
Chapter 3 Brother's family, your family is not as good as my family


Fellini took off his robe. It shows a strong red muscle. He was the guard warrior of the temple and a powerful warrior. He was blessed by the gods and the courage of Ninglu, the head of the ancient warriors. Although he fought with demons from the evil kingdom many times, he did not have any wounds on his body.

After taking off his robe, the muscles of Flini's body exude a bronze light visible to the naked eye, and there are scenes of battles in the brilliance, which is the epitome of all the battles after he became a great warrior, which is also the symbol of the great warrior. Every time they fight, the glory of their previous battle will be placed in front of him and his enemies, a blessing and encouragement, a curse to reduce morale.

"Look, the mighty warrior of the gods!" The people around saw the glory of the warrior on Fellini's body and immediately praised it loudly. Look at the glory of the warrior on him. What a battle!"

"God! God is on top! Such a horrible demon was cut off with a knife!" In that brilliance, a demon nearly three people tall was holding an extremely strong tree and hitting it down to Fliny, but Fliny jumped directly to the shoulder close to the troll, and then cut it diagonally. The light on the knife extended, as if it had expanded several times, and then the troll was cut into In two paragraphs, the demon body that fell to the ground soon disappeared under the light of the knife.

"Look! That's a creep! The disgusting and dirty thing that is almost indisable actually lost the ability to regenerate and die after being approached by him!" Wriggling demon - a demon that moves fast but will constantly spit out dirty **. The place contaminated by its ** will not only become a dirty and smelly place, but also grow extremely evil demon grass. Once it touches a person, it will be poisonous and crazy in a short time. The attack power of this creeping demon itself is not high. Ordinary strong men can smash it, but they can hardly kill it. Even some shredded creeping demon fragments will grow into a complete creeping demon. Only sacrifice can completely purify it with divine water.

"This is the mighty warrior of the gods! Today, Massa and Ulig will definitely be kicked out of the temple. There are such warriors!" Many people even whispered in their hearts. After all, Massa and Uleg's behavior in the temple did stab many people's faith in the gods.

"Fline, you arrogant warrior, I swear by the temple of the gods today, I must know that the majesty of the gods is not offensive!"

Seeing that Fline did not care about his status as a priest, Massa also raised an uncontrollable anger in his heart (or more fear that his identity as a priest would be despised?) He also swore. Then the power of faith in the golden lampstand began to burn violently, emitting dazzling light.

"What? The golden lampstand was actually used by them?! How could they use the golden lampstand?! This priest should be kicked out of the temple!" The people who were waiting for Fellini to lose their temper were shocked when they saw Massa actually ignited the fire of faith on the golden lampstand, "Don't look! Close your eyes first, we can't see this light!"

"Ouch, my eyes!" Although many people had already closed their eyes, many people still did not react in time and were pierced into their eyes by this light, and then their evil thoughts suddenly appeared in front of them, so their eyes did not see and suddenly wailed.

When the divine light lit up, the brilliance of the warrior on Fliny's body was also generous, and his eyes also emitted a terrible light. If any warriors saw these eyes here at this time, they would definitely exclaim: "Hero's eyes!" It is said that this is a power that only the spirits in the kingdom of God can communicate with the hero Ninglu. The hero's eyes are not only a symbol of great heroes, but also can see all the vanity and confusion in battle. It is even said that the secrets and flaws of the enemy's strength will be hidden under the eyes of this hero.

Unfortunately, at this time, most people closed their eyes to avoid the divine light from the golden lampstand, and only a few people present could still open their eyes. Although Massa and Ulig attracted the power of the golden lampstand, it was after all caused by the identity force concentrated by their priesthood, and more divine light forces were not controlled by them. If they are devout priests and communicate with the gods using the golden lampstand, then the divine light should be concentrated on Fliny alone, rather than almost filling the whole space like the flood of the dam.

Therefore, although the two priests can also open their eyes in the divine light, they can't tell the difference between the divine light and the glorious light of the hero's purpose, otherwise they may be more panicked. Other priests are also in the temple or other places at this time. Although they are not afraid of the divine light, they all want to appease the people who are panicked by the divine light.

