Fairy Stone

Chapter 220 Anyang assists 1

After dealing with his sister Xia Shuangxue and the little girl who was saved by him at the door, Han Rui safely left Wuji Pavilion in a giant colored supernatural bird, left Wen Bifeng, and flew towards Anyang City.

Previously, Han Rui also heard about the direction of the Mozong coalition's attack. Anyang City is the most important and largest city in the Central Plains. If even Anyang City can't be stationed, I'm afraid that the whole Central Plains will immediately belong to the Mozong Alliance. Therefore, all disciples of Xianzong will try their best to guard Anyang City. As for the small towns on the edge of Anyang City, the disciples of Xianzong and the allied forces of the Demon Sect became a seesaw, constantly robbing and losing each other, and then robbing them after losing them.

Han Rui, who was holding a colorful supernatural bird, flew for about half a day and came to a small town in the west of Anyang City. Since the allied forces of Mozong attacked the Central Plains, the town has suddenly become much more desolate. Many people feel that their lives are difficult to protect and can't make money. So those towns declined very quickly. Seeing that it was still such a big town, only a few people were walking on the street, and they seemed listless and nervous, and their eyes kept looking around. Once they found something abnormal, they opened their legs and began to escape desperately.

Han Rui turned around to stop the only few celebrities to inquire about the current situation near Anyang City. Those people saw that Han Rui was a repairman and were already scared to death. How could they dare to get close? When they saw Han Rui staring at him or walking towards him, they had already abandoned everything on his body and spread it away. Run with your legs. Han Rui was also inconvenient to catch up, but shouted a few words loudly, "Don't run away. I'm a disciple of Xianzong Wuji Pavilion. I just want to inquire about the situation around Anyang City." But no one paid attention to him at all, and no one understood or understood what Han Rui wanted to do when he fell to the ground, because those people were really too scared.

"It seems that I can't ask here. I can't find out what's going on. I'd better go directly to Anyang City to ask." Han Rui said to himself with some disappointment. Looking at the bustling street that should have been noisy not far away, Han Rui could no longer be lonely. Han Rui couldn't say how to express the scene in front of him. Then he rode the giant colorful supernatural bird and continued to fly towards Anyang City. When he flew up and looked down, he saw more than a dozen people suddenly coming out of the ground, looking up and secretly staring at themselves. After that, people said something in private.

"It seems that they regarded me as a demon coalition that harmed them. If we don't drive all the Mozong coalition forces out of the Central Plains this time, I, Han Rui, will just practice. Han Rui said angrily, and then accelerated the urging of the colorful supernatural birds to fly faster.

"Anyang City is not far away, and it is far away. When you enter the city, you can know the situation around here." Just as Han Rui was preparing to enter Anyang City, he suddenly felt a strong spiritual fluctuation behind him. Han Rui didn't have time to dodge and hurried to recite the spell. The giant colorful supernatural bird suddenly disappeared, and Han Rui's body also fell from the air.

Then Han Rui's hand appeared a real martial arts stick, and Wuji Pavilion's defense mind protection was unfolded at the same time, forming a huge yellow mask outside his body to completely protect himself.