
Chapter 212 Sky Enemy

Xessina looked at the dozen people who died quietly and was afraid. Thinking of Mora's nervous appearance just now, I couldn't help worrying:

"What is the level of this aroma? It seems that you are also very careful.

Moura did not answer immediately, but looked very carefully for a long time in four dimensions, and finally made sure that there was no fragrance to follow him through the space tunnel. Then he took a long breath and explained:

"The flexible wisdom of this fragrance is ordinary fragrance, but its essential damage ability is enough to leave damage to the middle god."

"What?!" Shesina was shocked, "The god of the middle position!"

" can there be such an incredible power in the world? Shouldn't this be repaired by the power of the laws of the main world? Shesna was puzzled.

Mora saw that the chaos in the ice mirror was becoming normal. The aristocratic people appeared and dispersed the crowd, but the jewelry, gold and silver and even the remaining carriage wood on the ground were snatched by everyone (it was a precious fragrant nanmu, which can be grinded back and made sachets).

The dozens of soul-destroilled guys had long been trampled into tragic meat sauce in the chaotic crowd. The guards who finally came out to maintain order just wondered why so many people died so intensively in this place, but they didn't think much about it, so this big event that shocked the world disappeared. A street in a small national capital.

At the same time, I don't know how many similar things have disappeared so quietly in other parts of the world, hidden without even a record. Mora thought about this matter with emotion, and suddenly realized that maybe many of the "big events" that happened in the world were actually like this. They were not covered up or discovered, so they became a major event that shocked the world.

So from this perspective, it should affect the world and not be affected by the world, affect the line of fate and not be affected by fate, all of which seem to have traces to be traceable. Although your existence and non-existence may be the arrangement of fate, you are not bound to follow the doomed route to complete your own path. As long as you make your own choice at a critical time, it can be said that fate is on its own side.

Mora suddenly had this vague understanding in his heart, but for a while, he lacked the opportunity to grasp it, because he had not experienced much and lacked enough information to form unified and comprehensive system information. However, since this awareness has been made, it seems that it is no longer so far away to eventually form the existence of a son of fate.

It seems to feel the impact of Mora's mind at this moment, and the divine power belonging to the supreme has undergone a slight change in Mora's body. Mora felt it carefully and found that his fit with the supreme divine power was deeper, and his control of ordinary divine power became more and more smooth.

To some extent, he is one step closer to becoming a god. However, this supposedly happy fact became so slightly insignificant when Mora thought of the identity of the enemy he was going to face.

Every god will be affected by fate, but to a different degree. Even the original gods, the relationship between them and fate is the son of the highest fate relative to human beings, but Mora himself is not even the ordinary son of fate. So I thought of the infinite gods and countless gods in the heavens, only one of the most humble existences in these will make me helpless, not to mention the current middle gods who can deliberately hit themselves to sleep for several years, as for the upper gods at a higher level and those that they can't imagine. The main god or the one-sided extreme god is really an existence that can turn itself into ashes.

Mora laughed at himself: Forget it, I don't want this. Let's deal with the current matter first.

Watching that everything in the ice mirror gradually calmed down, Susina leaned against Mora, relaxed and spoiled. Her watery eyes seemed to have countless tenderness. The difference of the year was spent without memory, but at this time, she still felt sad.

"Should we go next?"

Sena's hair spread again, like a waterfall in the wind.

It's amazing that the original mana crystal hairpin was still there. Looking at this hairpin, Mora remembered the journey he and Shesna spent together in the carriage. A warm smile came to his mouth, but he shook his head:

"Don't worry, you have wasted so much time, so you don't care about this little time. I have felt the existence of the enemy you mentioned, and at this time, he has entered that state of divineness.

Sena's body shook, and the temperature around her dropped a large piece in an instant. Countless ice flowers and frost and snow instantly permeated this place similar to a hillside.

The white tiger that had just come out of the magical existence of the space channel was still dizzy at this time. Suddenly stimulated by the cold temperature, he was scared by another low roar and suddenly rushed up a large distance. However, it is a pity that although the tiger has evolved its strength and body to a realm that has never been thought of by following Mora, her tiger brain did not keep up with this progress. After a jump, her power was not well controlled and fell into the pond under the hillside.

Obviously, this white tiger has a bad relationship with water. Maybe it is because she is a white tiger that she cherishes her fur and rarely goes into the water. Seeing that it was about to fall into the water, the white tiger burst out huge energy from its body instinctively towards the surface of the water.

A group of light and shadow instantly formed from the white tiger, which is also the image of a white tiger. The real white tiger hit the water fiercely, and the virtual shadow energy of the white tiger suddenly shines straight into the water like light.


The huge splash flew all the way to the sky, and then turned into snowflakes falling under the influence of Shesna's ice power. Unfortunately, one thing still hasn't changed. The power of the white tiger is extremely huge. After smashing into the pond, all the pond water was blown out, and even the wet soil at the bottom of the road was blown away. Except for the edge splashing around, the middle part flew rudely towards the white tiger.

.................... After returning to school, I feel that I am very decadent and can't write at all. No matter how much time it is, there is an impulse to go out every day. For my hard and impulsive not to play, you have to scatter a few red tickets to make me happy. ? ..........................