Xianxing City

Chapter 14 Echatics

The two walked all the way. Zhang Tie revealed the secret all the way. He Xiaozhuo studied all the way and unconsciously reached a crossroads. Zhang Tie looked up and pointed to a small garden in the distance and said, "It's almost there. Just go through this garden. I don't know if this boy has good wine at home.

"It seems that you like wine very much." He Xiaozhuo asked with a smile.

"Well, wine is food, and it's a sin not to drink it. It's just that the wine in this world is getting worse and worse.


"This good wine is getting harder and harder to get. More and more people who can flow to the world are fake wine. It's a pity that the big rivers and lakes could have a little loose liquor at first, but later this loose white dry was also blended, and then the blended white wine would be good if it weren't for fake wine.

"Where is the real wine?"

"Really?" Zhang Tie was stunned, "Is it true? Yes, they all go to the swindler's door. Then pour out the fake wine.

"Does the swindler still pour wine?" He Xiaozhuo opened his mouth in surprise.

"Of course, if not, how can I say that the liar is the most grandior now?" Zhang Tieyi also learned from He Xiaozhuo to stare exaggeratedly.

"Is the door of liars the most grand?" He Xiaozhuo was even more surprised.

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Tieyi finally couldn't help laughing. Xiaozhuo, the liar is just a small sect in the world. Compared with the big deception in the world, it is a small witch, but this big witch is better at pretending its facade.

"Who is the big witch?"

"Big witch, you'll know when you grow up." Zhang Tieyi didn't want to go any further, but looked at a building door in the distance.

He Xiaozhuo followed his eyes, where there were three people talking about something. The three are all women. One is an old lady in her sixties, and the other two are women in their 30s and 40s. It seems that the old lady lives near here, and the two women are in the same group and are asking the old lady something.

"What's wrong?" He Xiaozhuo looked at Zhang Tieyi in surprise. He could see a curious expression on Zhang Tieyi's face, and at the same time, he was as excited as a hunter found his prey.

Zhang Tie waved his hand and pulled He Xiaozhuo aside, "Xiaozhuo, do you want to see a play?"

"Is there another play?" He Xiaozhuo looked at Zhang Tieyi in surprise.

"This guarantee is a good show." Zhang Tieyi smiled mysteriously.

Of course, it depends. Children are already curious.

Zhang Tie led him and the fool quietly to the downstairs opposite the building where the three women were, and then quietly touched the flower pond between the two floors, where there were more than half-human-high tree walls and big trees that could be hidden.

He Xiaozhuo saw that the two women were selling something to the old lady, and the old lady was hesitating.

For a long time, the old lady said, "Can you let me see if it's real or fake?" Talking straight at the door and looking at the cloth pocket of the woman wearing a black jacket.

"Okay, but be careful, we don't want people to see it." The woman said mysteriously. After saying that, the woman in jeans winced, and the woman in jeans circled behind the old lady.

At this time, the woman in a black jacket carefully opened the lid and took something from it, but only took half of it, which was not fully exposed. The old lady rushed past her face and looked carefully.

He Xiaozhuo saw a yellow thing exposed in the pocket of a woman in a black jacket, which could be the size of a child's fist, but he was too far away to see what it was.

The old lady carefully took the thing in her hand, played with it seriously, and finally bit it with her teeth. He Xiaozhuo didn't notice that the woman in jeans who had circled behind him had taken out a handkerchief at this time. It seemed to be very hot, so she fanned the wind with that handkerchief. He Xiaozhuo was very strange that it was not that hot.

"Don't worry, old lady, this is what we just dug from the construction site, unless it's fake when buried in," the woman in the black jacket said to the old lady in a low voice, "If we hadn't been eager to use money, we wouldn't have taken it out to sell it!"

It seems to be selling such a thing to an old lady, but what is it? He Xiaozhuo is very puzzled why selling things is so mysterious.

"Xiaozhuo, can you figure out which floor the old lady lives on?" Zhang Tie said to He Xiaozhuo in a small voice.

After a burst of silence, He Xiaozhuo began to calculate.

"Unit 12." While calculating, He Xiaoyao saw that Unit 3 was away from the two doors of the old lady.

Zhang Tieyi quickly took out a pill from his pocket and gave it to He Xiaozhuo, which was a black pill. He Xiaozhuo thought of the big Chinese medicine pill that his grandfather often took in the village. This one is very similar to that, but it is definitely not the same ingredient. His current experience has made him clear that there are really a lot of such things in the world.

"Go ahead, scratch this pill from the three-unit door on the wall until door 12, scratch the rest of the pill from the lock to a person's high position, and then come down." Zhang Tieyi mysteriously told He Xiaozhuo that He Xiaozhuo understood that although the answer had not been revealed yet, he could feel that Zhang Tieyi was hinting the answer to himself. At this moment, he is convinced of Zhang Tieyi's experience in the world.

