
Chapter 22 Is the custom good?

Mora called these children who were still afraid into his carriage. This carriage was specially made by Yin Ge Li when he was in Rio. Although it doesn't look big outside, the inside has been transformed by Yin Geli with treasure spells, which is almost a small living house.

Seven children with fear, worry and curiosity were attracted by the magical scene for them as soon as they came in. Mora took out a blanket made of exquisite wool from the cabinet where the items were stored and spread them on the ground. She sat with the children and brought some sweet fruits and small fragrant cakes that the children might like - these were also discovered after Mora left Rio. In addition to discovering these foods belonging to children, Mora even suspected Did Yin Geli make a mistake? Later, she thought that she was actually just a 16-year-old teenager and not a strong man.

After settling down these children, Mora began to tell them the ancient stories recorded in the code - this is also a big story that Mora has heard since childhood.

Those records are the days when gods and human beings live together on the earth, but for today's people, it is impossible to tell which is true and which is false tens of thousands of years ago. Basically, all ancient things are heard or recorded as stories.

Even some spiritual gods born in the new era can't understand the real scene of ancient times - the father God who created heaven and earth and human beings live together, and the extremely capable human warriors can even fight directly with the angels of the Father God in some things.

It is said that there was also a gathering of extremely determined wise men and warriors who even fought with God the Father in something and did not fail. It was an era that people could not imagine today, but the evil fall of later people disgusted God, thus raising their country out of the world - of course, this statement is also one of the ancient myths, and there are many other versions.

These children listened to Mora tell ancient stories. Mora's ability to tell stories was not very good, but his voice was calm and soft, which had a calming effect. The children listened to Mora's story and gradually became fascinated and forgot the terrible disaster they had just experienced. The fear in it dissipated unconsciously. By the time Mora talked about the dark, these 11-year-old children had all fallen asleep.

Mora took some hair from the car and covered the children, and then gently walked out. Opira was still sitting outside the car. When she saw Mora coming out, she wanted to talk. Mora said, "The children are already asleep. Let them rest here tonight."

Ophera looked at Mora gratefully and wanted to salute him, but Mora stopped her. Seeing that Mora was going back to the car again, Opira said, "Propher, do you work so hard for us today and don't eat anything?"

Moura originally wanted to say that there was food and water in the car, but she looked at the woman with pleading and expectant eyes, thinking about what happened to these women on this day. At this time, it was already night and it was dark, and there was no other light except the bonfire lit by those women in the village. In such a village that has just experienced killing and death, it is really horrible.

Even though Mora is just a teenager who has never experienced anything in the world, he can guess the thoughts of these women - at this time when the darkness has arrived, a heroic warrior, a mighty messenger of God, and he did not refuse. "

Those women set up some simple but attentive food near the courtyard wall in the nearby site. Looking at Mora being brought here by Ofera, these women obviously showed a breath of relief. Although he knew that the envoy was to help them, a superior envoy was obviously not as convincing as a young prophet who could live with them.

Mora came to sit down and found that these women did not do anything, just waiting for herself to do it first. Mora did not pretend to be humble, picked up the cake to thank them, and then said to these women, "You eat. There is still a lot of road to go tomorrow."

It's just that this meal was a little dull, because no one knew what to say. This is not a happy banquet, nor is it suitable to talk about sadness again. After the killing during the day, every woman who still did it was a widow or orphan who lost her family. Although God promised them in the future, the darkness still exists.

While eating, Mora silently communicated with the gods in her heart, repeatedly asking God about the next day's affairs. However, she didn't notice that some uneasy eyes between the women were quietly looking at themselves, and two beautiful girls among these women were also secretly looking at themselves.

After a simple meal, Mora said to these sad women: "Today's pain is not eternal darkness. Tomorrow the sun will shine on this mourning ground, and God will prepare to laugh for the sad people. Go and rest tonight. Tomorrow I will walk with you."

These women looked at each other and seemed to go back. Mora turned back to her car, but did not notice the strange look of these women.

When Mora returned to the car, the children were still sleeping. When he told the story, he had already given the children food, so he was not worried that they would wake up hungry. Mora carefully examined the blankets for the children before returning to her small room.

As soon as he entered, Mora felt the difference, but there was no malice, so Mora was not nervous, but said calmly, "Who is there?"

In the car, only the light beads made by small spells embedded on the wall of the car emit a confused light, which is not very bright. Mora adapted to the light, and then saw two beautiful women who used to be among those women in front of his window. The two women wore colorful clothes made of exquisite cotton cloth and had a string of gems shining under the pearl light around their necks. The women dodged their eyes and did not dare to look at Mora.

