
Chapter 136 The Origin of Valentine's Day

In this way, the energy in the world of Mora is relatively easy to appear. However, because Mora has increased the speed of light, the difficulty of becoming a god has increased almost infinitely, because although it has been increased by half, the change at every point means that it is extremely difficult, not to mention half the speed of light. What?

Half of the speed of light corresponds to the distance, which is difficult enough to make people who know the situation desperate. However, Mora thought to himself: "There are still many things in the world itself that cannot be simply described by law. As long as there is a need for that existence, it must be more difficult for someone to become a god."

After all the setting choices are completed, the light-related laws of the Mora world have been set, so after a burst of magical power, the world suddenly appeared.

Yes, it is pure light, without any carrier, neither the sun nor stars carrying light. It is such a mass of light suspended in the world, and there are countless light connections between each mass of light, which stabilizes the structure of the world.

Mora looked at all this, thought about it, and finally decided that since he wanted to accept the arrangement of the supreme, his world was actually just a place of deduction. There was no need to spend enough money to build a completely real world, so Mora went out. Each mass of light spontaneously wraps a little supreme divine power, and takes this divine power as the core to build stars all over the sky. There is a light connection between light and light, relying on this light to communicate with each other with energy and information.

At this time, all the light masses are the same size.

Mora's heart moved, and then centered on a mass of light, tens of thousands of nearby light masses began to deliver energy to the central light mass. Therefore, as visible to the naked eye, the volume of tens of thousands of light groups began to decrease, and the light gradually dimmed, but the light in the middle was constantly increasing, eventually becoming a sun-like bright existence.

Mora's heart moved again. Then the bright sun-like light began to weaken, and all the energy began to be transported to a faint star-like light mass nearby. At this time, there is no earth, otherwise, if there is a creature standing on the earth, you can definitely find that the "sun" in the air suddenly weakens its light, and then there is another "sun" near the sun - a growing sun.

The speed of this conversion is very fast. After Mora took a breath, the original sun turned into another star. Mora's heart moved slightly. He said, "Turn twelve times a day, and then the stars will dimly restore energy. Every 12 laps, it will automatically change to a center. After 365 days, the transfer to the origin is a year. Every 365 years is the end of a big season and a person's life. A thousand seasons are an era, and life is a species.

After doing all this, Mora suddenly felt very tired.

This fatigue comes from the heart, neither from the body nor from the spirit, so Mora left his idea of creating the world to rest in this world, and then the human consciousness returned to his body.

When I opened my eyes, the number of hourglass hanging on the roof was still the same. All this work was done in the Mora world and had no impact on the main world, and even the time had not changed.

Mora looked at the direction of Negra Mage College in the distance and opened a spiritual channel.

"I'm leaving. What else do you have to do?"

Although the ice girl is extremely horrible, and few people really dare to hit her, the ice girl's mage class is still one of the most popular classes in the college. After all, such an eye-catching ice beauty is the most refreshing scenery in summer.

The female mage, who was making a fog book made of ice water in the air, suddenly stopped her lecture and looked in a certain direction. Influenced by her movements, the whole class turned their eyes curiously. Naturally, they didn't see anything, except dozens of people looking into the room outside the window, you know.

The ice mage walked to the window, and the guys who gathered outside the window and looked at the scenery in the room dispersed. In fact, it is completely unnecessary to do this. Although the ice girl is cold, she is not the kind of person who is very irritable and rude. For those boys who like to see beautiful women and refreshing, the ice girl has never suddenly hit the ice art.

Even for those who can do whatever they like, the ice girl has always been very envious. Because they all have reasons to be happy, but they can't find any trace of happiness except for their bloody and wailful childhood memories.

While in class, the man's voice suddenly sounded in his heart: "I'm leaving. What else do you have to do?" This is the voice of the ice girl who has been waiting for a long time, but when he really rings in her heart, the ice girl has a trace of reluctance in her heart.

Yes, I don't want to give up. Although I have lived in hatred and nightmares over the years, life itself is not too unfortunate, and it can even be said to be very happy, although I didn't feel it at that time. But at the moment when I was about to leave, suddenly all my life over the years appeared in my mind. Everyone's story was so impressive, including the cup man who hung on the wall by himself. Ha ha, I'm afraid there will be no such happiness in the future.

However, solving the hatred of the clan is also a kind of relief. I, really, have been overwhelmed.

