Xianxing City

Chapter 12 Go to the appointment

The bell... The phone suddenly rang.

He Xiaozhuo was stunned. Since he moved in on the first night, the phone had never rang.

"Hello, who are you?" He Xiaozhuo picked up the phone.

"Are you He Xiaozhuo?" A familiar man's voice came.

is Zhang San. He Xiaozhuo heard it immediately.

"That's right. I'm He Xiaozhuo and Zhang San. Last time I let you run away, I will catch you sooner or later." He Xiaozhuo said excitedly.

"Hey, I know you've been looking for me. I told you that I'm in Room 202 of the Shelter Teahouse at 137 Xifang Road. If you have the guts, come to me." Zhang San also said viciously at the other end of the phone, and then hung up the phone.

"Fool, wait for me here first, and I'll be back." He Xiaozhuo told the fool anxiously that He Xiaozhuo looked very excited when he got the news of Zhang San. But he also knew that Zhang San dared to call directly to tell himself where he lived. There was either any support or a trap, but he was bold. At this time, He Xiaozhuo did not pay attention to these at all.

The fool shook his head unexpectedly and grabbed He Xiaozhuo. Obviously, he disagreed with He Xiaozhuo's decision.

He Xiaozhuo looked around in embarrassment. Xiaomei hadn't come back yet. He was afraid that he would get lost by himself if he put the fool alone in the hotel. If he knew that except for the disappearance of the mine, if the master hadn't separated them after entering the mountain, he and the fool would have never been separated since they met. I had no choice but to pull the fool and run out of the door.

He Xiaozhuo quickly found the shelter teahouse at 137 Xifang Road and found that it was a street behind the main street, which was not big. Originally, there was an intersection leading to the main street, but now a skyscraper was built at the intersection to block the street, and it became a T-shaped alley. The shelter teahouse is an independent two-story building located near the intersection of the street. It was originally a golden area, but now it is blocked by skyscrapers. It has soon changed from the former traffic to the current deserted state in front of the door, but the green characters on the yellow plaque still vaguely reveal the dignity of the past.

On both sides of the road, there are small restaurants lined up, but there are not many customers, so it shows that it is very quiet. The teahouse is really a good place to avoid the wind. After watching the terrain, He Xiaozhuo couldn't help sighing that Zhang San is also an old man. Naturally, he also knows what kind of place to choose to avoid the wind.

After seeing that there was no abnormality around, He Xiaozhuo just wanted to go in and suddenly found that a black car suddenly drove in from another street. Because there were not many pedestrians and fewer vehicles on this street, as soon as the black car drove in, it immediately gave people a very eye-catching feeling, and because it was a very high-end small car. Although He Xiaozhuo doesn't know much about the car, with the luster of the car, he can still see that it is not an ordinary car. The black car went straight to the shelter teahouse and quietly stopped at the entrance. Two men in suits wearing sunglasses quickly jumped out of the car and rushed straight to the teahouse.

The keen feeling suddenly moved, and He Xiaozhuo already felt a murderous spirit in these two people. Who are they? Who are you here for? Will it have something to do with Zhang San and himself? With a few flashes, He Xiaozhuo's intuition told himself that at least these two people were related to Zhang San.

quietly released his consciousness and followed directly.

In the teahouse, the hostess in a white cheongsam saw someone coming to the door and hurried to greet her.

"Two gentlemen, let's have some...ah!" When he didn't finish speaking, his face suddenly turned pale and he was stunned.

Because a black muzzle was against her plump and protruding left chest, then a photo lit up in front of her.

"Where is this man?" The man with a gun asked in a low voice. The guests were drinking tea in the private room. At this moment, there were only two men and women in cheongsam in the hall.

The woman shook her head in panic. Rather than being professional and not wanting to tell the secrets of the guests, she was more frightened that he had not had time to see the guests with mouse eyes on the thin face under the iconic eight-character eyebrows in the photo for an hour. The hard muzzle of the gun pushed into the soft place another inch, and then twisted it left and right twice, and the woman twitched her white and tender face painfully.

"I can't guarantee that it will go out." The man said coldly.

"206." The woman bent down in pain. The man took the opportunity to slap, and the woman immediately fainted.

The two men rushed to Room 206 quickly, quickly occupied both sides of the door, listened carefully, and suddenly kicked the door open. There was only a tea table in the private room, the tea in the cup was still steaming, and the cigarette butts in the ashtray were still smoking. Obviously, the people inside had just left. The two men exchanged glances, and the two of them walked back to back in the corridor with two guns. I walked into the 205 room next door and kicked it away. It was empty.

Then quietly moved to Room 204 and kicked the door. Inside, a man with glasses hugged a red-lipped woman and was making out. Seeing the sudden change, the woman screamed and looked at the uninvited guest astonished as a man. The man with the gun put his middle finger on his mouth and booed gently. He politely pulled the door and searched the next private room.

