
Chapter 25 The Way of Fighting the Gods

However, something more terrible happened later. The cloud that rained there came to these evil bandits and suddenly hailed. The hail was extremely large, as big as the smallest finger, and even as big as a fist.

These hails fell down, and even those warriors were powerless. Moreover, what shocked the bandits most was that they saw very clearly that any of the terrible hail that could throw a blood flower on their bodies was as if there was life, but none of them fell on those who were taken away by them.

These robbers who ruined all their conscience and humanity immediately caught the captured women and a few men to stand in front of them. Sure enough, the hail no longer fell on them.

However, these things were seen by other robbers who were still suffering and suddenly learned. However, those women were basically surrounded, and only a dozen were pulled out. But as soon as he saw that this method worked, he immediately grabbed it. As a result, he was killed because he was unintentionally careful of the hail in the sky.

And some robbers who were slightly close to the abrated women rushed over with hail, but suddenly a bigger hail fell from the sky, smashing them into mud!

This sinful camp was immediately full of death and wailing, but Mora, who presided over all this on the mountain, was not soft. Because it is great mercy for the sins of these people to let them die like this.

Finally, the hail in the sky stopped. Except for the few scattered wailing moans, no one dared to make a sound. They all looked carefully and panicked at the surroundings as if they had suddenly calmed down to see who had done such a big thing.

A loud noise suddenly came from the extremely steep mountain wall. All these still alive turned their eyes, and then they saw that the steep cliff suddenly collapsed in a straight line, as if someone had cut it out with an axe there, but they could not see the stone chips cut off. The cliff seemed to be It was a piece of dough that was rubbed out of a step by a pair of capable hands.

The step has not fully reached the ground, but everyone saw that on the top of the mountain, a god in white came down from that step. Step by step, not fast or slow, but it touches everyone's heart. Those who were suddenly saved were all excited because they knew exactly that someone had come to save them.

And the only remaining gangsters panicked - a god who could make such a horrible attack, obviously not caused by human beings, suddenly appeared here, so their next fate could be figured out without thinking. Many people even began to regret why they had just avoided those horrible hail. Otherwise, if they had died at that time, they would not have to live in the fear of this upcoming trial now.

Although his heart was full of fear, none of these mercenaries and gangsters who had embarked on the evil road could release the sword in their hands. If a mighty warrior appears here, perhaps their plea for mercy can still be merciful.

However, if a divine disciple appears, it is possible to escape unless one of them becomes a mighty warrior - just a life that is likely to escape. As for other people, whether they are believers of holy or evil gods, once they start to kill, they will not easily stop.

These people who were still drinking happily just now were full of fear and watched the stone ladder on the cliff "long" to the bottom of the mountain, and the god whose face was shrouded in holy light came down.

Finally, the man who was extremely afraid and even defeated his instinct shouted and jumped up, leaving the knife in his hand and running in the opposite direction of the god.

The man ran and shouted frantically. His eyes wandered between this person and the god who seemed to walk step by step, but whether it was the robbers or those rescued people who were excited to look at Mora's holy light without any flaws. When the divine light approached, they involuntarily retreated, because their hearts could not withstand the power of judgment in the light.

Gradually, the god who was shining all over was getting closer and closer. Looking at the person who ran away first, he had gradually run away at this time, and other gangsters also seemed to see hope - did the power of the god man exhausted? That's why you came down the mountain to kill us in person? With this idea, these people ran up and ran away one after another.

However, many gangsters have been seriously injured and can hardly walk. They shouted for their companions to help, but their companions who had just called themselves brothers would not stop. As a result, several gangsters who still had strength in their hands but seriously injured their legs were excited by their grievances and suddenly pulled out their knives and viciously cut the legs of their companions nearby who could still run but had not yet left.

The gangster who was about to run away suddenly encountered such a change was in pain, but then endured the pain, and then crazily pulled out his knife to cut the man who cut his knife into two, and finished watching this person. Suddenly, the person who was stabbed in the leg endured the pain and wanted to leave, but they could not move. The other people who saw this scene left each other's companions and those injured.

However, the divine man is getting closer and closer, and the camp is chaotic. When these people run, they become alert when they see people nearby. However, there are always some people who are scared and bold and suddenly cut into the people nearby with knives - it is better to do it first, and the lesson of doing it later is vividly.

