
Chapter 100 Nigra has no beggars

(PS: Unexpectedly, it's the first time for a newcomer! So, all the requests - red tickets, collections, clicks, recommendations, rewards... all kinds)

Nigra's harbor is so huge that dozens of cruise ships dock at the same time do not make her look crowded.

Mora walked to the harbor with Coco in her arms, and Sidoma followed him with her luggage on her face but helplessly. In fact, Sidoma wanted to rob Coco and never see Mora again, so that no one would take away her position in her daughter's heart again.

However, looking at her depressed and patched pockets, and then looking at her daughter's smile and red and soft skin color at this time, Sidoma really didn't want to make her daughter live a hungry life again for her little selfishness.

"Sally (the childhood sweetheart married to the nobles of Sidoma), everything is my fault," Sidoma looked at her daughter sitting on Mora's shoulder, smiling and pointing to the strange scenery of Nigra and shouting, "It's just my incompetence that I can't give you a happy life. However, I'm still incompetent, and I can't even solve my daughter's food and clothing, ah-haha-!"

Sidoma was sad and couldn't wait to look up to the sky and shout. The fingers holding the luggage turned white, and the not very strong cloth bag was slightly torn, revealing a little inside. However, it was fine, and Sidoma did not notice these.

However, in the end, except for his gloomy face, Sidoma did not do anything out of the ordinary. That kind of action may be very venting, but in the eyes of others, it is an inexplicable idiot! Crazy!

I won't change anything because of that. No one will think that's funny action, or some warrior mage will figure out what problem to break through the bottleneck and roar. Everything about himself is in the sight of a bright-eyed person. At most, how many people may give themselves a few coins because they sympathize with their depression? Want to send a beggar?

In front of her daughter, Sidoma is not so shameless. Despite the fullness of the three meals, Sidoma is still unwilling to let her daughter see her last dignity lost - a humiliation that no father can bear.

Moreover, Nigra does not have a beggar, which is the most famous commercial capital in the world. This name is not only because she has a lot of wealth and goods, but also because everyone in this city has his own clear goals, full of fighting spirit and **, even the most ordinary people for better. Live hard.

Beggars, as long as they have any ability to work, people here will not let themselves accept gifts from others in vain. In the historical records of Nigra, there was once the story of a very famous person.

At that time, Nigra was not as famous as it is now. At that time, there were still some beggars. The famous person threw down a few coins because he was physically disabled and was treated as a beggar on the road. It was a daughter of aristocrats who hurried by. In her opinion, this was just a very ordinary thing, but for that person, he felt greatly insulted.

So I worked hard to learn knowledge and culture, and finally became a well-learned person (I sprayed this sentence!). And in a great crisis in Nigra, he used his wisdom and knowledge to save Nigra and become the lord of Nigra!

This man later married the daughter of the nobleman and lived a happy life (I still want to say this!). But he was always very uncomfortable about the fact that he was regarded as a beggar. Later, he wrote his story as a biography and sent it to every city dweller in the city, and often went to the city to find ways for those who did not want to work and lack fighting spirit to encourage them to live hard.

After his unremitting efforts, more than ten years later, there was no more beggar in Nigra, and every cityizen was the most self-respecting and self-reliant people. The name of the Great City of Negra has spread all over the world since then, not for his wealth, magic, regional tourism, business and trade, but for the name of his city's self-improvement and self-esteem.

In this way, through the efforts of countless generations of city owners and the people of Nigra, there is the great city of Nigra in later generations - the pearl of the world, which can be regarded as one of the representatives of human civilization.

So, killing Sidoma will not do anything to be a beggar.


"Wow, Uncle Mora, look, there are a lot of people flying in the sky!" Coco suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted in surprise. The little girl's voice is still as crisp as a wind chime on the noisy street. Many people first turn their eyes to this Barbie doll (well, I admit that it's a failure to describe it, but do I have to create a similar thing for an alien toy term?) The same cute girl raised her eyes confused by the prosperity for a few seconds before turning her eyes to the sky.