However, Mora's brother, Flini's younger brother, "Ephelain's elf" - although Hanifei only squinted slightly, his eyes were indeed right to look at both sides of the struggle. Moreover, if there is really a great warlock or an older wise man who can look carefully at Hanifei's eyes, he will definitely exclaim: "Light of wisdom!"

The light of wisdom - that is the wise men who communicate with the gods through their own wisdom. Such people are not uncommon among the Canaan races, because almost every clan has many wise men, but they are all young elders. Their wisdom is due to the accumulation of age. If there is a young man who can have wisdom Light communication gods, if not seen with their own eyes, will be regarded as lies.

The light from the golden lampstand is extremely bright, but the light of wisdom in Hanifei's eyes is not weak at all, and even because of the divine light, the eyes of wisdom are more brilliant. Maybe he narrowed his eyes just to avoid being noticed.

Seeing that Massa and Ulige dared to use the power of the golden lampstand without authorization after doing the dirty thing, Hanifei's eyebrows that made countless women in Ephraim land infatuated and missed them couldn't help but wrinkle, showing an angry look. Then his mouth began to sing in a low voice, as if it were not very high, as if it were just a lover's lover. Murmured, but Massa and Ulig, who were holding the golden lampstand, suddenly shouted. The light that was originally harmless to the priest in their hands suddenly turned into a burning charcoal fire, almost burning their hands to ashes. They screamed sadly and threw down the golden lampstand, and then found that their eyes could not see, and all kinds of evil acts were constantly Their eyes appeared and immediately weeping and crying: "We are guilty! Alas! God! Forgive us! We are guilty!"

Their miserable appearance is probably the worst of all the people in Ephraim. Hanifei's singing actually communicated with the gods, so that the people holding the golden lampstand were also judged by the light from the golden lampstand. As a result, the two evil priests Massa and Ulig, who despised the temple of the code, were suddenly sad.

Looking at the two Massa and Urig, who were rolling and howling on the ground, Flini was going to do it, but when he saw that they were actually judged by the golden lampstand in his hand, he stopped looking at Hanifei, and then said coldly to Massa and Ulig, "May God judge between you and me!"

The people who listened to his words shouted, "Judgment!" Justice!" "Trial! Justice!" "Trial! Justice!" ......

At this time, because the power of the golden lampstand was still there, and the divine light that did not completely retreat was still looming near the temple, so almost no one found that the two golden lampstands thrown by Massa and Ulig did not fall to the ground, and the light did not decrease at all, but became much softer. Moreover, the golden lampstand did not appear in the temple at this time, but was taken by Mora, who was standing outside the temple!

Since Fliny took off his robe to fight with Massa and Uligu, Mora, who was wrapped in a robe by Hanifei, began to chant the code of the temple. Because he was stripped naked and humiliated on the pillars of the temple, he is still almost closing his eyes, so he, who was dedicated to reciting the code, did not even know that a faint light appeared on his body when the golden lampstand was lit, which was almost the same as the light of the golden lampstand, but softer and clean as the judgment of the golden lampstand. Compared with this, it is more appropriate to call it comfort, praise, praise and so on.

After Hanifei communicated with the gods with wisdom and almost no one heard the hymn and punished Massa and Ulig, the golden lampstand left by the two priests disappeared when no one noticed it!

When Mora had been reciting the code with her eyes closed and praying for the gods, she suddenly felt that there was one more thing in her hand. Oh, no, it's two things! Not only him, but even his brother Hanifei, who was holding him, was shocked and almost threw Mora down! - Because the golden lampstand can only be held by the prophet's special priests and prophets, and no one else can touch it, otherwise it will be burned by the light of the golden lampstand. This is also the reason why Massa and Ulig did something wrong in the temple but no one stopped them.

The father of Massa and Ulyga is the prophet Eli. At the beginning, the prophet blessed his sons and made them priests who managed the golden lampstand. Unexpectedly, these two became such people because of this, and soon the gods did not speak to the people, so it was difficult to change the priests who managed the golden lampstand. Eli He could only accuse his son when he saw it, but he could not really change them. For this reason, the old prophet was so angry that he fell ill several times.

Now everyone who can still see has noticed the transfer of the center of the divine light and the change in the nature of the divine light. Their eyes looked around and suddenly found the golden lampstand in Mora's hand!