Mora is slowly approaching the camp. The behavior of these bandits has long been seen by him. By the time he walked into this side of the camp, most of the bandits had run to the open plain on the other side of the camp. Only some extremely injured people were still looking at Mora or kneeling with expressionless or with great fear. Kowtoed and begged for mercy, Mora stood on the side of the camp and stopped.

It's quiet here, and everyone is waiting for the god to say something or do something. However, the other side of the camp became more and more chaotic, and most of the people in the escape died under the knife of their companions.

Mora has been waiting until there is no one on the other side of the camp before running - in fact, there are not many people running out, and most of them died under their own knives. Mora raised the staff in his hand and shouted, "Human sins have been presented before God, and today the judgment will come to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit those who had run out.

Those people didn't even make a sound. When lightning hit them, they seemed to be ice thrown in the stove and evaporated from the world in an instant. Only a few scattered knives scattered on the ground proved their existence.

No one dares to make a sound. Looking at the punishment falling from the sky, no one dares to doubt the identity of this divine man. Those gangsters who are still begging for mercy have no sound at this time. Such a terrible thing has exceeded their ability to accept. Such power is not without, but it is ancient or longer. Only in the era of mighty warriors will emerge.

Now in the face of a god who is so powerful and even more powerful than those little gods born in the world, these people no longer know how to do it.

The holy light on Mora's face gradually dissipated. Oh, no, it was not dissipated, but concentrated in his eyes. The light in his eyes could already come out, and Mora looked at the camp.

No one can stand under this gaze. Even those who have been taken into the ground and are afraid - because their hearts are not completely pure. At this time, they are also under trial. Even several people who are much darker in their hearts suddenly jumped under this gaze. Without a sound, they died.

Looking at such a scene, several imaginary bandits suddenly lost all hope - this is an extremely holy messenger of gods. It is not even easy to defile, and even kill the evil people among those who have been saved. So what is the fate of these sinful people? It was decided.

Several bandits with the last courage suddenly pulled out their knives and slapped them fiercely on their necks, and then jumped to the ground and died. It turned out that they were still happy to die under their own knives, because the rest secretly imagined in their hearts that the god man would suddenly exhaust his divine power or suddenly be abandoned or attracted other gods because of excessive killing.

But until Mora's eyes "looked" at them, these people did not wait for the final fantasy in their hearts, but died extremely tragically, because they did not die of blood and suffocation like those who killed themselves, and these people who still had delusions in the end were afraid of the darkness in their hearts. Li - they were scared to death!

There are many souls killed by them turned into terrible spirits to hook their souls and pull them out of their bodies! They died like this, and their souls were taken out, but the vitality of the body itself was still there, but they kept struggling with horror because of death and fear, as if they had seen the demon king Beelib.

All living people are panicked and unable to stand when they see that their soulless bodies are still twitching and distorted by the fear of death.

Finally, all the bandits died. But no one dares to say anything, and even the seriously injured people in the whole camp dare not moan, because what they saw made them prefer not to live in this world. This is a crazy and chaotic world - a divine man suddenly came among them and saved them from suffering, but it was an extremely holy god. Ming's messenger, no one dares to face him.

Those who have a lot of darkness in their hearts are still trembling on the ground, but those who are worse in their hearts have been killed together.

The divine light on Mora gradually faded to reveal the face of his teenager - a young man with a handsome face like an angel. The women in the land of Ephraim once guessed how many Canaan women the child would be fascinated when he grew up.

It's just that none of them would think that the angel-like angel would leave Canaan, and what they didn't expect was that this angel-like flawless teenager would be feared, feared and respected by everyone, but almost no one would touch the girl's feelings for this "terrible" god.

Mora looked at these people who looked at him carefully with awe or more fearful eyes and said, "The disaster has gone. You go and settle your dead and the wounded alive first."

After saying that, Mora walked up the steps there. Such a god man is extremely terrible, but after all, he saved these people. Those bold and flexible people immediately stood up and said, "Big and terrible gods, you have done such a great salvation for us today. Why don't you stay with us?"

Mora replied, "I'll come as soon as I go."

Then he continued to walk his own way and went up from there. These rescued people watched Mora walk up the stone ladder of the cliff step by step, and then the stone ladder slowly recovered after Mora walked and became the appearance of the mountain wall again.

Until Mora walked back to the top of the mountain and disappeared, the mountain wall completely returned to its original appearance. If it hadn't been for the blood and dead bodies in the camp, I'm afraid they would have thought it was a dream.