
Chapter 69 "Wrath" of the Lord World

However, although Mora has stopped devouring and transforming, what has happened cannot be changed - Xiaomei has been swallowed up by the pearl of the world. Although the internal desolate pearl of the world has already had seawater and Haiti, those were only moved in by Mora and were immediately transformed into the most basic elements by the original evolutionary law in the pearl of the world, but did not participate in the construction of the world, because the elements needed for the construction of the world are not sufficient, and Moreover, Mora has not yet set the world law for the world.

I have to explain here that having the pearl of the world does not mean that it can be used. The reason why it is close to the realm of gods is that only in that realm can understand the law and provide great power. The procedure for building the world in the pearl of the world is as follows: first, arrange sufficient elements in it, or other extremely small but a variety of things, which are generally directly from the main world, or some capable people can directly extract materials from other worlds to add them to the pearl of the world. (Materials extracted from other worlds can be protected from the backlash of that world, because the laws of the main world are separated, but that ability is only available as superpowers close to gods, so the pearl of the world is not imaginable by ordinary people). These added substances will be the only first evolutionary law at the first time. It turns into the original element or particles - this function is used by most of the owners of the pearl of the world. They are unable to resist the counterattack of the power of the world, so the pearl of the world is a tool for them. If they pull the enemy into the pearl of the world, they will naturally be turned into particles and disappear. Existence! As for the real creation of the world, it is all what these people dream of.

When these basic elements and particles are concentrated, the owner of the pearl of the world creates and establishes the law, and then evolves the world through the original law of the original evolution of heaven and earth according to the law. Most of those who can use the pearl of the world still directly use or copy the laws of the Lord world, because they do not have the ability to understand the laws and modify or create them. They can only understand the laws of the Lord World from this process by copying the laws of the Lord. And gain. Of course, there is also an advantage, that is, the created world is almost the same as the main world, and it is easy to make people who are sucked lost in it.

The creation of the law is to deal with the details of the world. Generally speaking, only this is the time when you can really add life to the pearl of the world. Create the world, that's it.

And the previous pearls of the world were equal to emptiness for any creature.

The void cannot survive. If it hadn't been for the divine power that Mora had been blessing on Xiaomei, I'm afraid Xiaomei would have disappeared at this time.

Thinking of this, Mora's heart, which has been quiet and calm, can't help beating much faster. This matter is different from others. It is that your fault has caused harm to others. This kind of thing is a great blow to the gods who have always been strict about their own justice camp. Moreover, Mora is still the supreme god with the hope of becoming a god. If Xiaomei really falls out because of herself, Mora will regret it for a lifetime. Such things will even affect his future path to becoming a god.

But Fortunately, things still have a turnaround. For the time being, Xiaomei has nothing else to do in the Pearl of the World. Moreover, because the pearl of the world has been refined with its own divine power, the divine power that wraps Xiaomei should be recognized by the source.

At this time, there are no other laws in the Pearl of the World except the original basic law, such as the law of time. Without the law of time, it means that everything will remain the same. Everything of Xiaomei will keep the moment before she enters the beads, and even her dream in a coma will stay at that moment, so that the magic power attached to her will not be consumed. Therefore, Mora is relatively relieved about the safety of Xiaomei in the Pearl of the World.

The reason why he is relatively relieved is that he is still suffering from the "anger" of the main world at this time. The divine power of his whole body is resisting the power of the world law of the main world, and there is no need to distinguish the extra strength and spirit to enter the pearl of the world again to observe the situation.

Zhen Ni, Haiyana and the little prince hid for a while, and finally couldn't hear the huge roar in the sea, and they no longer felt the shaking on the ground. Then their heads emerged from behind the hidden sea stone. He saw Mora standing alone in front of the valley on the seabed, which was suddenly half the size of a village.

Several people watched for a long time and saw that Mora did stop, so they walked over carefully. Just now, Mora made too much noise. Not only was the land at the bottom of the sea was swallowed up, but also the nearby seawater was almost swallowed up at the same time. The water flow of the seabed brought about by this momentary change almost The three people hiding behind the sea stone also rushed over. If it hadn't been for Haiyana's ability to launch space talent in time, I'm afraid there would be three more people in the pearl of Mora's world.

The three carefully walked to Mora. Ke Qi, who has been paying attention to Mora and Xiaomei, first noticed that Xiaomei was missing.

"Mora, where is Xiaomei?"

