
Chapter 186 The Battle of the Handmaid

Although it is a mixture of fish and dragons, there are still several powers among these rich nobles.

Even the well-informed Shesina was surprised that there was such a high proportion of people and regions.

However, Mora, who immediately felt her surprise, told her that these were special powers stimulated by slaves by special means. Compared with ordinary non-powers, they were invincible, but once they met real power warriors, these fake power defects would become their life-threatening charms.

For example, the weak spirit of fat meat, such as the fragile body of Hudani, such as the loss of blood of "blood power" will die.

In fact, these powers only have a part of the real power, whether it is the body or the spirit, controlling blood, controlling the air, etc.

As long as those really powerful people are willing, they can get a hundred times more powerful than these.

Because those pseudo-powers are not accompanied by laws, only the most basic physical mysteries can be developed, and the real powers actually refer to those who can contact and master the laws.

Their powerful body is actually to bear the power of the law, but these pseudo-powers are putting the cart before the horse, so when they really face the powerful, they really don't have much to watch.

However, in order to cooperate with Mora's plan, and do not want to destroy these people so easily to save them from extinction, Shesna has been controlling that she has not used great power.

Her power output has always been at the level of a senior mage. This makes those nobles extremely excited, because they lack the law of real power, so they can't know what the real power looks like, so they can only judge each other's level from the size of power.

Since they are sure that this woman is just a senior mage, they feel that they have so many powers to get together, and it is really difficult not to win.

However, the truth is that they can't imagine. After Shesina entered the power, she still lacked some exercise.

Although as a mage and fighting basically have little to do with fighting, there is no doubt that fighting is the best way to learn. He can test a person's learning situation and whether what he has learned is suitable for him in the shortest time.

Now there are five or six pseudo-powers and hundreds of warriors besieging, and there is really no better opportunity for Shesna.

The ice and ice and ice are becoming more and more fierce, and in some places that have not been noticed by many people, those ice and ice have changed their forms again,

Some became ice knives, some became ice needles, and some turned into shadowless ice, quietly taking the lives of ignorant warriors one by one.

It is absolutely difficult to perform other spells in one spell. Even if you can, it is just two or three at the same time, but the power is different.

Like Xuesina, as long as you concentrate a little, you can maintain the ice and snow all over the sky, and carefully cast other spells mixed with the ice and snow all over the sky.

Unfortunately, although some people have noticed that there are other spells in the ice and snow, these Lahska people are naturally not allergic to spells, and no one knows that this is actually a skill that only a great mage has.

Fortunately, although these people are not knowledgeable, their brains are still relatively easy to use. The attacks that have been going on for a long time have not yet made the female mage look tired. Even if the woman has a large amount of mana crystals to use, it is at least refined now. God should also be a little tired.

Especially with so many people here, even the psychological pressure is enough to make her panic. The attack was so compact that the woman had no chance to use the magic equipment of teleportation.

No magic that can transmit people thousands of miles away in an instant does not require time. Does that man give this woman confidence?

Some nobles who had not yet died in pleasure thought of it, so they commanded a more desperate attack.

After feeling the pressure, Shesna also began to prepare to release several more powerful spells. But several warriors still broke through and had to hit her side with courage, and they were about to touch her.

Xesina suddenly stopped her mana output, and at the same time, her face also showed a blush of shame, but in the eyes of those people, it was a sign of her inability.

At the same time, those people were attracted by the rosy and charming appearance on the woman's face. Several pseudo-powerful nobles who had been secretly releasing their abilities all tore off their disguises and rushed over, and their men were about to encounter Hesna's clothes.

Sure enough, not beyond Shesna's expectation, a powerful arm wrapped her thin waist and turned gently, and a wooden stick crossed between the enemies and herself. At this time, both warriors and elite guards slaves flew out uncompressively.

In mid-air, more than a dozen of the leading people have shouted their miserably, and even the highest-quality slave warriors have made creepy shouts.

