
Chapter 214 Frozen Beast

.............................This chapter is very boring and very boring. If you don't lack books, don't read this chapter. Read the next chapter. The next chapter has finally found some inspiration, and the writing is still a little interesting............... Oh, today is still the fourth update, and it will arrive in one or two hours...

However, the taste was really tempting. Well, it was seductive. The white tiger looked at the hot air coming out of the pot, and his black nose couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then it became more and more unbearable.

The white tiger's tongue full of barbed hurriedly swept the corners of his mouth, but unfortunately there was only the plainness of ice water.

There was a rumbling sound in his stomach. Suddenly, the white tiger's eyes lit up, and his huge body jumped in the pool and sprinkled a large drop of water in the air.

The white tiger's body shakes violently in the air at a frequency that the eyes can't see. For its own energy, this new white tiger beast king is still not used to use it, and many times he still has to rely on instinct to do things.

However, when it landed lightly and silently, there were almost no water stains in the white tiger's hair, as if it had been sunburned. The fluffy hair makes the white tiger look like a big white cat, and it is fat and strong.

The meat pad on the soles of his feet made the white tiger's body pass quietly on the ground, like a cloud falling on the ground. But the speed is much faster than the cloud. After a while, the white tiger collected all the things he was looking for.

Shesina was thinking about whether there would be any competition or goals in ancient times if human beings did not have the threat of food. For a moment, she didn't notice that there was a huge white tiger behind her.

Four huge white tigers of Xuesna quietly stuck behind her back. At this time, Shesina was distracted. In addition to thinking, she was also cooking food seriously. Inadvertently, her body pressed back and she felt a hot air on her face and neck.

Some things are instincts. No matter how people change, they can't stop the influence of those instincts on themselves. Even if Xuesina is already a great mage and a very high-level great mage at this time, in essence, she is still just a little woman.

If someone breathes hot breath on a woman's side face and neck behind a woman, if the woman does not respond, unless the woman has a nervous problem.

Unfortunately, although the white tiger has always been a female, it is not a human woman after all. She thinks that standing behind can make a better impression on Xuesna without affecting her work, so that Xuesna can also make something good for herself.

But the result was very tragic. Suddenly, Xuesina, who was shocked by this change, slapped back without thinking about it!

You should know that Shesna's own body has been transformed by that supreme divine power, and it is also a powerful existence with a legal nature. And she habitually contains a mass of ice and snow power in her hand.

The white tiger's body was stiff there, and a huge ice ball began from her nose and instantly permeated the whole body of the white tiger. The body's reaction was always the most instinctive, and it was the only existence beyond thought. The white tiger's brain was also frozen, but the tail stood up spontaneously in horror before her nerves transmitted the news, as if there was an independent mind that could predict the danger in advance.

A fluffy and hairy white tiger with a vertical tail was frozen into a large ball of ice. Mora glanced at it and ignored the white tiger when he saw that his life was not in danger. After being shocked, Shesina found that it was the white tiger that had always seemed to be a little lively. The tiger still had a fat fish in its mouth, and there were several fat fish on the ground. I don't know when the white tiger came.

It seems that this white tiger hopes that Xuesina will also make a pot of fish soup for it. Unfortunately, when she appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time, Xuesina covered her mouth and smiled. The powerful white tiger beast king would not be in this ice ball, so Shesna did not intend to release the white tiger beast king. Come on.

Even Susina recited a spell, which deepened the power of this ice ball. If she had just frozen the body of the white tiger, now even her mind would have frozen. Freezing the mind means that the white tiger does not have a sense of resistance and will always stay in this ice ball.

It's not that Shesina suddenly wants to eat tiger meat, but to stop this obviously childish white tiger from bothering herself.

A pot of delicious fish soup was quickly made. The delicious freshness even attracted some animals in the mountain forest, and the sound showed that these guys were worried about the hesitation between humans and food. However, several boldest appearances saw the white tiger, the king beast frozen there.

For a moment, the bold man immediately scattered his hooves and ran away. His timid feet actually rolled down from the hillside and rolled all the way to the mud pond that had been cleared by the white tiger.

