
Chapter 175 "Repression" of Buildings

"Me?" Shesina was stunned for a moment and didn't want Mora to turn the topic back to her so soon. Looking at the tears sucked by herself at the corners of Mora's eyes, she just felt infinite joy and comfort. The owner with such a heart will not be too ruthless to herself in any case. In essence, he is also a kind person.

With such joy, satisfaction and reassurance, thinking of what Mora said earlier, Susina suddenly grasped Mora's meaning, had a little direction, and then deduced her thinking with her high-level intelligent calculation, and the correct answer suddenly appeared in her heart.

"I understand what you mean." Shesina sat quietly next to Mora and took his arm. "But I don't think it's me. Perhaps there is an inexplicable power in this slave country, which completely distorts the hearts of the slaves into a beast that only knows how to obey all the orders of their masters. But my respect, worship and love for you are completely from the bottom of my heart, and there is no falsehood. I am your maidservant, now, will be, and will always be.

"Even if you leave me one day, I will continue to follow your footsteps until I can see your back again."

In the end, Susina couldn't help expressing her fear of being abandoned. Mora's strength made her always worry about her fate. Every time she woke up from a dream, she was afraid that she would never touch the warm body around her, and only the cold pillow soaked lonely tears.

"I have never doubted your loyalty. I know your soul better than yourself."

Mora said to Shesna with a smile:

"However, you are not such an enthusiastic and unrestrained woman. The so-called passion of the ice and snow female mage is actually just the nonsense of a group of wandering poets. The real ice and snow female mage, even if she loves someone and shows outside, is just a reserved smile. I'm just funny. How interesting it would be to think of everything now when you return to your original reservedness when you leave this destructible country.

Sesina was embarrassed, but she did not avoid Mora's smiling eyes. She stared at Mora and looked at me unyielding?

However, her mouth was closed and she did not continue to flirt with Mora, because Mora's words reminded her of the nature of her character. Maybe she would really be ashamed.

The smile in Mora's eyes became stronger and stronger. Finally, Shesina felt that she could not look at each other any more. She immediately decided to change her means. Relying on the influence of what Mora said, she pounced on Mora, and then her charming and peerless face clung to Mora's face, spoiled, and even mischievously to Mora. The breath of Mora had to avoid it.

"Ha ha!" The crisp laughter sounded like a wind chime in the carriage. Maybe Mora's words gave Shesina an excuse to explain her current state. Maybe she was worried that she would not have the courage to get so close to him in the future, so Xuesna looked more and more lovely at this time.

After playing for a long time, Shesna and Mora said, "So, where are we going next today? Should we stay in a carriage or in a hotel?"

Looking at the city of Dahru outside, Mora was silent and said, "Go out and let's take a good look at this impending country. Soon it will disappear."

Shesina was shocked by Mora's words, and Lahska was going to disappear?! Although she is looking forward to this, what a great thing it is for millions of people to disappear in this land!

If you hadn't seen that Mora didn't want to talk about this, Shesna must have asked.

The carriage stopped in front of a remote hotel or manor. If it weren't for the sign of a hotel in front of the door, it would be really difficult to be sure that this is a hotel.

Although Dalu City is called a city, in fact, there is no wall or anything. Except for the corridor leading to the foreign country, other places are flat plains and some hills and low mountains. The rich people with many slaves like to build huge estates as their mansions. .

However, it is rare to build a hotel in the style of a manor, but considering that there is almost no contact with the outside world (no one comes), and it is not enough to build such a style. Maybe the manor is originally the residence of a rich man, just to increase income or know more talents. The manor was converted into a hotel.

Because this manor-style hotel is relatively remote, it occupies a large area, the size of two football fields. The front position of the manor is a group of gorgeous and tall buildings, which are rough, magnificent and exquisite. However, in the eyes of Shesina and Mora from Nigra, there is always a vulgar feeling of the upstart who can't be erased.

