
(ps: 90 chapters, I actually wrote 90 chapters!!! Excitedly ask for votes and encouragement! Won't you help me publicize it? Resentmenting...)

After gasping for a long time, the shopkeeper, who was already a mighty warrior, calmed down slightly. Then he looked at the small hall downstairs outside the wall and suddenly scolded angrily:


I feel unresolved after scolding,


A mouthful of phlegm immediately appeared in his throat, and the corners of his mouth were about to spit into the pot.

However, the disgusting thing only reached the lips, and a coldness rose inexplicably behind it. The boss with an extremely bad personality only felt that there were countless sharp sharp knives aimed at him in every part of his body, and his eyes could not see anything strange, but the cold and piercing feeling on the knife made every inch of his skin uncomfortable.

Although he knows that it is an illusion, the boss is very sure that as long as he dares to spit this phlegm into the pot, the illusion of countless knives will immediately turn into a real feeling and appear in his nervous system, and he will die in pain!

The boss's face was bitter, his neck was raised, his head was raised, and the corners of his eyes twitched several times.

"Gdu--" swallowed it.

"Wow-ah-vomit..." The boss couldn't help rushing out and vomited again.

It is his bad habit to let others eat his own saliva, but when it comes to him, even his own will not stand it.


Mora frowned, and suddenly lost all her appetite. When she was taken by Zhen Ni through this sea town, she heard Zhen Ni talk about all kinds of bad things in this sea town. At that time, I only felt disgusted, but now I feel it myself and find that these people should really be pulled out and thrown into the sea to wash well. If you can't wash it clean, let the sea water bury it.

The owner of this hotel is not a villain in this sea town, but a bad habit. However, this also made Mora disgusting and even wanted to throw the boss directly from the window into the sea.

Just now, this thought moved, and it happened that the boss came over and wanted to contact Mora. Mora immediately reached out to throw him into the sea.

However, Mora remembered Zhen Ni again. After all, this boss is one of her guardians. It is rare for this girl to be willing to be a small hotel owner in this small sea town.

It was because of this that Mora raised his hand, changed his strength, gently brushed his hand, and swept away the boss who wanted to continue to be disgusting, instead of throwing him directly into the sea.

However, this action, which is already ordinary to Mora, has set off a huge wave in the heart of the store owner.

Since he became a powerful warrior, he has never encountered any problems that bother him because of his strength. Including in this sea town where there are often aliens from afar. Only once did he meet a capable mage, but his old age made him unable to raise any interest.

Although he can't guarantee that he is the strongest in this sea town, he is sure that no one will confuse himself by simply relying on his strength.

For him, the only pleasure in life is to make a delicious meal, then spit inside, watch the guests eat happily, and say it is delicious to himself.

Later, some people knew their bad habits, but out of some solicitation or other thoughts about their power, they still came here to endure nausea and eat their special food...

However, what he never expected was that today, this young man who looked like reading many adventure knight novels or legendary mage biographies and came out to seek the so-called adventure would be more powerful than he imagined.

No, it's not strong. The feeling of complete powerlessness makes him unable to find any adjective to describe this teenager. In the life experience of the store owner, I once had the experience of facing gods, but it was not so powerless!

When the man waved his arm, he seemed to be a grain of dust and was casually sent away. Such a feeling, even when the store owner was naive, he had never felt that he could not even struggle in his heart!


Mora was not at all confused because of the store owner, but after feeling sick, she decided not to eat the food cooked by this guy. Anyway, there is a lot of food stored in the Pearl of the World (now the Pearl of the World is almost a storage ring for Mora).

The time passed slowly, and Mora sat across the table eating candy happily and kept secretly talking to her little girl.

"Little girl, your family, huh?"

The little girl hadn't answered yet, and a very unfriendly voice immediately sounded next to Mora.

"Ky, don't think you can seduce my daughter with a small white face and tell you, like you..."

A slightly sloppy middle-aged man appeared at the table of Mora and the little girl.

He is wearing a gray-yellow white dress. There is some strange smell on his body, as if he had just come out of the fish shop. There is a thirteen-string harp on his shoulder and a gray coat around his waist. Through his appearance, it can be faintly seen that there are several books and coins inside. On the feet is a pair of worn cowhide shoes sewn with many needles and threads, and some places reveal dusty feet.

