Fairy Feather

Chapter 107 Undersea Crystal Palace

At the critical moment, Wang Mo took out the holy light to illuminate the demon mirror.

The holy light shines with bronze light and has endless majesty.

A crisp sound sounded, and the golden light shot into the mirror. The mirror only trembled slightly, and the golden light was absorbed by him.

Seeing this strange scene, Wang Mo was shocked, and the demon emperor in the golden cloud also let out a soft cry.

He didn't expect how capable his blow would be easily resolved by this magical weapon.

But the next moment, the demon emperor found that it was not good. The mirror shook again, and the golden light absorbed before was reflected by him and shot straight at him.

How does it feel to be an attack against Wang Mo, but it turned out to be imprinted on himself?

The demon emperor in the golden cloud suddenly changed his face and became extremely ugly.

"Xiaolong, let's go!"

The golden light was bright, and Wang Mo took this opportunity to release the dragon and fled.

The little dragon has gradually revived the bloodline of the dragon clan, and many dragon clan secrets have been able to be used, like the magic spell of rapid movement of the void: rift and escape.

This is a very secret combat skill of the dragon clan. The speed is extremely fast, and I don't know what law it has broken. Unexpectedly, it can teleport without the Yuanying period, and it can unfold the space movement without cultivating the divine realm.

Therefore, in just one moment, the figures of Wang Mo and Xiaolong disappeared into the golden light, and the golden light still shot at the demon emperor in perseverance.


The demon emperor snorted coldly, flicked his finger again, and another golden light shot out, but the power was more horrible than before.

Bang, the two golden lights collided with each other, making a rumble, and the sky was suddenly shrouded in a golden light, regardless of heaven and earth.

Feeling the terrible energy fluctuation ahead, Changsun Qingyun was also angry. He originally wanted to take Wang Mo to the set place to let many elders besiege and kill him, but the appearance of the demon emperor completely messed up his plan.

Of course, how much does this have to do with Wang Mo's delay before? He really doesn't know if the other party already knows what he is thinking, and then deliberately delays the time to wait for the arrival of the demon emperor to escape?

Unbearable, Changsun Qingyun could only cast spells and quickly escape from this place.

"Daw, I have torn my face with this boy. Next, I can only tell the elders of the clan about this matter and let them hunt him down."

Changsun Qingyun hated and gritted his teeth. The good man who had acted for so long only broke out once and his previous achievements were was wasted.

All this was caused by the sudden appearance of the demon emperor.

The appearance of the demon emperor has undoubtedly brought a lot of trouble to many monks in the four holy places. Several people with low cultivation already have the idea of retreating.

However, he will never be soft on these monks who dare to hurt his wife.

In the golden clouds, the demon emperor's cold eyes glanced at him. As long as he touched his eyes, he felt that he was seen through completely. He glanced at them one by one, and both demon monks and human monks below felt cold, as if they were freezing.

"Go, withdraw quickly. Now is not the time to confront this man!"

Some people felt bad and hurriedly avoided.

"Well, if you want to leave, where is the holy place of my demon clan? Can you come and go freely?"

Seeing the scared people, the demon emperor became more fierce. His eyes swept, and a beam of golden light splashed out of his eyes, like a fire eye crystal. At a glance, the sound of bang suddenly rose, and the sky over the sea of the demon clan was immediately covered by layers of blood fog.

Ah, a scream kept ringing, and a strong smell of blood emanated, stretching thousands of miles...

"Duke, Mo Xu, hurry up and chase him."

Among the golden clouds, the fierce shout of the demon emperor sounded. Lu Zun and Mo Xu, who were fighting with the four families, immediately rushed out of the empty castle and chased Wang Mo in the direction of escape.

On the vast sea, Wang Mo lay on the little dragon. The little dragon waved its long dragon tail and quickly fled in the opposite direction of the empty castle. Behind him, a group of demons followed closely. They received the decree of the demon emperor and must catch Wang Mo.


Looking at the demon cultivation behind him, Xiaolong made a low meditation and humming. Seeing a few more virtual shadows shake by, Xiaolong once again demonstrated a cracked escape and directly brushed the demon Xiu tracking behind.

"Cough, that Changsun Qingyun really wants me to die!" Seeing that the pursuers behind disappeared, Wang Mochengtu took a breath of turbidity and got rid of the danger again. However, when Changsun Qingyun pushed himself to the golden light before, he was slapped by the other party's monk in the divine realm. Now his lungs and chest are still faintly painful.

Fortunately, the mysterious feathers in the middle of the eyebrows immediately became powerful, and the wounds in the body were gradually recovering.

