
Chapter 198 Variations II

Many people chose Schumacher.

But for those ancient and intricate forces, this is not an easy task, because the longer they go and the deeper the relationship, the more they know that every person who can sit on the throne will never be as simple as their eyes can see.

No one will expose his secret to the sun and let the greedy cove, unless the secret is that he is a god.

However, in any case, the time is only a little bit. The sun has slowly risen from the east. Every minute passed, countless people's hair is turning white and black, and fierce arguments are constantly ringing in the secret rooms of the nobles in Wangdu and other places.

However, compared with the previous pling and procrastination, it is much more tense and real now, because this time, it is necessary to make a choice in a short time.

Many people want to remain neutral, but people who are still clear-headed know clearly that the only end of the neutral faction is to be abandoned by the victorious party, and the final consequences are not even as good as those who reflect their value in their opposition. Time has never been so sad as this day, and countless people can't wait to let time stop.

Of course, the more people hate Schumacher even more. Even if you want to rebel, don't do it so hastily! This is simply not giving anyone a chance to breathe at all!

But some people are very optimistic about Schumacher and think he is simply too talented to do so. Because of the shortage of time, everyone who makes a decision does not rely on thinking, but on intuition. Such loyalty is often countless times more real than those who have thought about it.

But there is another concern. Who knows if this is a game between His Majesty and the Count? Because it is really hard to believe that such a person who suddenly achieved great power and has not yet formed a force, and the person who pulls the relationship suddenly wants to rebel, and there is no warning!

If such a rebellion is placed in another country, pigs will not believe that he can succeed. But at this time, there is a variable, that is, the woman of the great mage.

When many people think of this woman, they suddenly think that this woman is weird. Is it the intervention of the forces behind this woman who is ready to do something in this Ulanto country?

This kind of thing is not without it. The initial establishment of many small countries was actually a combination of several large forces, occupying the land as king, and then everything else.

Naturally, there are also situations where people directly wait for others to build a country and directly destroy him and replace them. Although after a thousand years of Warring States era, this kind of behavior has not been allowed, it is like the kind of secretly manipulating other people's puppets to do such things, but no one has stopped it. Could it be like this?

The more many people think about it, the more polite they feel. But at this time, another news came out explosively when the sun rose completely: the woman was "invited" into the palace!

At this time, the Uranto country was completely chaotic, all the organizations, nobles and the rich trade alliances emerged, and all the intelligence spy organizations also took action.

However, although the world has magical spells and other magical means, those belong to the superiors and high positions. There are not many things that should be brought into life. Therefore, even spies and spies get information after crazy actions. , and there is no guarantee that it can be delivered to the people behind you at the first time.

But at this time, every minute and every second is a deadly moment. The whole Ulanto is like a bird roasted by fire. Maybe a second later, the bird's wings will turn into ashes forever.

However, I don't know which smart dish suddenly thought that although the current information is important, in fact, after everyone's dishes take action, the information they get is actually almost the same.

There was no need to send it back to his owner, so he posted the information he got directly on the street.

No one expected that this method would work. In fact, at this craziest moment, every spy and spy gets the same information. The only difference is who can send it back as soon as possible.

At this time, with such a simple way, there is no need to pass the message through the difficult channel to start. At this time, the whole Ulanto was alive. Countless news spread everywhere in the streets, walls and streets of Wangdu.

The biggest consequence of this matter, ordinary people who have always been ignorant of the lives of nobles finally know a lot of news that can only be known in pubs.

However, no one cares about the thoughts of these ordinary people at this time, and every action of every person in Count Schumacher's Palace is the most important news in the capital. Even the details of those servants' cooking and wedding scenes were detected by countless dishes by various means, reported on the street, and then sent directly back to the house by countless passers-by disguised as passers-by.

Although things are in a hurry, the wedding is a long-term plan for Count Schumacher, so this time he did not stop because of the lack of anything, but a little nervous.