The charm of the building does not depend on its materials and style, but is composed of its history and heritage. No matter how luxurious and magnificent the newly built building is, it can't compare with the charm of a small bridge that has experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain. Moreover, if the style of the building is still imitated by other buildings, it will be even more discounted.

And the building is not only related to the people who designed it, but also to those who built it. But this is quite sad, because if they are slaves who build buildings (the kind of people who become slaves for various reasons, such as prisoners of war, such as civilians, such as debtors, except for non-human soul slaves like Lahska), then they tend to build more buildings than those built by hired workers. Shocking. Because of those buildings built with flesh and blood, emotional accumulation and complex emotions, each brick has the deepest emotions and thoughts in a person's heart.

However, the house built by hired workers does not have this kind of soul impact. It is just a beautiful and fantastic look spectacular. In the eyes of those who are sensitive, it is a very tacky house. But such a house also has the advantage that the house itself does not need that kind of "repressive" items. Anyone can move in at will, and there is no need to worry that those mysterious things will make trouble for themselves in the house.

But the houses built by slaves will be different. Their hatred and blood, longing for their hometown and expectations for their hometown and even their own lives and souls are integrated into the building. Buildings will bring a thrilling charm, which goes directly to people's hearts and shocks the soul, because they themselves have souls.

However, if the owner of the building does not have the strength and power to suppress the "potential" brought by this soul, he is bound to be greatly affected. Moreover, even if the owner suppresses this "potential" for a while, he cannot stay in this building for a long time, otherwise he will still be affected unconsciously for a long time - because the souls of those slaves have been cast into buildings and become another existence, and this existence is a new life. It can exist for a long time, and even grow into extremely powerful elves with the help of the essence elements between heaven and earth.

In order to prevent the birth of such elves or the chaos of the born elves, there must be something to suppress them. The most common is to rely on the array of items with special powers left by mages or warlocks to suppress them in the basement of the house or at the bends at the bottom of the well, or behind the chandelier on the roof.

However, this method has a great disadvantage, that is, with the passage of time, those objects carrying the power of repression will easily be corroded by the power of time, freeing the spirit of the suppressed buildings. If the spirit of the building that has been oppressed for hundreds of years explodes, the energy is extremely horrible, because they are all soul beings, and their attacks are also aimed at souls. Such attacks are simply too deadly for warriors who are used to material warfare. Even mages will be helpless, because in addition to soul mages and warlocks, few mages will study the soul directly. They are also people who go from matter to energy and then to soul.

Another way is that the owner of the house kills a powerful prisoner or slave and puts his body and soul in the house, and then this powerful soul will become the most powerful of all the souls in the house and become their thinking soul. That is to say, artificially cultivate the elves of buildings.

Because this elf is a loser or a slave belonging to the owner of the house, even his soul is restrained by the owner of the building and can't hurt the owner of the house at all, and there is no need for the owner of the house to work hard to suppress it.

This method is adopted by most powerful riches and nobles, but the shortcomings of this method are also obvious. Except for the owners of this generation, his descendants will not be recognized by the soul of the architectural elves. They will either suppress or destroy the house. There is no other choice. Oh, there is another one, which is to sell the house to fool riches and newly emerging nobles who don't understand these things.

Such a choice seems to be short-sighted, but with the selfish character and cold mind of the nobles, the future generations are just a tool for them to obtain more benefits. If necessary, these nobles can even make any sacrifices and evil.

For example, the noble Sidukara that Mora and Susina met that day. Although he wailed for the loss of his Dingding, the main reason was that he was worried that he could no longer play with women and could not form a large family without offspring and be swallowed up his wealth, and he was not worried about his future.

Ps: Although it is a little suspected of procrastination, I feel that the 'repression' of this building I talked about seems to be very good, which is more interesting than the simple plot. At least you can think about it when you get home, right? Collect this book and suppress your house. Contraception and ward off evil spirits