Compared with the white tiger's body, it trembles like a petite body, and his strong legs and feet can't help swinging. He wants to stand up several times and lies softly in the mud. Finally, after staining all their fur with fishy mud, these bold and small beasts finally found that this horrible white tiger beast had been sealed.

However, when the eyes turned to the two creatures called human beings, these beasts could not be afraid, even if they knew that the white tiger might have been subdued by these two humans. But the appearance and your own memory will affect their judgment at this time.

It's so ridiculous.

It's so ridiculous.

I understood it first, and finally stood firm, and then slightly approached the huge white tiger, making sure that it was not a threat. Unexpectedly, it boldly circled around the sealed ice of the white tiger, and then quickly hid in the mud.

The white tiger didn't respond and didn't even turn his eyes.

This embittery action inspired other bold beasts with low IQ and EQ, one of which actually roared at the white tiger~!

After roaring, all the guys went crazy and immediately rushed away; the slow speed plunged into the muddy water. He was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, a carnivore who looked like a deer hit the big ice ball that sealed the white tiger and fainted.

After a few breaths, these boldly appeared for the animals and found that the white tiger did not respond at all! That is to say, there is really no threat!

All of a sudden, all the animals were excited, swirling proudly around the ice ball that sealed the white tiger, and several good guys were even constantly trying to make some provocative actions.

If the white tiger is good, they dare not give these beasts hundreds of bear bile, but at this time, when they have a chance, their faces are no worse than human beings.

After provoking for a while, these guys finally remembered their original purpose of coming to this place, the fragrance that almost reached the soul.

The beasts' eyes glowed with green light and approached Xuesna, who was making soup on the pot table step by step.

This time she used a big pot, in which four or five fish were cooked, but obviously not for these uninvited things. Anyway, we have to get something to reward this white tiger. Although Mora has never heard about his situation in that mountain forest (Sina doesn't know what happened to Mora), since she will take this white tiger, it is obviously not an ordinary beast, and the white velvet white tiger is indeed a very interesting big cat for a strong man like Shesina.

The reason why beasts are beasts is naturally because of their low wisdom. Including these dozen brave beasts who rolled down, they were shocked by the white tiger's body. This time they recovered and began to become fierce and greedy again. It's not that there are no beasts who suspect that these two humans are the protagonists of the white tiger. But looking at the petite arms and legs of human beings, these beasts have no idea what fear is.

One more step is that within three meters, the grass on the ground suddenly came to life.

The beast's howling brewed in its throat for a long time and finally did not come out, because the frozen power was faster than the speed of the sound.

The weed is like iron with excellent toughness, suddenly standing up from the ground, and I don't know when there is an extremely terrible strength and cold power in the grass. The bouncing grass is as easy as a hot knife to pierce into butter, and enters the soft body of the beast with cold power.

Some are from the soles of the feet, and some short bodies are directly pierced from the abdomen, and the blood is instantly frozen. Before the fastest tissue of the nerve body can convuls, it becomes a stiff ice line.

But obviously, Shesna has the determination to kill these guys. The temperature is not very low. Because the instantaneous low temperature will put the substance in a balanced cold state without any change. As long as the appropriate approach is taken, it is still possible to come back to life.

But when the temperature is very cold, it is different when it is not extremely cold. Even if it is frozen in an instant, the magical mage power still follows the physical laws of the world to a large extent.

Water becomes ice and will expand.

This is one of the most basic laws of matter. In many cases, rapid frostbite in the human body is not due to the instant death of cells in the body, but because the cold expansion of water causes the sudden expansion or contraction of various substances inside the cell, resulting in physical imbalance, and the rupture of extremely small blood vessels and cell walls, resulting in damage to the body.

Shesna controlled the power of her ice and snow and passed into the body of the beast through the weeds on the ground. Those weeds are the first experiment to judge the temperature at which they can kill creatures, and then the power of death is transmitted from the bodies of the weeds to these beasts.

The rapid freezing force conducts into the body of more than a dozen animals that do not know whether they are alive or dead. All the water-based existence instantly turns into ice crystals, and then expands. The sharp ice edges pierce the soft blood vessels, but no blood does not come out, because all ** turns into ice crystals to pierce the body. From the water in the blood to the water in the cells of the body, and even the water in the brain, it also turned into ice at this moment, expanding, squeezing and breaking.