
Chapter 37 Under the Sun

Although there is still great greed in my heart, the sunshine has come out. When the sun shines, people's minds will always unconsciously turn brighter.

Those who no longer want to find and give up in their hearts were illuminated by the sun, and suddenly gave birth to some warmth in their hearts--this is indeed because of the sun, the evil spirits lurking in their hearts are more deeply hidden in places that they can't detect in their hearts, along with They also brought their own shallow evil thoughts to the depths of their hearts and made a "nest" for themselves. This is also the reason why it is difficult for ordinary people to perceive that a person has become a person possessed by evil spirits. Often these people will be more good than usual at the beginning!

Since they felt warm in their hearts and reduced their evil thoughts and some greed, these people also felt ridiculous all night, and then felt that people were tired and no one greeted them. There was a person who withdrew silently, and then everyone suddenly left. It's just that almost everyone took a fierce look with their eyes when they left this courtyard -- they still don't die!

However, what shocked these people happened as soon as they left the courtyard - a carriage came in slowly and quietly, and the horse pulling the cart silently made a smile on their faces at those who were waiting for their big eyes full of blood.

Just a moment, a deep injury? Bullying? Contempt? All kinds of feelings surged into my heart. Several of these people's grumpy people who were most affected by the evil spirits in the night suddenly couldn't help it. They only felt that they had an inexhaustible hatred with Mora!

Only for a moment, the evil thoughts and anger that broke out in the hearts of these people even affected other people, making them feel that Mora was their own life-and-death enemy for no reason. They had to get away with it. In just a few blinks, some unified evil thoughts in the hearts of these people were hidden in their hearts. The deeper evil spirits were stimulated, and even these people clearly felt that their strength seemed to have been strengthened a lot, as if it only took one step to give the psychic horse that seemed to be laughing at them!

Several hands pressed on the handle of the knife, their eyes were full of dark murder, and their eyebrows came with the shadow of hell and the ferocious spirit.

However, just as these people's hearts were about to completely fall into darkness and lose their minds and go crazy, suddenly a woman's angry voice sounded,

"Sahara, Nemoosa, Griu, what are you going to do?"

The three people walking in the front suddenly woke up and saw Zhen Ni, the daughter of their master, continuing their anger last night - looking at themselves trembling with anger.

After that happened last night, Zhen Ni didn't sleep well all night. As soon as it was day, she hurriedly got up and washed and came to apologize to Mora. However, she didn't expect that she walked into Mora's yard and was surprised to see Mora's carriage coming in from the outside. Just as she was surprised, she was extremely angry. Seeing that the people last night did not disperse and were still together, and their eyes were even covered with some broken leaves and dirt. Although Zhen Ni didn't know what they had done, she should know that it would not be a good thing when she thought about it with her head.

And what was most unacceptable to her was that as soon as she arrived, she saw Sahara, Nemoosa and Griou, three people holding weapons and walking towards Mora fiercely.

Under the sun, people's thoughts are always relatively easy to turn to the righteous side. At the same time, the dark part of people's minds is often not easy to be exposed under the eyes of the public. The shame in human nature always makes people show their good side in front of people.

Sahara, Nimosa and Griu were about to take action, but Zhen Ni's voice suddenly woke them up, and then they seemed to suddenly understand what they were doing.

No matter how embarrassed, ridiculous and embarrassing they encountered last night, it was nothing more than their own greed. Although they don't want to admit it, at this moment, under the sun, they are not as thick-skinned to say that it's all Mora's fault.

Although they are unwilling to do their own behavior, they still know clearly that they are to blame themselves! And just now, almost demonicly used this as a reason to attack Mora. If the three of them really did such a thing, then the result may be normal for the three people who have completely lost their minds, but other people, especially the master, will definitely cut their three into minced meat sauce and feed them fish at the first time.

