Xianxing City

Chapter 11 Assassin

He Xiaozhuo saw that in order to protect himself, He Xiaoqing did not hesitate to fight against each other with his own body and dragged him back to death. His heart couldn't help but boil, surprise, gratitude, guilt, indignation, pain... all came to his heart. Is this Chang Xiaoqing? Is this Chang Xiaoqing, who has always thought he was a cold-blooded demon? Is that Chang Xiaoqing who has been neglected and expelled by himself? The Chang Xiaoqing who killed Mr. Zhang's family? How much true love is there in the world? Who will sacrifice himself at the juncture of your life? Who will still fall in love with you after your repeated indifference? Who will not ask if you care and still be infatuated with you? Mother, maybe only mother. But she just called her mother with the acquiescence of the old man. How could she not make He Xiaozhuo excited when she made such sacrifices for herself? Regret and guilt arise spontaneously. Was I too cruel to Chang Xiaoqing in the past? And is there any other factor in my coldness towards Chang Xiaoqing besides its cruelty and cold-blooded to Mr. Zhang's family? Isn't it because Chang Xiaoqing is just a snake and he is a human being, so he has always had a grudge? But how many people will try to save the feelings in the world like Chang Xiaoqing for his adopted son of human beings? Along the way, He Xiaozhuo saw more human coldness, indifference and ruthlessness. Beggars everywhere, orphans living on the streets, among the people in the bustling city, they are so dazzling, lonely and helpless. Who will help them? He Xiaozhuo's mind still flashed in a dilapidated construction site where two women who picked up rags were forced to kneel on the ground and beaten by the construction site personnel. Is this the true feelings between human beings? He Xiaozhuo was at a loss and felt even more helpless. Therefore, when Chang Xiaoqing rescued himself for the first time, He Xiaozhuo began to shock the coldness of the snake spirit Chang Xiaoqing. He Xiaozhuo remembered that the old man said to himself that true love can penetrate everything, and hatred can freeze everything. The power of both is boundless.

"Xiaozhuo, come on...go..." The sad voice rope touched He Xiaozhuo's heart. Seeing Chang Xiaoqing spewing out another mouthful of blood, He Xiaozhuo couldn't help it anymore. He opened his eyes angrily and went straight to death with a stick.

A clear light flashed, and He Xiaozhuo hit an inexplicable wave and quickly flew back...

On the smoke-covered battlefield, the old man felt a flash of light and hurriedly condensed his defense, but because his body was entangled by Chang Xiaoqing, the fastest defense speed was still greatly reduced. Fortunately, Qingguang did not attack himself, but at a distance of about a foot.

Chang Xiaoqing roared and lowered his struggling head. There was a knife more than an inch long in his neck, which was cold and piercing.

As soon as the light dispersed, President Li suddenly arrived. While raising his hand, Chang Xiaoqing's white soul bag was in hand.

"Who is it?" The old man was furious. If he hadn't been entangled by Chang Xiaoqing, this person would not have been so easily. And who dares to stir up the water in front of my immortality and make a fisherman profit when he is entangled by immortality? It's simply that Taisui's head is moving, and the old man's murderous machine suddenly rises.

"Old man, I have seen Uncle Li Lanqi." President Li bowed slowly.

"Li Lanqi? Uncle?" The old monk couldn't figure it out. However, President Li didn't wait for his question and immediately explained:

"Uncle, I am a registered disciple of the ecstasy. I just saw that my uncle was entangled by the snake spirit, so he took action. I didn't want to make a fool of my uncle. The ecstasy is the sixth of the twelve scattered people of the ghost * Yin * door, and the old immortality ranks eighth. President Li's call made him unable to help but have nothing to say. Twelve scattered people have always done their own things. Whoever receives any apprentice is like an immortal apprentice, and they never ask each other. Today, Li Lanqi said that he was Lao Liu's apprentice, and it was difficult to tell whether it was true or false for a while.

Originally, when I saw someone dared to grab food in his plate, he had a murderer for a long time, but now after hearing Dean Li's words, it's really hard to attack. This boy is fine, but after all, Lao Liu's face can't be torn off casually. Moreover, the boy's words in front of him were watertight. Obviously, he took advantage of my carelessly being entangled by the demon snake and robbed me of the snake spirit that I was about to get, and he was fucking beautiful: 'Seeing my uncle entangled by the snake spirit, so I took action. I don't want to make a fool of my uncle.' Lao Yi felt uncomfortable, but in addition to swearing, he was really clumsy. For a moment, he just wanted to slap the bastard in front of him.

How shrewd President Li is. As soon as he handed over his hands, he held Chang Xiaoqing's soul to the old immortal. "Old man, I borrowed flowers to present Buddha here. It's the first time for my nephew to meet and honor your filial piety."

The old man's face turned cloudy and clear. You should know that this is the soul of a hundred-year-old snake spirit. You can eat it and practice it by yourself. It is easy to break through the fifth weight of the ghost. If it hadn't been for today's snake spirit, it would have been difficult to meet for thousands of years. Naturally, if you don't die, you will be in full bloom.

