Fairy Stone

Chapter 67 Anshui Exorcizing Demons

Anshui Lake is located in the north of Anyang City. Not everyone has been there. Only some fishermen who want to catch more and larger fish will risk their lives to go there. Because there are often demons in Anshui Lake, especially recently, there has been a lot of turmoil in the world, and human beings who go to Anshui Lake are even rarer.

Among the three masters that Shi Wuzun asked Han Rui to invite, there was a man named Song Shishi living in the Anshui Lake area. It is unknown what she is for, but she lives there, and she is also the only woman in the four-person group mentioned by Shi Wuzun at that time.

Hearing the three masters from Shi Wuzun, Han Rui secretly thought that all three of them were the same as Shi Wuzun, about 50 years old, because he killed the cultivation demon. The demon of the law was decades ago, although I don't know exactly how many years ago. But the sound from the cave just helped relieve the siege and confusion of the demons, and the sound from the cave sounded like a young girl in her twenties, and the woman called herself Song Shishi. Han Rui had to be stunned again.

Han Rui hurriedly turned around and looked inside along the door of the cave, although it was dark and could not be seen for any reason.

"What, do you have any questions about the young hero?"

The young and sweet girl's voice came out of the cave again, and Han Rui even doubted whether the speaker inside was Song Shishi he was looking for.

"Oh, I take the liberty to ask, is the person who speaks in the cave the predecessor Song Shishi?" Han Rui still asked the confusion in his heart.

"Ha ha, I dare not be a senior, but my name is Song Shishi. I don't know what the young hero is looking for me?" The sweet voice came out again, and Han Rui looked into the cave and saw no one come out.

"Oh, Elder Song, I was entrusted by the elder Wu Zun. I specially asked the senior to come out of the mountain to help kill the demon. Fa Huikong's. After the other party confirmed his identity, Han Rui hurried to say his purpose.

"Oh, did Shi Wuzun ask you to come here? Well, that's right, it's indeed Shi Wuzun. The woman in the cave continued.

"It's indeed Shi Wuzun. What does this mean?" Han Rui was a little puzzled. When he just went to Shejingshan to look for Shuang Yehong, the other party also directly knew the intention of his released Wu Zun. At this time, the same is Song Shishi. No wonder there was some special mark on his body. So he went around to check what was wrong with his body.

"Haha, you don't have to look for it. I know the doubts in your heart. If you can come to Anshui Lake to find me, you must have got the news from Shejingshan Shuangyehong. The woman in the cave smiled and asked Han Rui.

"Yes, but the younger generation still has something to understand. How did the senior and the senior Shuangyehong find that the younger generation was released from Wu Zun?" Since the other party is not so difficult to speak, just solve your doubts first.

"Well, that's it. Decades ago, Shi Wuzun killed the cultivation demons with the three of us. In order to ensure that everyone is safe when killing the demon, they exchanged their own spiritual power with each other. At that time, Shi Wuzun was our captain, so we knew Shi Wuzun's anger very well. And when I first saw you, I found that you had Shi Wuzun's anger. Presumably, Shi Wuzun was afraid that we would not believe what you said and deliberately left it on you as evidence. The woman in the cave talked and relieved the doubts in Han Rui's heart.

"So that's it. In this way, the predecessor is the Song Shishi I'm looking for. I don't know if the predecessor can help me get rid of the same cultivation demon. Where is Fa Huikong?" Since the other party confirmed his identity, Han Rui asked the other party to hit the iron while it was hot.

"It's okay to go, but you see, now that my cave has been repeatedly attacked by demons, I'm afraid that these prohibitions I set will be destroyed in a short time. Do you understand what I mean? The woman in the cave still did not appear, but there were some meanings in the words that Han Rui felt.

"It turns out that she is worried about her cave." Han Rui thought for a moment and guessed the meaning of Song Shishi's words.

"It's just that the younger generation really don't understand why the seniors are in this demonic Anshui Lake?" Han Rui continued to ask.

"There are some things that I can't understand without personal experience. Just think about why I want to practice in this Anshui Lake. I can't say it clearly, but I just feel that I should practice here." The woman in the cave said something to herself, and Han Rui was even more confused.

"Well, since the senior decided to defend the cave, the younger generation will go to kill the surrounding demons, but after killing the demons will come back. I hope that during this period, the senior can repair the prohibition, and the younger generation can only delay the time for the demons to destroy here." After Han Rui finished speaking, he turned around and walked in the direction of the demons who had just fled.

"Oh, why? It's not you here. You occupy my cave and pretend to be me. What can you get? Even if he can guard this cave for the time being, but what about the future? Another person's voice suddenly appeared in the cave, which was also a woman, but her voice was full of an old and powerless feeling.

"Then don't worry about it. As long as I avoid this disaster, I have my own way to resume my cultivation. At that time, I will also leave here, and you can also continue your repair." The sweet voice talking with Han Rui suddenly became a little strong and said to the old voice around him.

"Well, everything is a causal cycle, and there must be cause and effect." After the old voice said this, there was no sound.

Han Rui quickly caught up with the demons who had just escaped. They did not escape, but hid at a distance from the cave, as if waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. Han Rui couldn't wait for them. After seeing the demons, he directly waved the ghost sword and changed his body. After a few magic formulas, those demons who had just escaped were poisoned again and all died under Han Rui's men. After cleaning up the demons here, Han Rui rushed to the other side again, searched in the same carpet style, and cleaned up all the demons that could quickly reach the cave. Fortunately, he did not encounter powerful demons all the way, otherwise it would not have been so easy and fast.

When searching for no more demons in dozens of miles outside the cave, Han Rui turned around and returned to the cave. Han Rui, who was rushing back, always couldn't calm down. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find anything wrong. Just don't think about it and rush back directly. After Song Shishi sets up the prohibition, he can go back to Shi Wuzun and prepare to gather everyone to kill Huikong.

Just as Han Rui was about to arrive at the cave, he suddenly found a man in black standing outside the cave. From afar, the man in black seemed to be extremely powerful, and the spiritual power around his body was slowly sucked into the man's body at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seemed that the man in black was going to launch a powerful mind.

" Stop, don't destroy the prohibition at the door of the cave!" After shouting, Han Rui flew down to the man.

When he saw the man's face, Han Rui was stunned and almost fell the ghost sword in his hand to the ground.