
Chapter 183 The Big One

No one expected such a change. The Dalu nobles and their warriors outside the door, who were ready to provoke first and then make excuses, were all stunned, because they did not expect that the provocator would be so hit.

Mora and Susina looked coldly at these people's stiff faces, and their thoughts looked extremely ridiculous in front of a capable man and a son of god.

One group of people provoked, and the other group of people pulled aside. In the past, those more powerful travelers were often afraid that this was the other party's territory and did not want to make trouble. As a result, they were accidentally given a secret hand by these Daru people who were already confused and degenerate without fear, and then the experience was beyond their own imagination.

Because it has long been known that these people are looking for trouble, Mora and Susina have no idea of fighting with these people at all. Since you want to die, just die.

The man who was hit by the puck and flew out as an icicle was finally stopped by a warrior after hitting several ordinary people.

The warrior's hand shines with courage, which is obviously very afraid of the mage's spells. It's just that the power of the powerful is not so easy to stop.

Even if it has worked on a person, the remaining strength is enough to make the warrior close a pot.

Looking at the spread of the cold mana, the warrior was also quite decisive, and the other hand cut down.

The arm that was about to be completely frozen to death by the power of ice and snow was suddenly cut down, fell to the ground, making a crisp sound, and then fell into pieces, and there was no hope of taking it back.

The amputations left on the warrior's shoulder were constantly spraying blood, and the snow-white bone slag and convulsive blood vessels were disgustingly twisted in the sun. However, with the brave control of the warrior, the blood gradually stopped and the wound was no longer bleeding.

It's just that the warrior looked at the amputation on the ground and looked extremely sad and angry. If the amputation was intact, he might be able to take it back through some powerful doctors, but the fragments broken like this were hopeless.

He looked at Susina with extremely hateful eyes, and then was attracted by the peerless face. He was stunned for a moment, and then woke up by the pain in his arm.

He twisted his heart and vented his anger and wondered if he should tell the secret in exchange for an opportunity to torture this beautiful woman.

Shesna also noticed the warrior who caught the private result that had been frozen by herself. Looking at his eyes, she felt a little strange.

Mora explained in her ear: "These nobles are not all slaves, but also some of them are their clan children, peers or some Lahska people recruited. After all, not all Rakhska people are nobles and rich people."

"So it is."

Sena nodded.

Looking at these nobles and their men who were still in a daze for various reasons, there was the fat fat man who hid at the end and whispered with a young nobleman.

The fat man was in a daze with the young nobleman at this time.

As early as in the manor, the pig just felt that Shesina was extremely beautiful. Even if he could see through part of the energy veil, it was always something apart.

Now that I really saw Shesina's real face, and when I thought of what I had agreed with the first heir of the main mansion of Dalu City, I suddenly regretted it.

However, although he is a great power, he can't be arrogant in front of this young aristocrat, because this young man is also a great power, and he is also a soul-related power.

This kind of power is precisely his physical power. Unless he can rush to destroy the soul and spiritual power at the first time, those people's attacks on him will almost attract meat and move.

This is also the price that these people who take the right way to enter the realm of power must pay. If they enter the power of formal cultivation methods, such as warrior power, although there is no special mental power, it is almost impossible if others want to defeat a warrior power through mental attack.

Because every warrior must first enter the world of the law of power in the spiritual realm before he can communicate with the mana elements of the day to shape a body that belongs to the power.

And those powerful people who go side by the door, called powerful, are just taking special measures to make their bodies or spirits, or parts of their bodies and spirits have the power to use similar laws.

They can defeat any warrior like this, but they are still fragile and pitiful in the face of real power.

The last attack on the fat pig made the fat pig mistakenly think that Mora was a spiritual power, so this time he specially invited the prince of the city lord's mansion - Hudani Temerati, a spiritual power specializing in the spirit system, counting on him to suppress Mora spiritually, so that he could get that Woman.

Of course, as the first heir of a city lord's mansion, the fat pig paid a great price to let this prince help him. Lahska's nobles only have themselves in their eyes and want them to take action without any benefit, which will never happen.

Although the fat man knows that he can attract the attention of this Hudani by saying that Mora is a spiritual power, he is afraid that he will use this as an excuse to take away the woman after seeing the perfect woman, so the fat pig is particularly heartbroken and takes out a lot of himself. Treasures and "special slaves" bribed Hudani.

In this way, even if Hudani really saw the woman, it was difficult to compete with himself directly from the surface because of the gift he gave him, even if it was shameless.

After all, even the nobles in the **• chaos don't want to be said to be a dung bets in the middle of the night in public. They claim to be the saint of love and claim that they will not touch the leaves in the flowers.

But in fact, everyone knows what they do, but it is common for everyone to like to listen to good words, unless it is a super perverted M in his heart.

However, when he saw the real face of Shesina after taking the veil, the fat pig immediately knew that it was broken. As power, they wake up from beauty more quickly than everyone else.

However, this sobriety made him extremely sad to find that the Hudani, who was invited by him as a helper, had shown an extremely obsessed look at Shesna.

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