"Good boy, that's good. Not bad." The old man was overjoyed. He quickly took the white soul to his hand, played with his hands carefully, and still said:

"Good boy, not bad, no...ah--" The old man couldn't go on. There was a tingling pain in his heart and quickly jumped back. When he landed, there was another burst of angina pectoris. Looking down, the blood flowed out along his chest, with a knife more than an inch in the center, cold and tinging.

"Cold Moon Cold Knife! You..." The old man shivered his lips and pointed to Dean Li. Dean Li's sudden plot really surprised him. Otherwise, how could others get close to him casually? In fact, he was too close to Dean Li, but the most important thing was that he was so fascinated by the soul of the snake spirit that he forgot the existence of Dean Li for a moment.

Dean Li also took advantage of the immortality of the sneak attack. In fact, Dean Li had already been ambushed in the woods, but it was not in a hurry to lean forward. The powerful information flow told himself that there was a top master lurking in the woods, so he just observed the movement far behind and waited for Chang Xiao. When Qing and the old man fought fiercely, they quietly slipped up and suddenly took action when they were entangled by Chang Xiaoqing. On the one hand, they used the big * method to capture He Xiaozhuo out of the circle, and his appearance could not be discovered by He Xiaozhuo. On the other hand, he first plotted Chang Xiaoqing to win the favor of the old immortality before facing the old man. This move is really good and unexpected. The most terrible thing is that there is still poison prepared by Dean Li himself on the flying knife. Seeing the old immortal twitching and falling to the ground, President Li couldn't help laughing gloomily:

"If you don't die, I think you're an old fool. Is it so easy to get it? Do you believe that I said that I am a disciple of free and scattered people? If you hadn't shouted so happily that you were immortal, I really didn't know that you were immortal. Did you send it to your door? Yes, it's the cold moon knife among you, the magic weapon that kills you, hahaha..."

"You...is..." Before the old words were finished, his eyes turned, his legs were kicked, his head was crooked, and he died. A spiritual light flew up, and the white soul ball was about to escape in panic. President Li didn't allow him to slip away. Between raising his hand, the soul ball had been caught in his hand. He took out a black metal bottle, opened the lid, and put the soul ball into it. The poor old man always has the ability. Once he loses his body, the soul ball is like a The newborn fetus can only be slaughtered by others. Chang Xiaoqing's snake spirit also could not escape bad luck and was included in the metal bottle by Dean Li.

President Li suddenly remembered something, bent down and began to turn over the immortal body, and finally found a small yellow notebook close to him. Three ancient seal characters were faintly visible: ghosts scattered. I found it, I found it!" Dean Li couldn't help laughing wildly at the sky: "Don't die, don't die, this is what you sent to your door, haha...haha..."

President Li is full of ambition. He didn't expect that the harvest was so rich today. The upper part of the ghost scattering secret he was looking for was finally found today. It's really hard to break the iron shoes without any effort. Not to mention, the old immortal soul and the snake spirit of the snake spirit are rare treasures in the world. One is the fruit of a thousand years of cultivation, and the other is the snake spirit that has never been encountered in a hundred years. If it hadn't been for the two sides of the battle, I wouldn't have dared to dream of anything. Needless to say, the hundred-year-old snake spirit himself met , is also going to escape. Now with these two treasures, it is not only a general help for my cultivation, but also a great help. If the two are refined into your own self-defense weapon, how many fights you can stand in the future?

President Li is not whims. Once the soul ball is controlled, it can only be at the mercy of others, just like being captured. Because the defense and combat effectiveness of the soul itself are very weak, but its thinking and IQ are still there, so once the master forces it to say something, such as the method of cultivation, it rarely dares to resist. The small life is manipulated in the hands of others. Once the soul ball is cast by the master, it will be completely extinguished. If you meet the immoral master again and use magic to seal the soul ball, you will never have a chance to turn over and see the sun again. The consequences may be more miserable than going to hell. From another perspective, the soul ball is just a soul without a body, but through magic, the soul ball can be used as a certain entity as the body, and the soul ball can be killed like a body. Because it has wisdom and magic cultivation, it can be used as a weapon and its lethality can be imagined. . However, because its body is supplied by the owner, although it has a body, it is different from the original real body. At this time, the body is controlled by the owner, just like a robot, which is powered up and can do things that manpower can't do, but as soon as the power is turned off, it immediately becomes a pile of scrap metal. Therefore, the soul ball as a weapon is like a robot remotely controlled by its owner. This is more horrible than eating the soul ball. Because of this, its cultivation method has always been shameful by the practice world. Once such practitioners are found, they will not be accommodated by their peers.

Dean Li doesn't care about this. If you fail, you will be a thief. In the end, you have to rely on your fist to speak, regardless of where your fist power comes from. This is President Li's creed.

After finding a secluded place and burying the bodies of immortality, Chang Xiaoqing and two hooks, President Li breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, Dean Li took out a yellow charm, shook it, took a breath, lit it with the wind, and threw it into the air. Then sped away. After passing, there was a silence. The traces of having come, including He Xiaozhuo's, the immortal, Chang Xiaoqing, and the traces of the baby's second hook, etc., all disappeared after that symbol.

Later, the ghost * Yin * door found that the old immortality mysteriously disappeared. He sent many forces to investigate everywhere, but there was no result for a long time. I can't help but ask Dean Li to be thoughtful today. Of course, this is a later story.