He Xiaozhuo carefully left the bushes, holding the pill in his hand and returned to the opposite side of the old lady's building, and then generously walked to Unit 3 of the old lady's building. According to Zhang Tieyi, as soon as he entered the door, he put the pill against the wall and walked upstairs to the fourth floor. No. 12 is the door next to it. There is only one half of the pill left, scratching on the lock hole, and then going straight up, really scratching to a high position, that is, raising his hand to a position that can no longer be scratched, which is the limit of what he can do. After doing it, he turned around and went downstairs with satisfaction.

But just as he walked to the second floor, the voices of two women came downstairs, "Yes, go upstairs and go home." It's the voice of the woman in jeans.

"Yes, go upstairs and go home." It turned out to be the old lady's voice.

Turning the stairs, He Xiaozhuo saw the old lady walking up sluggishly with a bunch of keys in her hand. She saw that she was still walking straight, as if she hadn't seen it. If she hadn't avoided it in time, the old lady would have hit her arms and had no intention of hiding. And the two women followed the old lady one after the other, followed by a woman in a jacket and looked back from time to time. Seeing He Xiaozhuo coming downstairs, they nervously stared at He Xiaozhuo and found that He Xiaozhuo was just a child. After being stunned, he returned to calmly follow the old lady upstairs.

Zhang Tieyi was leisurely taking a cold in the shade of the tree, and He Xiaozhuo returned to him.

"I met them when I went downstairs just now. Why do I think there is something wrong with the old lady?" He Xiaozhuo asked Zhang Tieyi doubtfully.

Zhang Tie half squinted his eyes and cut his nose with one hand, "What's wrong?"

"The old lady is obsessed, as if she has been evil."

"What evil?" Zhang Tieyi took a piece of something out of his nose, and his middle finger and forefinger bounced, and a ball of things bounced on the leaves one meter away.

"I'm asking you!" He Xiaozhuo said anxiously, "Have you been given any means by those two women?"

"What means?" Zhang Tieyi answered one by one.

"I won't ask." He Xiaozhuo simply turned his face aside, put his knees in his arms, and rushed his back to Zhang Tieyi. He already knew that Zhang Tieyi deliberately embarrassed himself. The more curious he was, the more Zhang Tieyi would be to sell the key at this moment. Zhang Tieyi had seen how to sell the gate like that young man, so the more anxious he was at this time, the more he fell. Enter Zhang Tieyi's trap, so the best way now is not to ask. At that time, Zhang Tieyi will "not fight himself".

When Zhang Tie saw He Xiaozhuo like this, he couldn't help but secretly enjoy it. As soon as he closed his eyes, he simply did a leisurely nap.

"Come on! Come on! Catch the bad guys! Hurry up and catch the bad guys!"

A woman's shrill shout suddenly broke the tranquility of the small building, and also broke the dreams of Zhang Tieyi and He Xiaozhuo. The two opened their eyes together and followed the sound. The voice came from the fourth floor of Unit 3, because an old lady had rushed to the balcony, half of her body leaned out of the window, and shouted excitedly downstairs. It was the old lady downstairs that He Xiaozhuo had just seen.

Then, a panicked footsteps came, and the two women ran out of the door in panic, one in a black jacket and the other in jeans. But they had nowhere to escape, and a police car arrived sooner or later...

"Why did the police come in such a timely manner? Is it you..." He Xiaozhuo looked at Zhang Tieyi in surprise, and when Zhang Tie saw He Xiaozhuo looking at him, he deliberately threw his head aside with a look of disdain.

He Xiaozhuo couldn't help but have fun. Suddenly, he felt that Zhang Tieyi was really lovely Zhang Tieyi.

"Poor world is always greedy." Zhang Tieyi finally sighed and said the story.

"Of course, the two women are liars, and the things in their pockets are the legendary gold ingots. They lied that they were migrant workers. They dug an ancient tomb while working on the construction site and found it, but they could not sell it publicly, because it was illegal, and the cultural relics excavated from the ground would belong to the state. So he secretly hid it, which is very much in line with human affairs, right? You are so moved by the first step.

"In the second step, she will say that her family is sick. It may be her father or her mother. In short, she is very sick and needs money, so she took this thing out and sold it. Very touching, isn't it? But I don't dare to sell it publicly, so I met your aunt today. If you want to buy it, I will sell it to you, but don't say anything!"

"The old lady thinks it's a big opportunity to pick up a cheap one. I can kill the price and go home at a good price. If I can buy a house through this golden ingot, it can solve the big marriage problem of my son. You know, the house price is so expensive now! In this way, the old lady began to take the initiative to drill into the trap of the swindler.

"But the most powerful thing is the third step, ecze. The woman in jeans's handkerchief was not fanning, but fanning the old lady with the ecze in the handkerchief. After breathing, the old lady would be poisoned. She would obey other people's orders in a daze. She would do whatever she asked her to do and take the two women home, not only to withdraw money, but also to take all the valuable things in the family-- Cash, jewelry, and even bank passwords are all told..."

"What about your pills?" He Xiaozhuo looked at Zhang Tieyi hesitantly.