
Chapter 112 You and I can be prophets

Mora's question was asked by Gan Liuha, who muttered, "What is it?"

Mora answered clearly: "It's ignorance!"

"We know who we believe in, what kind of ability he has, what he will do to us, and what we will do with him in the future... It is because we have figured out all this that we are neither stupid nor fanatical, but we are the most determined. This is our faith. I believe it not only because I believe it, but also because I know it.

Gan Liuha was speechless for a long time before he said, "Which god can have such a thing..." After thinking for a long time, he couldn't find a suitable adjective. Mora took a sip of the already cold fresh fish soup and said calmly, "The tallest one."

"Ah ha? - cough, cough, choke -" Gan Liuha really choked this time. A mage was suddenly so embarrassed that even Nigra gathered by mages was not a common scene. The guests who reserved space for the mages from afar all stared at this side curiously, wondering what had happened to make a seemingly identifiable mage so unbearable.

Farther away, the shopkeeper will almost rush over and shout thank you to Gan Liuha. A mage has made a fool of himself in his store. If this is written in the store manager's diary, it would be really face-to-faced!

Finally, Gan Liuha, who returned to normal, took out some spices from his pocket, sprinkled them casually, and then drew a few runes with his fingers. The spices suddenly turned into a fog, covering the sight and sound of Gan Liuha's table and other guests. Those tourists who were watching the bustle sighed, but there was nothing they could do. It's rare to see the mage come back, which is enough for them and their friends to brag.

Gan Liuha finished all that, and then stared and asked Mora, "Can you say it again?" Mora pointed his hand up, "That's the one!" The attitude is casual, just like saying, "Oh, you said that person is my father!" Same.

Looking at Mora's attitude, Gan Liuha hesitated for a long time and finally decided not to say this. Compared with other "small" places, he lived in Nigra as a mage and knew a lot about the divine kingdom and his own world. The Father God who created this world has not appeared in front of human beings for hundreds of years. They don't know what happened here, but it is said to be some extremely secret things that even ordinary gods can't participate in. Therefore, after hesitating for a long time, he decided to forget these and continue the original dialogue.

"Well, so, knowing the future, but you can't make changes, every day of life seems to be acting...?" Ganliuha organizes the language.

Mo stretched his hand and picked up the spoon, raised it up to Gan Liuha and said, "Look, this is a spoon. If I let go of my hand, what will happen?" Without waiting for Gan Liuha to answer, Mora continued: "The spoon will fall." After saying that, he smiled and said, "And I know that if the spoon falls to the ground, it will break; if it falls into the bowl, the soup will splash out."

Looking at Gan Liuha's doubtful eyes, Mora smiled: "If you are sure that I will let go, then you must know what will happen next, right? So, can it be said that you foresaw the future?

"This?" Gan Liuha couldn't make up his mind. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I think it should be! ...Well, yes, that's it."

"Indeed," Mora also agreed: "In fact, this is the prophecy, the simplest prophecy, based on the information we know. In addition, there are two people, one standing on the ground and the other standing upstairs. Which one do you think looks far?

Gan Liuha said, "It's upstairs."

Mora nodded and said, "Yes, it's standing high upstairs and looking far away. Then, the gods standing on the high sky look farther than us on the earth.

Gan Liuha fell silent and carefully thought about all these words and truths in his heart. Suddenly, he asked, "Well, if we can know most of the key information and the operating rules of the transactions that those information constitute, doesn't it mean that we can predict the future?"

However, Mora did not answer his question. After thinking for a while, Mora said, "So, you already know the future, so are you still interested in that future?"

Gan Liuha was stunned and didn't know why Mora said that. After thinking for a long time, he still replied, "I'd be happy to see the results."

Mora smiled and said, "That's it. Even if the gods know the future, they will still be interested in the future. It depends on what these human beings will do.

"Of course, this is only one reason, and there must be many other reasons that we can't understand with human vision and vision. However, since we know some basic things, we are not confused and continue to work hard to move forward; we are pious, courageous and not afraid."

