linglong, the coach of Qiankunmen's base camp, had just heard from his disciples that Xiang Changtang and Li Rifei had unfortunately died. He suddenly vomited blood and fainted several times. He was carried back to the back of Qiankunmen disciples and his wife beside him. The demon coalition killed for a while, and a camp that had just arrived at night was taken away by Guo Haiming.

Linglong took advantage of her sober plan to quickly send people back to Qingfeng Mountain Qiankun Gate, and asked the leader Song Yunzi to send someone to defend again.

Wenbifeng Wuji Pavilion.

Han Rui and the man in blood had already prepared and were about to ask Xifeng's permission to go to Tianyou County for emergency treatment, but they happened to see Wu Tian, who went out to work, standing in the Wuji Pavilion Hall at this time, saying something with Xifeng.

"The sky is back, and this is just right!" Thinking about how to persuade his brother to agree, he suddenly saw that Wulaw had returned, and the man in blood hurried forward.

"Disciples heard that the Demon Sect coalition has arrived in Tianyou County and fought with the immortal disciples stationed there. Can that be the case?" Seeing the man in blood and Han Rui coming, Wu Tian turned around and looked at the man in blood and asked.

"Yes, the Mozong coalition has occupied more than half of Tianyou County a few days ago. Because you are not in the door, we did not go to support. Now, now that you have come back, let's go immediately. The man in blood said with an excited face. He has wanted to participate in the battle between the disciples of the Demon Sect for a long time, but it has never been realized. I don't want to let go of this opportunity now, I hurriedly said.

"Okay, since Tianer has come back, the three of you will take more than 20 disciples to support Tianyou County. Remember, don't stick to it. If you are really unprevent, then give in and ask for something else. Xi Feng said worriedly, but he was afraid that several important disciples under the door would be injured and had to remind him.

"Brother, please rest assured that if I am here, I will definitely ensure the safety of Tian'er and Rui'er." Seeing that Xi Feng was so worried, the man in blood turned his head to look at Wu Tian and Han Rui, and said resolutely.

"That's good. This is the disaster of my immortal sect, and everyone should contribute. Since the man in blood said so, Xifeng couldn't say anything more, but after thinking about it, he said to Han Rui and the man in blood.

"You don't need to worry about Xiao Linger and Xiaodie. Since I promised you, they are naturally injured." Fearing that Han Rui and the man in blood would miss the two injured people on the battlefield, they hurriedly reminded them to comfort them.

When the cultivation of the two people in the fight is almost the same, if one party has something else in mind, they can't fight wholeheartedly and suffer a lot. In order to dispel their concerns, Xifeng said a little boldly. But after thinking about it, no one in the door can save the lives of Xiao Linger and Xiaodie.

Then Han Rui, the blood-clad man and the lawless three and several Wujige disciples each left Wenbifeng on the colorful spirit bird and quickly flew in the direction of Tianyou County. All three of them have been to Tianyou County and are very familiar with the road and direction. The colorful supernatural birds only fly quickly. In half a day, everyone has reached the place where the disciples of the immortal sect in Tianyou County were killed.

More than a hundred people on the ground kept releasing various magic tricks, and waves of colors were reflected in the air, and the sound of injury and shouting was endless.

"Don't hurt my immortal disciples." Seeing a tall demon disciple knock down a defending immortal disciple with only three fists and two feet, and the long sword in his hand was about to assassinate the other party. Suddenly, he shouted in the air, and then a man in black Confucian clothes flew down. With the man's fall, there was a purple lightning. That man is the elder of Wuji Pavilion, the man in blood who came here to support this time.

The purple lightning suddenly landed, and the tall demon disciple was directly hit on the chest. He only felt the burning smell on his chest, and his back was violently hit, and then vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Thank you for your help." The rescued man felt that he was about to die this time, but he was suddenly rescued and hurriedly thanked the other party. Then he stroked the long sword in his hand and jumped forward again to block the large number of Mozong allied troops rushing over without any fear.

Such a scene was completely seen by Han Rui and Wu Tian in the air, and they were immediately admired. Then the two also fell one after another, and the staff in their hands were stimulated, and the magic formulas were released, constantly hitting the Mozong coalition that came like a tide.

The disciples of the Immortal Sect, who could not stop the invasion of the demonic army, suddenly saw several people falling in the air. As soon as they fell to the ground, they kept killing. The situation suddenly changed slightly, and they immediately cheered up, waved the magic weapon in their hands, jumped forward, and fought with those Demon disciples.

After a while of fighting, the situation became more and more unfavorable to the Demon Alliance. Guo Haiming did not know who the other party came from. The originally morale was suddenly killed by the other party, which was much more chaotic. I thought that I would get the place in front of me before night, but it was impossible to look at it at this time. Then he issued an order to order the Mozong allied forces to gradually retreat to the position of the camp where Ren Longfei was located.

Seeing the retreat of the Mozong coalition, Han Rui and other immortal disciples did not pursue them. The other party's strength is obviously too strong to be forced, so we have to take a long-term perspective.

At this time, although Linglong was seriously injured, she still remained in the array. Hearing that three masters suddenly came to support, they sent someone to invite them. Han Rui, Wu Tian and the man in blood saw that the Mozong coalition did not dare to attack for a while, so they turned to the camp and met the commander of Xianzong.

"It's you, hehe, I don't think it's you who are so brave. Since you are here, I Xianzong will not worry about defeating the Mozong coalition. As soon as Linglong looked up, she saw Han Rui walking in the front, and then saw the man in blood and the man. Suddenly, she was overjoyed and said with a happy face.

"I didn't expect that Linglong's predecessors were in town, and the younger generation had met their predecessors." Seeing that the deputy head of Qiankunmen was Linglong, Han Rui immediately saluted and said.

Then Wu Tian and the man in blood also saluted Linglong. Although the man in blood was the same as Linglong, he was jointly blocking the demon alliance at this time, but the coach was still the commander.

"When I came, I saw that many injured immortal disciples were here. Why didn't you send them back to recover from their injuries?" Thinking of several injured disciples I saw on the way here, the man in blood asked Linglong.

Linglong did not answer immediately, coughed a few times, and finally stood up. The body injury was serious. He just stood up straight and his legs trembled. Seeing this, Han Rui and Wutian couldn't help but be more cautious about the Mozong coalition, and such a powerful Linglong was forced to be so by the other party. However, the two did not know that Linglong was seriously injured, but it was caused by the inability to adjust the spiritual power in their bodies and their eagerness to attack their hearts.

"I was about to think about this, but I haven't been able to strategy for a long time. Those injured disciples can't return to the Central Plains on their own and need someone to protect them. But at present, the number of the demon army is large, and there are many extraordinary people. These disciples in the array can't stop them. How can they withdraw to escort the injured disciples? After saying that, Linglong sighed and shook her head.

"Hasn't other immortal sects sent people yet?" The man in blood asked puzzledly. Although the three of them had just arrived, they didn't expect that the other doors had not sent anyone to come.

"Shang Yu, the fire walker in the door, has notified all the immortal sects. I'm afraid it will take time even if he comes. I have sent my disciples back to report to the head brother. As long as we can resist for a moment, the reinforcements will definitely come. Hearing such doubts from the man in blood, Linglong explained. After saying that, she coughed a few times, and a disciple next to her hurried over and helped Linglong back to sit back.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the demon coalition attacked again."

Just as the man in blood asked about other matters again, a disciple suddenly ran in outside the door and reported in a panic.