Even those noble rich men who were used to listening to the howling of slaves heard such a howling at this time, they had a feeling of soul trembling, which was terrible.

Even after Mora swept around with Shesna in his arms, the rest of the crowd stopped. Even the slaves were scared by the sad roar that went deep into the soul, their hands and feet were stiff and their limbs were not working.

The obedientness of slaves does not mean fearlessness, otherwise it is perfect and excessive, and there is no significance for the existence of the master.

It's just a circle, and all the fights are temporarily stopped.

At the same time, the ice and snow that lost the support of Shesna's mana completely disappeared. Because of the powerful mage, Shesna has fully controlled her power, so once the power is recovered, all the traces of ice and snow disappeared, and there are no other traces on the ground except the sharp round holes left by the ice. There is not even a trace of snow, as if nothing had happened.

But the traces left by the ice and snow are so conspicuous. The deep pits on the ground, the dents on the warriors' weapons (body has courage and weapons to support resistance), and the frozen power of the people at the beginning and the dozen nobles later have also disappeared.

The blood flowed out again because of the sudden loss of the seal, but because the body was dead and stiff, the heart was no longer beating and could not give more power, so it just flowed slowly without a terrible spray.

But that's enough to surprise these people. The mage who has reached such a level of control has been exposed to the mystery of great power.

Although this place has several powers, those are all fake. If there is a mage power here, it is almost equivalent to nearly ten warrior power here, genuine, non-copycat. ( Support genuine reading and crack down on copycat theft. This article will be published vertically and horizontally.)

No one doubts that this mage is already in a state of power. In the eyes of these people, if this woman was a power, she would have turned all these people into ice scum in an instant. How could she bother to confront these people for so long?

And what is the origin of that man, this woman...

Looking at Xuesina's happy face snuggling in Mora's arms, several nobles and riches who were rarely depressed suddenly felt extremely depressed. They didn't even think carefully about Mora's real strength and identity, and instantly judged the man's death sentence.

Of course, there are also a few more evil people who do not consider letting Mora die. In their opinion, a man so valued by this female mage is simply the most perfect prop in their slave domestication plan.

With this handle, the woman can't obey all their requirements.

Unfortunately, except for those little nobles who have little hope of getting Shesina, there is no nobleman's consideration. Will a man who can rest assured the mage and snuggle up to be an incompetent little white face?

A wooden stick knocked away all the people around, and at the same time, Xuesina withdrew her mana and began to recite the new spell program in her heart, ready to give these people a big one.

All this was just a blink of an eye, and soon there were people without ice and snow blocking rushed forward, and Mora looked at these people.

Although I really want to flatten them all at once, considering what I have to do, I can only temporarily put up with these weak people who can't make themselves a little interested.

Thinking of this, Mora suddenly thought that since he left home, it seems that the enemies he has met can either be seconded by himself or by himself, and he has never met similar strength.

Thinking about this, someone had already arrived in front of him. Mora swept his staff, and the warrior immediately raised his sword. According to the warrior's idea, as long as he blocked this person a little.

You only need to hold him down, and the person who follows you can give this person a hard time, and then how to deal with the woman.

But everything is just his idea. There are not many things in the world that follow anyone's ideas. Even gods can't let everything go according to their own will. They just have the ability to master the general direction.

Mora's speed is only faster than that of the warrior. The line is visible to the naked eye, and even makes those who onlookers or follow behind have a feeling that if I take action, I just need to be faster than this person to block or defeat it.

The first person was blown away and fell to the ground like a pool of dead dogs. His bones were broken into powder. Even some of the bones of his brain were broken into slag, but the rest of his body was intact. This intact magnified his pain, but it was indescivable.

Because the bones on the mouth are also broken, it can only make a little sound.

........................Some time ago, it was very H, and this period of time was very bloody. Did I also start trying to break the taboo? ..........................