This dress is a little strange, but Mora searched a little in his mind and suddenly knew that this was the bard who wrote legendary biographical novels and spread them everywhere.

It's just that the poet in front of him not only looks depressed, but also very unfriendly. It looks a little different from the legendary bard who always smiles and is polite, or melancholy and sings poems, and even indiscriminately to Mora.

However, Mora did not immediately defend anything, although it was the first time he saw the profession of bard and met such a person with a different image from the legendary image, although the other party was unfriendly and there was always a trace of hidden treachery in his eyes?! But at first glance, Mora saw the most precious thing about this person.

This is a man who loves his daughter very much. A father who can do anything for his daughter, that's all.

Morah did not answer the man's words, but the little girl jumped off the chair and threw himself into the man's arms without waiting for the seemingly depressed man to finish his unnamed fire.

"Dad! Why did you come? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The man picked up the little girl dotingly. Mora noticed that the man's hand wiped the back of the clothes fiercely and wiped off the dust. Then he spoiled the little girl's face and said with a smile, "Coco, Dad, I have prepared the boat money to go to the sea. I can take you to the other side of the sea the day after tomorrow. The legendary city of the sky, Nigra.

"Really?" The little girl widened her eyes and then said melancholy, "Dad, are you going to lie again?"

The man's face suddenly collapsed, "Coco, how can you say that about me? Even if others don't understand my poetry story, don't you understand it?"

The little girl stared at her big eyes and said innocently, "It's because only I understand that you can't make money!"

"Forget it." The bard obviously failed, "I won't tell you, what do you want to eat today?"

The little girl shook her head, "No, the bad boss is spitting in the food. It's disgusting——"

The bard Sidoma's face changed greatly, "Coco, who did you hear?" His face was pale, his throat was shrugging, and his stomach was churning.

Coco pointed to Mora: "The big brother said it, so he invited me to candy." With that, Coco opened the pocket of her clothes and showed Sidoma the colorful and exquisite candy inside.

Sedoma immediately turned red. She came forward to grab Mora's collar and lift him up. "Bastard, what did you do to my daughter?"

A wooden stick pressed against Sidoma's chest. Mora didn't like people to touch him casually, but this man was not even a warrior, so it was not easy to separate him with strength, so he had to use this wooden stick.

At the same time, Mora's mind moved, and picture scenes appeared in her mind, as if someone was telling a story.

An old-fashioned but often-occurring story. The talented poor boy fell in love with a beautiful childhood girl, but later the woman fell in love with a young nobleman who also looked talented and rich and married him.

It's just that after marriage, the woman found that the prince was not as bright as he appeared, and he married herself just for some extremely powerful family treasure in her family. After getting it, I no longer care about myself.

As a result, the woman got well with the poor boy and gave birth to a daughter. The story is very entangled. However, later, the little noble family was killed because of the so-called treasure.

The poor boy secretly saved his daughter and raised his daughter. However, later, her daughter Coco got a strange disease and spent everything in the family and was not cured. Sidoma took her daughter to become a minst and travel around the world to find a way to save her daughter.

Many people in the store were paying attention to this side. When they saw Mora, who had nothing, suddenly took out this wooden stick, and some flexible guys immediately came to a conclusion in their minds - mage! Warlock! And it's still relatively advanced! - People who can have space objects, for ignorant civilians, this hand is a strange existence like a god!

Several guys wink at each other and went out. Since he is a mage, there are some strange things that can be understood. As for the age, it's probably a mage who likes to pretend to be young and have some weird hobbies - he's chatting so happily with the little girl, isn't he a Lolita?

Several guys in their minds immediately spread evil thoughts, and even considered whether to find some cute little girls to give to this mysterious mage to make friends.

"You don't hate all the nobles because a noble son robbed your woman, do you?" Mora said with a warm smile. Sidoma's face became cold in an instant, and there was even a murder in her eyes. But if this is the case, you don't have to target me like this. My father's family is just a herdsman, not a royal noble.