Fairy Stone

Introduction to the cultivation of Fairy Stone

In the world of fairy stones, the cultivation of practitioners:

It is divided into ninefold from low to high, respectively:

Introduction, agility, Xiaocheng, breaking dawn, mastery, into the marrow, thoughts, heartless, no delusion;

There are four levels, which are:

Sword cultivation, local area, immortality, gods and demons

The four levels include nine-fold cultivation, that is to say, the nine-fold cultivation above is included in the sword cultivation. After practicing to the realm of no delusion, you can reach the next level after passing the disaster.

For example: practitioners are at the beginning of the sword cultivation level, and they can be cultivated from the beginning to the realm of no delusion. After passing a great disaster, they can reach the entry level of the local level. After that, they can still go from the beginning to practice to no delusion. After the double disaster, they can step into the level of immortality, and so on.

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