The scandal of bullying foreigners has just been exposed. Suddenly, they attacked or even killed this stranger for an extremely ridiculous reason. If they don't get such a person out of the first time, the Seaside gang can also be disbanded, and no one will do business with them from now on. Especially in this sea town, there are not only one sea gangs like Sedon, but three.

Sahara, Nemoza and Gryu put away their weapons in a cold sweat, but Zhen Ni was almost angry! These people are simply conscienceless and repeatedly provoked, even from the perspective of considering that Mora is her lifesaver, or from the perspective that Mora is a simple foreigner, these people act simply for fear that the trouble of the Sea gang is not much.

The three people withdrew their weapons and didn't know what to say. And because all this happened so suddenly, now the young lady happened to catch their evil deeds. They were already thinking about what excuses to use to escape the punishment. Even the others suddenly woke up, but no one went carefully. Analyzing how their hearts suddenly fell into the dark camp and became slaves of darkness -- every fallen person will not feel that they have fallen. They will only feel that others are sorry for themselves. They are right. It is the fault of others. Their ignorance and stupidity and God's injustice. I have become such a situation.

Although these people have not thought so for the time being, their thinking has fallen into this routine and can't feel their own abnormality at all. Especially when a group of people fall together, they will feel that they are right. Only those who make themselves unhappy are wrong.

Zhen Ni ignored any expressions of Sahara, Nemoza and Griu. At this time, things are no longer simply unfriendly to foreigners. The lawless behavior of these people has had a great impact on the Seton Gang. Although there is no peeping at outside, These things, which happen under the sun, cannot be covered up.

Zhen Ni said coldly, "Yesterday, you people said that Mora was a spy of other sea gangs." Saying this, Zhen Ni stopped for a moment, and many of the people who heard it actually thought to herself at this moment, "Did it be that the master sent someone to investigate the boy last night and really found that he was a spy?"

Just as these people were fantasizing about good things, Zhen Ni continued: "Now it seems that the three of you are the spies!!!"

This is like a thunderbolt that stunned the people present, spies and traitors. Such crimes are not bearable by anyone. In this era, any betrayal is the most shameful act. Even if a capable warrior has done such a thing, he will lose all his glory and become The humiliation that everyone spits!

Sahara, Nemoza and Griu were completely stunned. In this way, if they said it from other people's mouths, they would definitely fight as the biggest insult, but now they are saying this by their master's beloved daughter, and looking at that posture, it's not emotional nonsense. Language!

"Don't joke, uncle can't stand your shock," Sahara said with a reluctant smile, but looking at Zhen Ni's cold eyes, she suddenly felt for the first time that my woman, who had always been a little girl, had the demeanor of a master, and she could not use anything at will. What a novel and funny thing can fool the little girl of the past.

"Since it's not, why are you so enthusiastic about destroying the reputation and reputation of my Symdon Gang for decades?" Zhen Ni reprimanded mercilessly, "You can be said to be excited for a while yesterday, so what are you doing now? If such a thing is heard by the sea gangs of ours, please tell me!!!"

Sahara, Nemoza and Griu, none of them can speak, all of whom are pale. They were also blinded by darkness for a while, but they themselves don't know how to explain this and how to explain it.

Ten thousand steps back, even if they know, they dare not say -- it is not surprising that evil warriors, but once a warrior completely turns his heart to the dark camp, then unless he becomes the guardian of a god of a dark camp, no one will accept them. The dark warrior is a only Next to the profession of traitors and spies!!!

"Miss, we..." Sahara, Nemoosa and Griu murmured that they didn't know what to say. At the same time, they also hated those who were with them. Everyone had acted together, but now only three of them are unlucky here, and the others didn't say a word. In addition to Mora, the three people had more hatred in their hearts, and then these hidden dark thoughts were quickly absorbed by the evil spirits hidden in their hearts, which made their minds not show great evil characteristics at the surface.

Zhen Ni ignored them and said coldly:

"Go and explain it to the master."

She didn't even call him "father", but used the name "helper", which means that things are true and serious.