
Chapter 51 Sacrifice to the Sea

"This man is the messenger of the evil demon king, so he must want to confuse us and deceive us all into their evil kingdom and become the poorest sacrifice or lowly slaves!"

Tefira shouted like this, except for a few people, all the people who heard it became ugly.

The evil kingdom is unnoticed. In addition to the reasons why he is the dark camp, their cruel methods beyond the limits of human psychological tolerance, countless sinking without any hope of redemption are also the reasons why people stay away from him.

In history, every few hundred years, many unscathless, young and talented warriors or mages will join the evil camp, want to sneak in and become one of them, and then at some point, defeat or destroy them, and once they will achieve their reputation.

But in the end, without exception, their end was extremely tragic, and even the situation could not be described as tragic!

When people see those once, arrogant and self-respecting young people again, they have completely disappeared from the inside out. It has completely become a group of humanoid animals without hearts and souls, and they don't know that they are doing animal things. They seem to be the lowest-level meat creatures with only biological instincts, which are carried by the messengers of the evil camp to promote the power of darkness, humiliate the dignity of justice and goodness, and attack their beliefs.

Some reckless people are even valued by demons because of their extraordinary blood and talent, and even their families have been swept away, made devil's toys and sacrifices, and have been trapped in the sinking abys for generations until they lost all their value and made the feces of low-level dog demons...

All these things have become well-known.

But for thousands of years, the dark forces have existed and have never disappeared. Because one day the darkness between human beings will exist, the demons will not disappear, and their power will be strong.

In the world, there are always people who seek power, avenge their enemies or pursue strength, or satisfy their desires to join the darkness for various reasons.

Moreover, demons are extremely proficient in ** and fraudulent means. Many people have become the prey of demons and think that they are fighting for the brightest thing in the world. The fanaticism from their hearts is enough to make people who see it cold.

As soon as Tefira said that Mora was designing people, immediately, those mages who did not agree with Mora's power and faith in their hearts began to speculate with the greatest malice in their hearts - the wisdom of the mages is outstanding, and their thinking can be praised by the gods, but if this thinking is wrong The direction will also make the gods laugh.

From the beginning of Mora's appearance, he concealed his identity as a god (it was Mora who had no chance to say it at all), until the later prophecy, and then he kept silent. Looking at Mora's current calmness -- all of them reflected his understanding and confidence in this seastorm, and he didn't look like a person whose life was threatened at all.

Although this may be confidence in their own power, these people believe more that this is because Mora and this strange sea of blood are together, both of the seductive means of demons! Therefore, except for Zhenni, there is no one around Mora. Many people have pulled out their weapons and trembled at Mora, as if the next moment he would suddenly show his sharp fangs and devour everyone.

Several loyal old people from the sea gang gestured to Zhen Ni and even shouted at her in a low voice,

"Zhen Ni, come here! Don't be fooled by him! He is the messenger of the devil! Zhen Ni, come here quickly! Think about your father and don't do anything stupid!"

Zhen Ni looked at these with a complicated face, but her footsteps did not move, but she did look a little flustered.

At this time, Tefira was still there speculating about Mora's conspiracy and constantly encouraging people not to believe Mora.

Zhenni's footsteps moved! She approached Mora and put her hand on his arm!

This action made those who have been staring nervously at Zhen Ni and Mora eager to immediately rush up and pull Zhen Ni down and teach her a hard lesson.

Why is this girl so disobedient?

Nowadays, the best way is to leave that person first.

If that person is from the light camp, then it must not care about their retreat, because the messenger of light has kindness and tolerance beyond the imagination of normal human beings; if it is a demon, then leaving him is the most correct choice.

Mora, who has never responded, spoke:

"Why don't you go?"

The woman looked into his eyes, but found that her deep eyes could not see any special feelings from there no matter how hard she tried.

"You also have doubts in your heart. Why do you still want to stay?" Mora asked.

"If I am a good person, I will definitely understand you; if not, what are you going to do here?" Mora said softly.

As soon as this was said, many people couldn't help but feel some guilt in their hearts. For those light messengers who do not ask for anything in return and don't care about the malice of others, they do not feel guilty in their hearts.

However, just as these people had some tendencies to Mora, Tephira suddenly shouted again,

Listen! This is the cunning of the devil. They pretend to be wise and teach themselves. They seem to be talking about precious and serious truths, but in fact, they are just confusing demons! Zhen Ni, don't be deceived by him. He just wants to take us all to hell!"