"What's going on?" Some people are surprised that Mora and Massa Ulig in the temple are far away, and no one walks around. How could the golden lampstand appear in Mora's hand? Moreover, Mora has not been burned by the divine light, and even the divine light seems to echo Mora!

"Great! This is the will of God, and a new prophet has appeared among us!" Someone should shout loudly.

Hearing this, other people suddenly understood that in addition to a specific priest, only a prophet can pick up the golden lampstand without being hurt. So, this teenager, who was raised by the old prophet and was loved by people and called "Ephraim's little prophet", has really become a prophet now?!

Mora seemed to wake up from surprise, but his mind was pure, but he did not lack wisdom. Since the golden lampstand was held in his hand, he seemed to "see" a pair of strange eyes staring at him, as if waiting for him.

It's just that although the teenager grew up in the palace, he still doesn't know how to do it. Instead, when his brother Hanifei saw this scene, he almost immediately understood Mora's situation with the light of wisdom, so Hanifei looked at Mora with surprise and said softly, "Mora, don't panic. The love of the gods has come to you. If you don't understand, pray to the gods in your heart. , see if she responds or not?"

People surrounded by fear and war, and several priests who did not belong to Massaurig in the temple also quietly gathered around. Hearing Hanifei's words, they also looked at Mora with surprise to see if he could communicate with the gods.

Although Mora was looked at by these many people, the teenager was inevitably a little timid, but the habits he had developed since childhood and his pure thoughts and beautiful conduct made him easily feel that the majestic and loving eyes seemed to be looking at him again when he prayed.

Mora boldly asked, "My Lord, are you the god we believe in?"

There was a sound in Mora's heart, "My son, that's what you said."

Mora was both excited and scared, and was about to answer when he suddenly remembered what his brother Hanifei had said during the battle, " Even the demon king will pretend to be a bright angel to make voters degenerate." So he said cautiously and respectfully, "My lord, please don't blame the servant's little letter, but the demon king will also pretend to be a bright angel. How can I believe you?"

After saying that, he felt kicked in his heart and immediately said, "The code says that our gods are loving, fair and tolerant gods. You won't punish me for my little faith, will you?"

"My son, you believe me, but you are not confused. How can I punish you? You are strong and courageous. Young man, be strong, and I will be with you! Get up and pick up the golden lampstand in your hand. Today I will make you my prophet priest in front of the people, and you will find the lost sheep of Canaan for me. The voice was soft and powerful. After saying that, Mora felt as if he had something more.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that his people and some priests were almost full of war watching his people and some priests. Mora looked at the golden lampstand in his hand. The seven lamps were still constantly releasing holy light, but they were not judging the evil of everyone as they had just now, making it impossible for everyone to look directly. Now, as long as there is no heart There are too many invisible evils, and you can basically look at the golden lampstand with soft light with your eyes open.

In the eyes of these people and sacrifices, Mora came out of his brother Hanifei's arm, held the golden lampstand with both hands high, and said, "The kingdom of God is approaching. Those who are guilty should repent, and those who repent will be redeemed!"

His voice was not loud, but with a sacred smell, and it miraculously sounded in the ears of everyone who saw this scene, as if he was standing in front of the man to admonish him, so everyone who heard it said, "Holy, the Almighty God should be praised! We confess our sins! May God forgive us!"

These voices gathered to a constant echo above the temple. Everyone who heard it was afraid and meditated in his heart: "Holy, there are people of God who have done great things among us today!"

Mora held the golden lampstand and looked at the people around him. Except for his two brothers and a few people, none of them dared to look at him. Everyone bowed their heads and was afraid under his seemingly fiery eyes.

Then Mora shouted, "Today, those who remove evil can have bright eyes, when you want to act commensurate with the heart of repentance!"

The people shouted, "Holy! This is God's order, and we will abide by it!" Among the people who shouted, there were even two brothers of Mora, Fliny and Hanifei, who looked at each other and smiled. The younger brother finally became the elect of God. When he grew up, he stopped worrying about them.

The golden lampstand in Mora's hand once again shines when the people shout, but this time the light is completely different from the last time. As long as they repent of their sins in their hearts, their eyes will immediately brighten.

On this day, the name of Mora, the little prophet of Ephraim, spread throughout Ephraim and the nearby mountains.