"Wow--! Another group of magical mages from afar," a peddler with dozens of maps said excitedly, "It seems to be much more than last year. This is the sixth batch, right? The last sentence was to ask a companion next to him who held a brochure in the city of Nigra in detail.

"Hi, distinguished guest, is this your first visit to Nigra?" The vendor with the brochure did not answer his companion's words, but turned to Mora: "I have the most detailed travel guide of Nigra. How many do you need?"

"How many?" Mora was stunned. The guy next to the map saw that his companion grabbed the business so quickly, and immediately fell down his eyes staring at the sky and came over to sell his map with a smile: "Dear Sir, I have a detailed map of the whole city of Nigra, just with his travel guide introduction. You want to have a copy. ?"

I soon understood the little language wisdom of the two vendors. Mora smiled. Although as long as she moved, she could fully know all the basic information of Nigra, it was also a good choice to walk down like an ordinary person, "a map and two guides."

"Okay! Sir, I didn't expect the guest to be so cheerful. The two young hawkers immediately offered maps and pamphlets in their hands. Mora handed a travel guide to Sidoma behind him, then stuffed the map into Coco's hand and said to the two people, "How much do you want?"

Two people stretched out a finger without hesitation and looked at Mora expectantly.

Is this a copper coin, a silver coin or a gold coin? Or eleven copper coins and silver coins?

Nigra is worthy of being the "commercial capital" (also the owner of various titles such as the capital of mage and the capital of xx).

Mora threw eleven copper coins to them. It seems to be about this price. "Sir, you must have done business too." A hawker muttered. Hearing what he said, Mora was a little curious: "How many gestures do you give at most?"

The one who sells the map said proudly, "Of course it's eleven gold... Oh, no, it's a gold coin?" The person selling the travel guide immediately stared, "What, is it eleven gold coins?"

"How can it be, one!"

"No! You often mistakenly tell the truth. I heard you say it's eleven!"

"Where is it?! You heard it wrong!"

"You are..."

"There are another group of mages! Why are they all female mages?"

Ah? Where? ...No? Hello...huh? What about people? ...Stop! - How dare you lie to me!"


Coco lay on Mora's shoulder and laughed with a stomachache. Sidoma couldn't help laughing, and then thought of her background and suddenly couldn't laugh. Fortunately, he followed Mora, so Coco didn't notice her father's depressed expression.

Mora took Coco to several hotels before she found extra rooms. Although Nigra has formed a lucrative tourism industry over the years, and even almost every former Nigra resident's home has been converted into a hotel, restaurant and restaurant, guests often need to go to several to find a vacant room.

Mora took Coco and Sidoma to live in a three-storey mid-range hotel and booked two interconnected rooms on the second floor. After paying the deposit, Mora took Coco to go out to play.

Sidoma suddenly stood up and said to Mora, "I'm going to take Coco to the doctor for treatment. Give me Coco."

"Chall Ill?" Mora was slightly stunned, and then remembered that when she met Sidoma and Coco, she heard that when she brought her here, she was looking for a more magical mage and warlock to treat Coco.

Coco's face darkened, and the little girl who had been happy for many days remembered that she was sick. ...... However, why haven't you felt uncomfortable for many days? Coco said slightly doubtfully.

"Is it that you suddenly fainted and can't wake up? You can't wake up until a few days later. You will be weak for many days and often have nosebleeds?" Mora asked.

"How do you know?" Sidoma was shocked: "When did my daughter get sick again?! But why don't I know?! Why didn't you tell me! What's going on?! Ah--!"

Sedoma is so anxious that he is about to fight with Mora. Unexpectedly, Mora gently walked away with Coco in his arms and went from the room to the stairway downstairs. His voice sounded faintly in Sidoma and Coco's ears: "If it's just that, Coco's illness is cured."

"What?!" Sidoma was shocked and almost doubted whether she had hallucinations, okay... okay??? Is it okay to let yourself be so silent about the incurable disease that has been running around with your daughter for four or five years?

"What did you say...what did you say?" Sidoma ran out quickly, looked at Mora, who was going downstairs with Coco in her arms, and asked in a trembling voice, "You, you, you said that Coco... Coco's... is... sick... recovered?"