Only then did other people notice that Xiaomei was indeed missing. Haiyana and Zhen Ni's faces suddenly turned pale. With such great attraction just now, even they hid so far away felt the power of tearing that almost took off into the air. If it hadn't been for Haiyana's urgent launch of space talent, I'm afraid these people would have It really went in, and how attractive it should be for Xiaomei who is so close. Thinking about the horrible vortex, which is obviously beyond Mora's control, then, Xiaomei was sucked in?!

Thinking of what Mora just said, before the world is built in the Pearl of the World, if there are creatures entering, it will only turn into elemental dust between the inner heaven and earth, and there will be no hope of survival. Even if the power close to the divine level has entered, it has begun to devouring matter and is about to evolve into heaven and earth. In the world, it won't survive for a few breaths, and Xiaomei is just a small ordinary intelligent creature in the sea. Although it has the bloodline of the half-royal clan, it is not even a warrior. After such a long time, I'm afraid it has already turned into a pile. No, I'm afraid it's the smallest in the pearl of the world. The element is dusty.

Looking at Haiyana and Zhen Ni's tears rushing out like a sluice, Mora forcibly lifted her spirit, puffed out a trace of hard-extrusive energy, opened her mouth and said with difficulty, "'s's all..."

After saying these words, Mora's clothes were suddenly soaked by water. Originally, his divine power at the bottom of the sea formed a very thin shield on the surface of his body, distinguishing him from the water pressure, darkness and cold of the seabed, and constantly separating air from the sea water for him.

But now his power is heavily used to resist the "repair" of the Lord's world (everything that is not conducive to the balance of the Lord's world will be erased!) There is almost no extra power to do something else.

Just to comfort Hayana and Zhen Ni, they squeezed out more magic power to speak, but they immediately had looseness and flaws and were oppressed by the power of the main world, and they had to use the divine power to protect themselves to resist. This is also the reason why Mora's body was soaked in seawater for a moment.

Hayana and Zhen Ni heard Mora say that Xiaomei was fine, and immediately stopped crying in surprise. However, before they asked carefully, they saw that Mora was wet all over. Compared with the solemn appearance of the prophet, she looked very embarrassed, and even her face seemed to be much paler.

Under the influence of Mora, Zhenni's divine power supported by Mora was a little uncertain. Occasionally, she clung to her skin and immediately made Zhen Ni feel the power of the seabed, the power of the huge water pressure and the ice coldness of the sea. At this time, Zhen Ni really felt the danger of the seabed and the strength of Mora, if it weren't for Mo At this time, she has already been pressed into a cake by the environment of the bottom of the sea.

As soon as Hayana saw Mora's state and the sudden ups and downs of Zhen Ni's clothes, she suddenly knew something terrible. There was nothing she could do about the mysterious and powerful Mora. But looking at Zhen Ni's trouble, she was still able to help. Hayana immediately pulled Zhen Ni to her side, circled her hands, and suddenly a round virtual mask appeared around her and Zhen Ni's body. This is Hayana's space shield, which can support for a long time without a strong blow.

Hayana slightly guessed Mora's trouble, so she pulled Zhenni over to protect her and shouted to Mora, "Mora, I'll protect you for the time being. Will it be useful for you?"

Although Mora could hear it at this time, he could not answer at all, but he still took a slight look at Hayana and Zhen Ni and nodded gently. Even such a move made his body more water marks and his face paler. However, as soon as Hai Yana helped him protect Zhen Ni, he could immediately save a lot of power and spirit to protect Jenny, and immediately devote himself to dealing with the "punishment" of the world.

For good, although the power on Mora is not strong enough to compare with the world, it is the divine power of the supreme creation system. For the main world, even if such a person does something unfavorable to the main world, he will only be regarded by the creator to make some changes by the main world, although there will be rejection of the power of the world. But it will disappear after a period of time, so Mora can be safe as long as he survives this period of time.

If it is not the power of the Supreme God, then the power of the world will not stop unless it is erased. And now as long as Mora has carried the anger stage of the power of the world, he can no longer be chased by the power of the world.

Although Haiyana, Zhen Ni and Ke Qi don't know this, they look at the chaotic deep undersea pit in front of Mora, which was originally a relatively gentle place in the undersea valley, but now it has become a huge pit. I thought it was in the sea, so under the alternating fluctuations of violent water flow, it is now completely covered with dust and smoke, and some small fish, shrimps and crabs nearby have been shocked and run around. However, strangely, although Mora has received the power of the pearl of the world, there is still a strange power around it. The sand and dust in those pits can only move in the deep pit, and even Mora, who is leaning against the pit, can't touch it.

This scene is extremely surprising in the eyes of the three people, but they don't know that this is the effect of the power of the world, and Mora and others are that this effect disappears. Otherwise, he has been consumed here. If the body can't consume energy, there is even a risk of death.