The female mage suddenly smiled and intoxicated the whole Negra Academy of Mage. Many years later, some people recalled this perfect smile, and even a mage apprentice became a painter for this purpose and spent more than ten years in his spare time painting this masterpiece called "Smile of Parting". For the perfect and touching painting, even two art-loving kings and princesses who became crazy wrestled with each other without images at the auction, adding countless legends to the painting.

"I have something to do, something that has been waiting for many years. That's all for this class..." After a pause, the female mage said, "The next class will be notified separately. Goodbye!"

After speaking. The female mage ran out, even wore a little skating on her feet, and left the Negra Mage Academy without stopping for a moment.

Maybe there is no chance to come back in this life! The female mage did not look back, and suddenly seemed to cry in her heart, but there was nowhere to go, and her footsteps did not stop at all, because once she stopped, the female mage herself did not know whether she had the courage to leave.

After more than ten years of hatred, it is fate to take revenge.

The old dean of Nigra Mage College was studying spell experiments and advanced methods in his mage tower. Suddenly, he stopped the movements at hand. At this time, all three jumping apprentices stood beside him honestly and dared not say a word. They just looked at the old dean pitifully and expected him not to cloth them. Put those strange homework.

It seemed that when the old dean heard their thoughts, he just sighed, shook his head, and continued to do the experiment. It is not suitable for the three apprentices to start the tragedy as soon as they stopped as before.

Soon, Negra Mage College has become the epitome behind it. The female mage stopped and looked at the man who had been her master in front of her, and was surprised to find that he was dressed like a mage at this time.

A white silk handkerchief was handed over, "I will come back again."

The female mage looked at Mora in surprise and would she come back? I was extremely surprised, but the female mage didn't ask anything. As a servant, she perfectly guards her identity as a servant, without saying more or asking. The matter is hidden in the heart and does not show any dissatisfaction in front of the master, because that is the master.

"It's just that the time will be a little long. You have to be mentally prepared."

However, this sentence gave Susina greater confidence. Since there is such a statement, it means that what the host said is not just saying, but that he really has a chance to come back.

As for time, I have been waiting for so many years, why do I have to care about more decades?

When I came to Nigra, I came from the water, but when I left, I had to leave from the inland.

Sena is full of thoughts and even a little at a loss. She was still wearing the female mage's white clothes and didn't even hold a staff in her hand. She followed Mora out of the city in such a hurry.

And Mora didn't prepare much. After dinner in the morning, he paid for two years of room and accommodation for Sidoma and Coco, and then left there as usual without even preparing to salute.

"Oh, my God! My good apprentice, what are you doing?! Do you want to blow up Nigra?" Looking at the huge gunpowder barrel made by Coco, Gan Liuha was so scared that his face turned white to death, but when he found out, Coco had already lit the gunpowder barrel. The stunned and frightened mage healed and instantly tore all the protective spell scrolls and protected Coco and himself.


There was a super loud noise, and Gan Liuha only felt the air vibrate, and it took a long time to stop. When the smoke and dust dispersed, I was surprised to find that there was no imaginary super pit on the ground, but the original gunpowder barrel had been torn apart.

There was a huge noise around, and Gan Liuha suddenly felt that the sky was different. He looked up and suddenly opened his mouth. A huge fiery red double-heart arrow-shaped pattern floated in the air, and this scene can be seen throughout the city of Nigra. Countless people looked up at the sky at this time and were shocked by the scene, but the mood called touching was permeated. Although it is not clear which child did it for his or her lover, the people who see it are blessing them.

Even the city owner's mansion did not ask because it was obviously against the regulations of Master Negra. It is said that on that day, the lord of the city mansion successfully reconciled his wife with the city owner with the heart-shaped pattern...

At the same time, countless young men and women made lifelong promises on this day.

Later, even today every year, the four major mage colleges had to make a huge heart-shaped fireworks, which floated over Nigra to commemorate those beautiful love. Such habits have been passed down from generation to generation and even spread to other places, so there is the "Valentine's Day" of future generations.

Mora turned around and looked at the heart-shaped pattern of the sky and the corresponding place. There is a feeling of warmth and happiness in my heart. When I was about to travel, I was very happy to have you send me like this.

Mora kissed his hand and waved it.

Coco looked at the kiss mark that suddenly appeared in the air pattern and burst into tears.