Originally, according to the normal procedure of the wedding, there should be a lot of etiquette and preparations to do, but Schumacher, who was determined to subdue Alan, had no mood to prepare any tedious etiquette at all. Since Alan did not object, he simply ignored those things.

As for whether such a hasty and tense battle-like wedding will become a joke, Schumacher, who has begun to put down the world, doesn't care.

However, just as the sun completely left the horizon and rose, a piece of news almost shattered Schumacher's heart, and a bodyguard rushed into the house covered in blood and reported:

Their future mistress was invited into the palace by the people of the palace!

When he knew the news, the powerful warriors emanating from Schumacher gushed out uncontrollably, and his domineering power exploded like a fireball.

The seriously injured bodyguard who had just reported the news was suddenly turned into a pile of blood fog and meat flying all over the sky.

The bodyguard was originally careful near the palace to guard against the people in the palace. At the same time, I was extremely excited to think that once my count was really a person who was ready to ascend the throne like those street legends, then he would also have a chance to become a meritorious official of the country, thinking about the bodyguard who was very confident in his own force.

Then he accidentally found that the curtains on a carriage that slowly drove into the palace from outside the palace gate suddenly opened, revealing a charming face. Looking at the face, the bodyguard was instantly obsessed. When the carriage completely drove into the palace, he looked at the gate of the palace. I haven't recovered after the strange closure.

Many dishes and spies standing in this direction have been obsessed with him for a long time. Finally, after a while, the bodyguard suddenly remembered in horror,

Isn't the frosty woman her own mother?

Shouldn't she be preparing for the wedding in the count's mansion? Why did she appear here?

Thinking of this, the bodyguard could no longer cover his figure and rushed back like crazy. There was only one thought in his mind:

Report this news to the count immediately!

A capable warrior guarding the palace saw this suddenly running man. At this ** moment, such a person's behavior is no different from looking for death.

However, the bodyguard's previous confidence was not unreasonable. The mighty warrior did something to him, but he did not completely kill him and made him return to the count's palace alive.

Then died in the count's uncontrollable and violent energy. It can be regarded as an indirect death under two great powers, and this life is also worth it.

Unfortunate, no one remembers him.

Just like countless unremembraned people.

came in a hurry, full of blood.

In a hurry, the blood and cold people were buried.

At this time, Schumacher was so excited that he almost rushed into the palace to kill the world. Even Wadi and Wadidi could not keep calm. Although their three true powers add up to the military strength of half a kingdom.

But in the palace, there are also several authentic powers, hundreds of half-step powers and dozens of pseudo-powers. Together, unless they die together, the count will have no chance to enter.

Maybe when he fell down, he didn't even see the king's friend's face. At the beginning, his dependence was just the woman he accidentally picked up. However, this dependence is in the hands of others at this time.

However, Schumacher still doesn't know one thing. If he knows this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to even breathe at this time.

Wadidi is almost crazy. Over the past year, she has been placing all kinds of flowers in Ellen's house, and Elan has not stopped it.

Other people don't know, but she herself knows that these flowers actually have a great mystery in it. Those aromas together make up extremely magical things, which can inadvertently and slowly invade the spiritual world of people, even if they are unavoidable.

However, this kind of thing requires that the power itself to be in a "simple" state, and it will take another year to two. Finally, with a perfume, which is the kind given to Schumacher by Wadi, it can completely replace the powerful spiritual world.

Because it is unlikely to expect Dain to do nothing for a year, so this method is not known to many people, but because the fragrance of countless flowers together is relatively special, long-term relationship with it will also form that fragrance in your body and become something similar to body fragrance, so it is It was recorded and circulated in a small area.

Ordinary people don't know the role of the last key spices, but Wadi is extremely worried that the accumulation and precipitation of the royal palace over the years, that kind of strength and the accumulation of talents are absolutely not what they can imagine.

In case the mystery of Alan's fragrance is known, everything he has done will be so ridiculous.

.................................... There is another update, the red ticket said....................................