The cold sea breeze on the sea kept blowing, and one dragon flew away quickly. Suddenly, Xiaolong seemed to feel something, but the speed slowed down. He blinked his eyes and said to Wang Mo, "Wang Mo, I feel the breath of the crystal spoon."

"Oh, crystal spoon? Is that the crystal spoon that Brother Liao and others have been looking for before?

Wang Mo was shocked and stared at him with incredible eyes.

"Yes, when I was in Yanhuangxing, I said that the crystal spoon may be in another space, and I think it's here..." The little dragon stretched out his claws and clicked down, "Oh, it's the sea over there. I can clearly feel..."

Wang Mo showed surprise. It was difficult for him to imagine what this crystal spoon had to do with the dragon clan, which could make the dragon feel so much?

"Let's go down and have a look."

Wang Mo pushed the dragon, and one dragon rushed into the sea.

Now it is late autumn, and the sea is very cold, but there is no threat to Wang Mo, who is five layers of the elixir. The magic formula moves to form a red-gold armor on the surface of the body to block the cold air.

The sea is very icy, and one person and one dragon sneak down.

Ten feet!


500 feet!

Every time he dived, a stream of water pressure pressed on his body, which was very uncomfortable. Wang Mo shouted loudly, and the red golden light on his body surface was even worse. At the same time, he also separated a part and wrapped the dragon to prevent him from being injured.

The further down, the light is, and the light is getting darker. It's almost dark behind. There are still some strange undersea creatures on the seabed. These undersea creatures can emit a little soft light and illuminate everything around them.

Finally, after reaching a depth of 1,000 feet, when they were about to hold on, the bottom of the sea below became brighter and brighter, and they could see a temple similar to a crystal palace standing on it from afar.

This crystal palace is many times taller than the crystal palace of the coral queen met in the sea of the yellow star. It is magnificent and unparalleled. If the crystal palace of the coral queen is a small house in the south of the Yangtze River, then the crystal palace at present is the palace of the Forbidden City!

When Wang Mo sighed at this huge palace, he subconsciously became nervous. It must not be simple for such a magnificent crystal palace to appear in such a place.

Sure enough, when he just approached here, he saw countless sea monsters standing back and forth in the sea below, holding all kinds of magic weapons in their hands to prevent outsiders from approaching.

"Xiaolong, it seems that this place is not simple." Wang Mo shook his head with a solemn face, and there was already a little speculation in his heart.

Xiaolong nodded and thought about it: "I also think it's wrong, but I really feel that the crystal spoon is here..."

"Xiaolong, do you have a magic spell that can hide your breath?"

Suddenly, Wang Mo stared at Xiaolong and hit his mind again.

Xiaolong turned his eyes and scratched the back of his head: "Yes, there is such a trick."

"Well, you can use this trick to hide your breath later."

"What about you?"

"Me? Ha ha, I have a hidden pearl!"

Wang Mo took out the bead. Now that his cultivation has improved, the power of this hidden bead has gradually been exerted. I'm afraid it's not so easy to find him.

"Dragon-shaped silent!"

Xiaolong recited a spell, and a wisp of golden light flowed out of his body. The next moment, Wang Mo could not feel his breath.

"Ha ha, yes, the secret skills of the dragon clan are good. These magical stunts are much better than those ordinary spells."

Wang Mo sighed, but he did not stop under his feet. He broke through the obstacles of the demon cultivation like a ghost and entered the crystal palace.

The crystal palace is magnificent, full of crystals of different colors, spread on the ground, shining dazzling eyes, and a string of clam shells hanging on the wall, making a sound.

Entered the Crystal Palace. What you can see is a central palace with a path leading to the palace on the other side. The ground paved with white crystal stone is smooth and clean, with a charming feeling.

"Xiaolong, where is the crystal spoon?"

Wang Mo stood in the corner of the Crystal Palace, looked around and asked Xiaolong.

Xiaolong has now shrunk into a small loach and was held in his sleeve by Wang Mo. At this time, he poked out his head, blinked curiously, and clicked on a passage in front of him: "There it!"

Wang Mo followed the sound and saw a very wide passage there. He couldn't help frowning.

He felt a very familiar breath, the breath of Lan Xueji!

Sure enough, this crystal palace is the shelter of Lan Xueji, so it is not so easy to get a crystal spoon.

felt that things were tricky, but Wang Mo was not discouraged. On the contrary, he had a feeling of great expectation.

"Go, dive in slowly and don't let the demon Xiu know."

Wang Mo shouted in a low voice, and his footsteps drifted over.

Gradually, he approached the depths of the passage of the Crystal Palace...


A somewhat rapid gasp came from the depths of the channel. Wang Mo felt cold in his heart. He could judge that this voice was Lan Xueji. Obviously, the other party was seriously injured!