
Chapter 30 Killing Demons, Heroes

It took a long time for Mora to stabilize her trembling heart. Then his first sentence was:

"Your voice is quieter! It shocked me!"

Then, there were some magic sounds lingering between heaven and earth suddenly like a duck that was choked, and the frightening and panicked voices disappeared, and all the sounds in the world seemed to be blocked, making people afraid to move.

The demon, who had not yet reported to the door, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and four or five eyes as big as bull's eyes stared straight at Mora, as if he had seen something incredible.

However, immediately, the devil suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and his voice was extremely arrogant and surprised.

However, these voices are not as touching as at the beginning under the power of Mora's words just now.

After laughing for a long time, the devil roared at Mora with a ferocious smile:

"I didn't expect to meet a prey that was about to directly achieve the middle-level god! Hahaha!"

"Kid, you are so unlucky! The intermediate god doesn't dare to underestimate even if I come here, but you dare to act so boldly in my world before you become a god. Now you are about to become the source of my next power!"

"Haha, although you have infinite potential, you are just a strong mortal who didn't officially go to the altar. Now let me pinch you to death with one finger!"

As he was saying, the devil suddenly attacked and gave Mora no chance to defend himself - this is also the devil's cunning. Even if they are countless times stronger than their opponents, they will prefer to design the other party with deception and treachery to let them fall into their own net.

However, Mora easily dodged, and his heart was as clear as the most precious crystal. Although this demon is the demon of the kingdom of evil spirits, he is only a split at present. Moreover, the demon also misunderstood Mora and did not know that he was a prophet of the gods and was not a human being who was about to go to the altar. A mighty warrior.

So the countless evil thoughts and treacherous tricks in the self-righteous heart of this demon have already been as clear as looking in a mirror in Mora's heart.

In fact, this demon just started, and Mora had already flashed away. At the same time, the pure and unclean spirit-like power that seems to be emitted inside the body gathers the power of the soul and body to follow the track of the power suddenly attacked by the devil's head and hit a hard-looking joint.

"Ah, roar--!"

The sad scream sounded. If it hadn't been for Mora's random voice, it would have been enough to kill all the creatures of most of the nearby plants and insects.

The seemingly hard and strong joint is actually one of the biggest weaknesses of the devil's arm.

The hard joint shell outside was originally extremely powerful, but Mora's power directly penetrated the hypocritical coat and directly acted on the inside.

What will happen if an extremely pure force and ideas are added to the dirty and chaotic order?

Maybe a tank of clear water can't purify a bowl of ink, but if it is a bowl of super-strength concentrated chemical purifier, then a pool of ink will also fade!

The demon roared miserably, and the extremely pure power suddenly appeared in his arm that was not stained by darkness and filth was constantly purifying him.

For people in the world, it is a very happy thing to remove evil and filth, but for evil spirits born in the world of sin and filth, these clean forces are no less than people rolling in the oil pan!

Seeing that this power could not be removed at all and seemed to spread, the demon roared angrily:

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can a person who prepares for an intermediate god have such power! I hate it! Ah ah ah!!!!"

"Are you going to be the most capable warrior in the world who directly stepped on the altar? No, this is absolutely impossible! Even in ancient times, only a great hero Ninglu could do it! How can there be such a person in this era when the gods are sleeping!"

"Ah, ah, ah!!! Why is my strength fading?! Why hasn't the power of purification been neutral?

The big demon roared repeatedly. At this time, all his thoughts were focused on the power hit by Mora in his arm - and even felt that if he relaxed a little, the power would instantly explode his split like Mars thrown into oil.

This is also the reason why he has been roaring but not continuing to take action against Mora. But even with the blow just now, Mora is not uncomfortable. After all, this is the middle-level demon demon, and he is also the third person in the kingdom of evil spirits. Although it is only a split, Mora still hit his greatest strength along the power of the demon's split.

However, in this way, Mora was shaken by the internal organs of the anti-shock force at that moment. She could only barely stand for a long time and almost couldn't breathe.

Finally, Mora gasped for a long time, regained some strength, and was thinking about what to do next.

