
Chapter 147 Oriental Food

How could such a thing happen?!

On the other hand, the thief wisdom leader who has been paying attention to the development of these things was surprised to find that things were in the best direction for him.

However, he really didn't expect that the characters in the carriage would be so horrible. Except for the mighty warrior and look at these arbitrary spells, he was afraid that the level of the mage was also extremely smart. Such a pair, the loss of this group of thieves is worth it!

Well, it seems a little too sorry for those dead guys to say so, but since everyone is dead, it's casual. Anyway, they will die sooner or later. For these leaders, a team of thieves and the most important thing is the leaders. Those little ones are actually irrelevant guys. If they die, they can supplement a group, and the property left by the last few little ones who died can better arm the newly recruited bandits.

With the limit of the brain, thinking about all kinds of methods, the wise leader has come up with countless ideas, and finally gradually figured out a general idea, quickly set a plan in his heart, and at the same time figure out how to contact several other leaders.

Some things should be arranged in advance. I hope there will be no such person again this time. Looking at the carriage that was about to disappear from sight, the leader touched his head with fear. In this terrible power world, although wisdom is no worse than power, it is easy to be smashed to pieces by violence in a face-to-face confrontation.

Looking at the disgusting unlimited nobleman falling to the ground sadly with his eggs covered, Xuesina could no longer stand such a guy - the air strike she had just hit the meat so accurately, so I must have this guy must be... Well, disgusting, I don't want to.

Shesna patted on the wall, and then the projections suddenly dimmed and changed to the scene in front of the carriage. But all this is no longer the focus of their attention.

Lunch is ready, which is my most attentive lunch, even more focused than the meal I cooked when I entered Negra to seek a mage teacher. At first, it was because of hatred, but now it is because of a sweet feeling.

Is it love? Xuesina covered her face, rosy and cute, but she didn't want to think about it. That's the rest of my life, oh no, it's the core of the future.

Will he like it? Will, for sure.

After Mora walked into the carriage, he did not pay attention to those people. For him, those guys are still just targets to vent his emotions. Since he is not in such a bad mood, he should focus on the things that make him happy in front of him.

However, Shesna seemed to see something from the projection on the wall, issued a spell, and then closed the projection behind. Mora has still held Shesina's soft wrist since she got into the car.

Maybe it's the thought of the ice and snow mage's maid? The temperature of this carriage room is slightly high, so it feels very comfortable to hold a cool soft hand in my hand and I don't want to separate.

So Mora didn't let go of her hand and didn't care whether it was a maid's small conspiracy. Since she likes it very much and is not bad, why can't she fight with herself? Naturally, it is the most correct. In that era without law, human nature and heart guided people's behavior without causing too much chaos. On the contrary, it was an era of power and countless heroes, and even many gods lived with people on the ground.

Well, it's far away again. Mora led his maid and walked to the bedroom. Before entering the door, he seemed to have smelled the aroma of the food and aroused the crat in his stomach. Mora opened the door and saw that a delicate film had been covered on the small table by the bed - this kind of substance was found in a spell accident, which has the advantages of being waterproof and easy to clean, and the material source is relatively cheap. Unfortunately, the manufacturing process is very troublesome, so although every household in Nigra has this It is called "table clothes", but such a layer of tablecloth will only be laid when noble guests come at home (just like aluminum bowls were more expensive than silver bowls in those years).

Looking at the round plain white "table dress" with five small flowers spread on the table, Mora asked, "Is this made by you?" Shesina showed off with a child-like expectation of sharing and being praised, "Yes, it took me a long time to master this technology!" Moreover, I also made a dress made of this material, which can be worn outside the clothes to cover the rain on rainy days. Do you want me to make one for you?

After saying that, Susina looked at Morra looking forward to it. Mora thought that such a power messenger, whether it was imitating spells or warrior power, any power could completely ignore the impact of the rain on herself. However, looking at Shesina's expectant eyes, she remembered that this woman was actually just a little girl who had been frozen by painful memories for more than ten years. Those hatreds, she has grown up without any worldly feelings over the years, just a big Lori, so her heart softened and she answered, "Okay, but I don't want these little flowers." Mora pointed to the cute flowers on the 'table clothes'. Although they were cute, they could not withstand the shocking eyes of the world when she wanted to make them into clothes and wear them on her body.