Now the two women are sitting on the ground in front of Mora's bed. When they saw Mora come in, they got up and saluted Mora and said, "Lord Prophet."

Mora looked at the woman's colorful clothes. Although Mora was not from this place, when he studied in the temple, he had already understood the customs of many places - women's colorful clothes are only worn once in a lifetime, and as for which time - do you still need me to explain?

Mora looked at the two women and was a little puzzled (or deliberately puzzled?), "What are you doing?"

One of the two women came forward and said, "The Prophet has done such a redemption for us. We have nothing to repay. Only... um... hope that... we can barely repay your kindness."

Mora replied, "It is God the Father who saved you today, and I am only his man. You just need to honor him. You don't have to thank me."

The woman replied, "We praise the salvation of God the Father, but we also thank you for your help. Ah, my lord, please don't drive us out." With that, the women panicked when they saw that Mora seemed to want them to leave.

Mora thought for a moment and said, "If I don't kick you out, you can rest here."

It's not that Mora changed his mind to leave these two women for the night, but that he has read in some travel notes that if there are bolder women in these places, they will wear colorful clothes and go to their favorite man's house on some special holidays, which will generally be a perfect love story.

But there is also tragedy. If the man despises the woman or there is someone in the man's room, the woman who is kicked out will become the laughing stock of the locals. Later, it even develops that as long as the woman is kicked out, she will basically become a depraved woman or end her life, because for the woman For me, I only have the opportunity to wear colorful clothes once in my life. If I can't get my love this time, the rest is humiliation.

Mora did not let the two women out. They suddenly showed a nervous and relieved expression. They thought that Mora was going to stay here for the night. Unexpectedly, Mora took out a few blankets from the cabinet in the car room and spread them on the ground.

Two unknown women couldn't help guessing in their hearts, "Does this young prophet like to be on the ground?"

I was thinking about these things, but the woman still came forward to help Mora lay the blanket. After it was done, the women looked a little at a loss. Mora got into her "ground" nest and said to the women, "You can sleep in my ** tonight. Don't worry, don't be afraid, I I won't leave before solving all difficulties for you.

After saying that, the light in the car room gradually lowered, and then it was gone. The woman stood at a loss, and the light at the head of the bed had not gone out. Obviously, it was left for them. But listening to this young prophet doesn't seem to mean anything to what they are going to do.

The slightly older woman gritted her teeth, gently took off the colored clothes outside, only wore the white clothes inside, and then sat on the ground, but did not get into Mora's blanket, but lay next to Mora.

"**Two people can sleep." Mora said calmly and didn't seem to think of anything else.

This woman almost cried - is this teenager the kind of child who grew up in the temple and knew nothing?

Mora suddenly said, "I know the fear in your hearts, and you even doubt my actions. After all, there is no love and hatred in the world for no reason. I can understand that you will worry about my sudden departure, but I am a believer in God the Father. God the father created the world. He is the father of this world. Isn't it right for parents to love their children? So don't worry, God sent me here, and I will definitely wipe away tears and sorrow for you, and I will not give up halfway. Just go to bed. I don't need you to warm my bed.

Hearing this, the woman suddenly settled down, but still refused to go to **. Mora suddenly became a little anxious.

He is a teenager. Although he has his own more mature opinions on the idea of love, he is not physically - this woman wears such obscene clothes and rubs around him. At night, people's thoughts are more likely to come out of the dark side. Mora's teenager's body instinct Shi made his heart unable to calm down.

The other one was either shy, timid or waiting for the result of the woman's behavior. Mora only felt that it seemed impossible for her to sleep quietly without taking some action tonight, so she got up.

The entangled woman thought that Mora was going to take action. She boldly rushed forward and successfully rushed into Mora's arms - the teenager's heartbeat was a little fast, and the woman's heartbeat was also a little fast.

But the young man's hands were faster. The woman, who was only wearing blasphemy clothes, suddenly only felt a pain in the back of her head, and then she lost consciousness.

Mora picked her up and walked to **. The woman who had been secretly at ** didn't know what Mora had done - because the light was dim.

She only saw Mora's slightly bold female companion walking towards **. She thought that one of them was not enough, so she decided to be together and was worried. Unexpectedly, when Mora walked in, she found that her female companion was unconsciously put in by Mora.

Mora asked her calmly, "Can't you sleep?"

The woman quickly shook her head and got under the blanket by herself. Mora nodded with satisfaction, then stuffed the bold woman in and said to her, "Then sleep well. There will be a long way to go tomorrow."

The woman nodded very honestly, and then Mora got into her nest with satisfaction. "It's troublesome to sleep." Muttering, Mora finally stopped the tediousness of the day.