Room 203 is still empty.

Room 202, as soon as I opened the door, suddenly there was a hoarse howl in the direction of the bathroom:

"Go to hell!"

With a bang, a fireball shot out of the room and slapped the person who kicked the door directly on the opposite wall. Then the thick black smoke rose, and the sheltered teahouse was quickly shrouded in fireworks.

Damn! He Xiaozhuo stamped his foot and fully understood that Zhang San let himself come to blow himself up, which was really vicious. What is hateful is that in order to blow himself up, Zhang San did not hesitate to explode in public places without thinking about hurting innocent people. Such people really can't be retained. But who are the two people looking for Zhang San with guns? They took a picture of Zhang San. Zhang San asked them to die, which shows that they are also enemies, and who will this enemy be? Why did you also come to kill Zhang San? How did you know that Zhang San was here?

Just when He Xiaozhuo was puzzled, a miracle appeared. In the fireworks teahouse, the door was kicked open, and a man in a suit came out with another man in a lame. He was fine. Sure enough, he was well trained. He just hid behind the wall when his accomplice kicked the door.

So they escaped the disaster, but non-professionals can't exchange their postures.

Who are they? Who can raise such a killer? Watching them leave by car first, He Xiaozhuo suddenly felt that from the hotel to Zhang San, to the Blue Moon nightclub, and then to the killers that appeared today, the wind and clouds surged behind it, which was not just a simple fraud and abduction. It seems that only by catching Zhang San first can we find out what's going on.

At present, he has quietly thrown himself into the burning teahouse. As soon as He Xiaozhuo entered the teahouse, a figure quickly fell from the second floor. Zhang San met on a narrow road. At the same time, Zhang San also found He Xiaozhuo, turned his head and ran away, plunged into the smoke on the second floor again.

"Where to run?" He Xiaozhuo shouted and tried to chase, but he found that his feet were sinking and his hands were holding his right foot tightly.

"Save me..." The painful moan came from the mouth of the cheongsam woman. She was knocked unconscious just now and woke up now, but she was shocked and beaten by others. She no longer had the ability to get up again and grabbed He Xiaozhuo's right foot and did not let go.

At this time, there was already thick smoke on the first floor, and on the second floor, the fire has spread. It is all wooden decorative materials. As soon as you see the fire, it is easy to burn. The originally small private room immediately closed the space after the fireworks. The people who had been frightened to death by the explosion were more like headless flies, bumping around. Coupled with the twists and turns of the corridor, they could not find a way out. For a moment, the sound of wailing for help filled them.

He Xiaozhuo could not think much about it. He picked up the cheongsam woman who was paralyzed on the ground, turned around and rushed out of the teahouse. After putting her in a safe place, he turned around and rushed into the teahouse again.

With a distant hand, a column of water has shot out from between the fingers and shot directly into the burning

The fire was immediately like a monster with teeth and claws. It was sealed in the throat with a sword and collapsed in an instant. Xuanbing swordsmanship, He Xiaozhuo didn't expect that the Xuanbing swordsmanship he and Master Six learned was used for the first time after coming out of the mountain to put out the fire. But in the thick smoke, people still howled and couldn't find a way out. In a hurry, He Xiaozhuo had to clean up a passage with Xuanbing sword qi, and then check whether there was anyone room by room, and took the people in the room one by one to escape through the passage cleaned by Xuanbing sword qi. With the help of He Xiaozhuo, people finally escaped from the burning teahouse.

But after this tossing and looking for Zhang San again, he had already disappeared.

The sharp cry of the fire engine has come from far to near, the red fire beads have flashed, and Mei's heart flame has quietly arrived.

"Xiaozhuo, why did you come here to put out the fire?" Mei Xinyan stared at He Xiaozhuo strangely.

"It's hard to say. I received a call from Zhang San, saying that he would wait for me here. He Xiaozhuo didn't know how to talk about it for a while.

"What about that three?" Mei Xinyan asked.

"Run away. He installed the bomb here, and then hid himself and waited for me to detonate it.

"You came to detonate?"

"Is it so easy for me not to be with your thousand-year-old elves?" He Xiaozhuo turned over Mei Xinyan and said, "Two mysterious people appeared and detonated by them. Xiaomei, let's go back and talk about this matter. Why did you come here?"

"I followed the girl and was walking back. When I saw the explosion here, I rushed over. I didn't expect you to be there."

He Xiaozhuo sighed helplessly:

"It's a pity that Zhang San ran away again."

"Run, just run." Mei Xinyan said unintentionally.

He Xiaozhuo looked at He Xiaozhuo in surprise.

"Because I found Zhang San's secret." Mei Xinyan said proudly.