As if thinking of that scene, Shesina couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling and gently tapping Mora's arm, "How come? You are not... hee hee."

While talking, she pulled Mora and asked him to sit down by the bed, and then Xuesna moved a folding chair and sat down next to Mora. Looking at the empty desktop, I smelled a wisp of fragrance that kept fluttering in the room. Mora looked around and didn't find where the food had been put.

Sina lifted the "table clothes" and revealed an inconspicuous small button, and then pressed it down. A slight sound of the mechanism came from his head. Mora looked up and saw a bowl of food on it being transmitted down. He sighed unconsciously, "Is it necessary to be so troublesome?"

Sina pulled her skirt and her face was slightly sunburned: "In the past, I was the only one who had nothing else to do but toss these things, so..." The food was constantly put down from the chain tray on her head, and Shesna took a plate and put it down in front of Mora. The kitchen over there has long disappeared, and the cooked food should have been transmitted from there, but Mora is not very interested in these things. Anyway, they are all his maids. But these meals are very interesting, especially those plates of almost completely plant food, which look crisp and touching, and the taste is also very fragrant. When can plants be eaten like this? Moura, a herdsman, is a little difficult to do with this style of food.

Looking at Mora's be at a loss, the mage's maid showed a little conspiratorial smile, but she lowered her head and didn't let Mora see it, or she didn't care if she saw it.

"When I was a child, I met a businessman from the far east. He lived in our house for half a year because of his physical injury and taught me a lot about oriental food practices." Shesna pointed to the food on the table and explained, "These oriental food not only looks exquisite and attractive, but also tastes extremely delicious. Compared with these gorgeous and delicious foods, the food in our world is still at the level of ignorance."

Mora pointed to a plate of ginger squares and asked, "What is this meat-like thing?" Shesina looked at Mora in surprise: "Can you see it?"

Mora asked, "Is this difficult? Although it looks like the shape of meat and exudes the smell of meat, it is essentially a plant-like property. Is it a strange plant fruit?

"Hehe, no, it's actually beans." Shesina looked at the dish with a little regret and wanted to see Mora's surprised look. "I forgot that you are really too powerful. At that time, I used those beans to make meat food, which was almost regarded as the invention of new spells, and it was also the kind of spells that changed substances. It was these skills that I defeated the students who became teachers of many competitors and entered the world of spells.

Listening to Xuesina telling her experience at that time and thinking about the stories that this woman had experienced, in addition to hatred, it was actually a sad legend, "It's actually a bean!" Mora was amazed, "Is that kind of round little bean? What an incredible method. How can it make the appearance and taste of meat? Mora was puzzled, but then looked at the things on the table and asked Shesna, "How do you eat these things? Why don't you see the spoon and knife and fork?"

Xina took out four long silver round bars with a mischievous smile: "This oriental-style dish does not require knives and forks. There is a spoon when drinking soup, but those ordinary meals need to use this?"

Looking at these four slender silver garden strips, Mora asked, "Use this? Then it's better to use a fork."

Xesina proudly took two of them in her hand and turned them around and said with a smile, "No, this is called chopsticks. It is a tableware specially matched for oriental food. It needs to be used like this."

With that, the maid picked up a piece of tofu that looked particularly like braised meat with her chopsticks and sent it to Mora's mouth. Looking at the chopsticks in the maid's hand doing such a light action, Mora couldn't help her fingers**, and her head began to calculate that if she wanted to use chopsticks, the muscles on her fingers needed How much exercise? Looking at the maid putting the food in front of her, Mora, who was thinking about the matter, didn't notice anything different, so she naturally opened her mouth and bit it down.

Ps: Why do you feel a little pinched after writing this chapter? Well, is no one going to collect it? Persistent call for red tickets and recommendations...