Gan Liuha said seriously, "I believe what you said now, because only he has such tolerance, kindness, wisdom and benevolence."

Mora smiled and said nothing.

After eating a meal for a long time, there were almost no more guests sitting there in the guest hall. The "fog" arranged by Gan Liuha has almost dissipated. Calling the waiter to clean up the mess, Ganliuha said to Mora, "Well, I don't know how long you need to prepare. I can do it at any time."

Mora asked, "Don't you need an admission ticket?"

Gan Liuha said slightly with a little complady: "Admission tickets are only for those infamous reclusive mages, and also prevent curious ignorant people from breaking into the mage's venue and causing indifferent harm. But for those well-known mages, there are no such requirements.

Moura hesitated for a moment and then asked Coco, "Coco, will you stay here or with me?" Hearing this, Gan Liuha wanted to stop him and take a little girl to the mage's exchange meeting, but I'm afraid there will be a lot of obstacles. However, when he thought about Mora's ability, he suddenly felt nothing. Well, of course, he was still slightly looking forward to it. What did he expect?

Nigra Mage College.

The Negra Mage College is one of the four most prestigious mage colleges in Negra, and the other three are the Negra St. Indyge's Magic Research Institute, the Negra Royal Magic Research Association and the Negra Magic Lecture Hall.

Compared with the other three mage teaching places with research or direct names, Nigra Mage College is the purest place to teach magic. Every year, nearly 10,000 students come from all over the world to take the entrance examination. Some of them are far away, even starting from the first spring and arriving at Nigra in the winter of the second year.

The other three equally famous mage colleges also recruit students, but their requirements are completely different. St. Indege's School of Spelling recruits all cutting-edge talented mages - mages under the age of 30, or talented teenagers who are already at the peak of mage apprentices under the age of 15. The maximum number of people recruited is only 100, and in a few years, less than 10 people have been recruited!

But the elite educational effect is also significant. Every student who goes out from the St. Indege's Magic Research Institute has the lowest achievement is enough to leave a strong mark on the history book of a small county!

So, at the time of graduation every year, countless officials from various countries stay in the reception of Indege, attracting graduates from this research college with various titles, territories, wealth and even princesses.

And the Nigra Royal Magic Research Association, that goes without saying. Except for the royal children and the heirs of the noble family, they only recruit those who have unique achievements in spells. This so-called unique building refers to the non-neglisable contribution to the development of spells. It can be the discovery of a new spell or the discovery of a new system spell. Of course, some key defects and reformable parts of spells have been found, which can be regarded as a contribution to the development of spell research.

However, if it is only found and there is no solution or idea, then you can only get a reputation certificate at most. Although it is a member of the Negra Royal Spell Research Association, it does not belong to the core group. In fact, the Royal Negra Spell Research Association is not a college. Her nature is more of a place for magic research. However, often every four or five years, there will always be some amazing genius teenagers who are not even mages to make strange discoveries in spells. These discoveries come from the adventurous results brought by the immature knowledge and concepts of young mages. Although many people die under these boldness, every success means Spells have further developed.

These bold and energetic young geniuses will be a milestone in spell research. Even if they can't become mages in the end, they are still the proud sons of the spell world and the core figures of the Negra Royal Spell Research Association. There is a popular saying among the mage group: If you know that your opponent is from the Negra Royal Spell Research Association, then don't underestimate him because of his mage level. The mage apprentices in that association are often more threatening than a dozen mages combined.

This is not a boast. In the history of Negra's mage, there was a legend that a mage apprentice from the Negra Royal Spell Research Association stopped 20,000 troops led by 3,000 warriors for a day and a night with a car of mana crystals. The reason for the final defeat was that the mana crystals were exhausted! Imagine that a person fighting against 20,000 people is enough to make the warrior collapse. The reputation of the Negra Royal Spell Research Association was also launched at that time.