When you say this, people's faces suddenly become gloomy, and such things also exist.

However, according to this idea, how should the correct truth in the world deal with itself? This is a ridiculous defense, but now people are in panic and chaos, and no one thinks so. Their thoughts and thoughts are in their own direction, and they are blind to the fairness of the other party.

Zhen Ni looked into Mora's eyes and finally sadly found that she was just an ordinary human girl. There was no special place to move him in front of such a character.

However, the woman finally insisted on her position and did not change, but what she said finally made Mora show a stunned smile.

"If you are the messenger of light, then I will firmly follow you; if you are an evil and cunning demon... I, I would rather be your prey and be played by you."

Moura's face became very complicated. Zhen Ni couldn't see what kind of expression it was, and she didn't know what it was like under that expression. However, after saying this, she put all the people on Mora, like a dress with thorns stuck to the wool.

"I understand more and more why the law allows priests and prophets to have a family, but most of the predecessors choose to live alone - women's love is a burden that men need to bear with their lives." Mora sighed in his heart. However, our lives have been dedicated to the gods, and what should we take to love that woman?

Then he turned to look at the people of the three ships, and everyone stopped talking. Even Tephira was speechless under his eyes, because suddenly they found that the apostle of this seemingly weak young god, no, he gave people the feeling that he was no longer a god, but as if he was a god. Same.

The instinctive pressure from the mind and body makes everyone speechless, and people calm down and wait for the development of things.

"I don't care whether you believe me or not, but the name of the god I believe in is not something you can talk about at will." Mora said, "I said that the god I believe in is God the Father. I used to say this, but now I still say so, and so in the future, because this is the truth.

No one said anything more, and Tefira was quiet. It was not that he wanted to, but that his mouth seemed to be blocked by a needle and could not say a word at all.

"This sea storm is a vision between heaven and earth that when my ancestors returned from exile, the twelve high priests of the clan sacrificed themselves to the sea in order to hinder the chasing enemies behind." Mora's voice spread at sea, and everyone felt as if Mora was talking in front of them. Such a method made those who had just excited and wanted to do something more afraid.

"Now that this sea storm has been in the sea for nearly a thousand years, and it's time to stop. However, if you people who often walk in the sea do not correct the evil thoughts and behaviors in your hearts, one day your evil thoughts and evil deeds will become demons in this sea and devouring all people. On that day, no one heard your crying, but no one paid attention to your cry, and your tears were drowned in the sea.

Mora's words seemed to have something special in it. The person with flexible eyes saw that the blood-red sea in the sea seemed to become a little light, not like a dissolved light, but disappeared naturally.

After saying this to the crowd, Mora turned around and did not look at those people, but looked at the blood-red sea as motionless and silent sea as if it were blood. The sound was not loud, but it clearly echoed on the sea: "In the past, my ancestors sacrificed to the sea for survival. Now I can do the same. Listen to me and sleep in the sea from now on... until he comes.

When he said this, Mora suddenly trembled, stopped for a moment, and then said, "Until he came." After saying that, my heart was quiet, as if the tremor had never appeared.

This matter was kept in Mora's heart.

After saying these words, Mora was silent for a moment and then said to Zhen Ni, "Would you like to go downstairs with me?"

Zhen Ni took a look at the strange blood-red sea, and involuntarily appeared a layer of pimples on her body. Then she hugged Mora's waist and hid her face in his arms. "Don't let me see anything horrible."

Mora jumped into the sea.

"Ah!" Although everyone had heard Mora say that they wanted to sacrifice the sea, they couldn't help but beat wildly when they saw him jump like this.

"Juni!! No--! Don't--!" Tefira shouted and rushed to the side of the ship, but saw that the blood-red sea suddenly sank in a huge dark cave, engulfing Mora and Zhen Ni, and then closed them, and the two figures seemed to have disappeared as if they had never appeared before.

"Ah--! Zhen Ni!" Not only him, but even the sea gangs who went to sea together this time cried out. Since this incident is not a tsunami, what should it be like when the ship returns to Haizhen?

PS: That's the end of a paragraph. I don't have the habit of writing volumes, but I still want to say something, the next content, black hey hey hey...