The demon suddenly went crazy, and the flames in the eyes that had been spraying fire suddenly came back, and the smoke in his nostrils no longer came out.

The demon's body also stopped struggling, including the scales on his body and slowly income.

The biggest change is that this demon, which was originally the size of more than a dozen Mora standing between heaven and earth, suddenly shrank and was gradually approaching the size of an adult.

However, the sense of oppression of that power is growing infinitely. Mora can already feel that if he doesn't do anything, the big devil may really pinch himself to death after a while.

But what can you do now? Looking at the devil who was putting more and more pressure on him, Mora turned his heart. He shouted in his heart:

"Father, you said that as long as I am brave, you will be with me. Now I have no strength, but my heart still believes in you, and you are my shield! Please look down at me!"

After finishing the shortening prayer in his heart, Mora roared with a stick and rushed to the big devil who was getting smaller without hesitation.

The pressure was getting stronger and greater, and even the clear and bright heart began to tremble, but Mora's footsteps did not delay at all and rushed to the big devil quickly and steadily.

In an extremely vast hell of the kingdom of evil spirits invisible to Mora, in a demon hall floating in the lake of fire, a demon roars like the devil in front of Mora, but its power is dozens of times stronger:

"Who will tell me what's going on? How can this boy know his weakness? Who is it? Who leaked the mystery of the Buddha to him? Ah ah ah!!!! I'm going to kill him for 10 generations!!! Ah ah!!! No, no, no!! I'm going to take all generations to the lake of fire to torture him!!"

Then, within a thousand miles of the place where Mora fought with this demon, suddenly all the believers and priests who had come into contact with this demon suddenly rushed to death, and died extremely tragically, as if they were suddenly choked and pulled out their souls out. Like.

At the same time, the believers and priests' families belonging to this demon also died. Whether it was the old and young in the family, the sucklings, the slaves, or even the birds on the beam of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep were not let go. They all died in an instant!

This is just the devil's act of venting his anger. However, suddenly, after doing such a evil act of killing chickens and taking eggs, he suddenly gained great power, but although this power is great, it cannot be used to kill the enemy. He can only open a door for himself and send his split back.

And because of such behavior, he will not have any believers in this place for nearly a hundred years. That is to say, he will not get any power of faith to strengthen himself for at least a hundred years, and including this loss, it can be said to be tragic!

Mora held a stick and summoned the greatest courage to kill the devil, but suddenly, the world shook greatly, and the ground suddenly left his mouth. The devil roared at Mora, "Young man, I remember you! Swear with my eyes! I will not let you go! You and your home will become my dung farm!!!"

The ground shook greatly and opened its mouth. A flame of sulfur came out of the ground, but suddenly a divine power was unconsciously added to Mora to protect him. However, the light was hidden under the glow of Mora itself and was not seen by this demon full of resentment.

The devil could not help Mora's last resort, so he returned to the kingdom of evil spirits with great anger, resentment and countless curses.

Then the ground was closed, and a natural wind spontaneously launched between heaven and earth, blowing away the breath of demons between heaven and earth, and everything returned to its original state.

The horse, which was scared to lie on the ground, kept burying its head in the grass on the roadside. At this time, he secretly caught a glimpse of the extremely horrible demon leaving, and then carefully broke away from the carriage and rubbed Mora.

Mora smiled at the horse, then packed up his clothes and returned to the car with a stick.

Suddenly, a force from the Kingdom of God appeared in Mora's body, combined with the extremely pure force that appeared in Mora's body and became a new force.

Morah's knowledge is still limited. If he knew more, he would be extremely surprised to find that now the power in his own body is not only like pure divine power, but also like the "human divine power" produced by the great hero of human beings after he stepped on the altar

This power is pure, holy, and has various effects--this is the characteristic of divine power. But it comes from itself - this is the characteristic of heroes.

Morah once again communicated with God the Father in his heart. He wanted to know how today would happen, but God the Father only said in his heart:

"You just need to be strong and brave, and work hard to move forward. I'm with you and won't let you fall."