
Chapter 216 When you are in a mess

....................................It's not just Shesna and Mora who are more messy. I'm more confused than them. After school, I can't get interested in studying. I'm very confused. I don't know what to write. It's also my old problem that I'm starting to break again. Someone told me that if I can't write any more, there will be no **, but post something stimulating in the book can not only regulate the spirit, but also stimulate the reader. Therefore, there was such a ten thousand-word update, but it turned out that this person was very unreliable. This chapter took me two days, but my mind was still unclear. Cough, in fact, I have said so much just to tell you one thing. In this chapter, that, you can cast a red vote. As for the content, don't read it.............................

Mora looked at Susina and cried with rain, but he smiled gently and almost hatefully.

The rabbit is in a hurry and wants to bite people.

Xina wiped a handful of tears, and then reached out and scratched Mora's face. The idea of doing it was generated, and the cold and piercing light had flashed at her fingertips.

Five ice cones exude sharp cold light at her fingertips. Before they get close to Mora, they already have a terrible momentum. The ice cone like a drill is not stationary, but can't help rotating, splitting and cutting open the air barrier.

Because Shesna's movements were so fast that the strong force even formed a short vacuum in the air where she passed.

The roaring sound seemed to thunder on this ground


The "ice claw technique" that can grab rotten car iron almost hit Mora's eyes in the blink of an eye. Shesina, who was shy and annoyed, really wanted to die with Mora at this moment.

Or it's not so exaggerated, but in a word, it's necessary for Mora to see the meaning of his strength, so that he can't be proud of it. Isn't it just a little stronger than himself? What's the great thing worth talking about all day long!

Moreover, even if it is very strong, it hasn't appeared for a year. I don't know where to hide to recover! Xuesina suddenly thought angrily: I follow you so shamelessly, but you are always picky and threatening. How powerful you think you are!

Be sure to scratch your face!

For the mighty, unless it is attacked by the upper law, any damage will not stay on them for long. It is also because of this that Shesina is so bold that she is so tricky!

Even an excellent powerful warrior has to deal with such an attack carefully, because if the mage can attack close, that kind of attack is a superposition of magic power and powerful hero power, and it is not a combination, but as horrible as multiplication!

For Mora, the attack of his maid is indeed a little sudden, but what is his identity? That is the idea directly descended from the gods, born destined to be a prophet (on the surface).

And not long ago, he understood some of the mysteries of the prophet and had a natural ** and prediction for many things. If this is shown in the battle, the opponent can almost be suppressed to death, unless the opponent's level is far higher than him.

So, when Susina's heart suddenly moved, Mora had an omen in her heart. Even the power disguised as a powerful force in his body spontaneously moved with his mind.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Although Mora reacted in his heart, she never thought that her maid would suddenly change her temperament and take action against her, and she did it so fiercely -- directly to her face.

Mora hesitated, and the "ice scratching technique" had reached his face. Five marks immediately appeared on the tough face that could resist the arrows, which was just the prelude to the ice scratch.

It's just that during this year, Mora has not just recovered her body. His consciousness has always been awake, so his understanding of his own strength has been taken to the next level after a dismemberment.

It's too late to mount the maid's arm with your hands, unless you use divine power, but what can that prove? Is it possible that those with high strength are destined to win? Mora smiled in his heart. No, victory is because of my heart. I believe that I will win, so I will definitely win.

Sena, my maid, even if the power I use is not as good as you, I can still easily subdue you!

Mora's body rushed forward, and the speed was not very fast, but it just missed Susina's "ice grab" attack. Only a little torn air vacuum cut off one of Mora's hair and fell to the ground.

As soon as he rushed forward, the distance between Mora's body and Shesna was infinitely narrowed -- cough, cough, just stick together.

The body attached together has many explanations and responses to this situation in countless warrior mentors, but on the real battlefield, people still take the most instinctive response in the face of this attack.

Hand push and lift legs.

Sena grabbed Mora's face with one hand, which was just missed, and then was lifted by Mora's shoulder. The other hand was also blocked by Mora's arm when Mora rushed forward.

So at this time, Shesina raised her hands and was surrounded by Mora. Then, there is only one remaining attack method for Shesna - kicking her knees and hitting her crotch.

The ashamed and angry maid dared to move her claws in her face, and won't she be more angry with such a cruelty to herself? Mora doesn't need the talent of the prophet to predict for himself, and he can also feel that the muscles on his soft, strong and smooth thighs are rapidly gathering strength to prepare for a powerful attack.

Obviously, that attack will not be acceptable to men, even if Mora can bear it. But that place is always reluctant to be touched with more force than holding broken eggs.

So Mora stepped forward again, and one leg stepped into the middle of the maid. At the same time, his hands were mentioned in the buttocks of the maid (the word was actually harmonious), which made the maid's body a little higher.

Mora's speed was faster than the maid's, and it made the maid's body a little higher, so after Mora entered the cliff in advance, the top of the knee that should have been killed in the middle was to cross over Mora's waist and hit the air on Mora's waist.

Overall, Shesna's action is like an infatuated lover jumping up and coiled on the lover. She is very intimate and enthusiastic, which is very different from Shesna's mood at this time.

The maid couldn't stand it decisively, but suddenly her body was numb. It turned out that Mora's hand holding Xuesna's buttocks suddenly rushed up, grabbed the maid's soft waist, and then pinched it badly.


The maid blushed, and the resentment and shyness just now turned into shyness and dodge. That ** place suddenly suffered such a big sneak attack on such a bright grass under the sun. Although there was no one around, how could a woman who had been alone for more than 20 years stand such a tease or attack?

Unfortunately, Mora, who was determined to let the maid know the name of the master and servant, the relationship between the master and the servant, and the mode of getting along with the master and servant, did not intend to stop there. After the attack on his waist, he immediately moved up quickly.

Shesna felt the movement of the hand as dexterous as a snake on her body, and suddenly she was shocked and scared, struggling desperately.

............That scratching amorous feelings, how irrecongruous it is for a woman to slap a man in the face, so they all learn from Shesina and grab it! ..................Cough, and, do you feel familiar with Mora's tricks? .................. That's right! It's in "Women's Self-defense"... Cough... I also practiced it in those years... Cough... Give me some red tickets...

Chapter 219 (second update)

People's feelings are not as fast as they think. No matter who is attacked by her body in a hurry, the first reaction is shyness and resistance, and there will never be any surprise.

It is said that many men are the same... cough...

However, there is nothing wrong with being attacked by a "point" woman to resist, the forces of resistance are instinctive forces and actions, rather than chanting a spell and casting a spell rationally and calmly.

At this time, Shesna did not use her own mage power at all, and completely relied on her hands and feet to push away and kick Mora. Unfortunately, Mora is also a power, so, but from the flesh, they are even.

But the state of the two is uneven. One is trying to give his maid a good look, and the other is panicked to avoid the wolf's claws, and even forgets the fact that he is the reasonable one.

Mora's wolf claws were very rude, but it was very interesting that she did not pass through those deadly "crucis" and directly wiped them from her armpits, directly under the maid's arm, and pushed the maid's hand up, so that she kept raising her hand on her head and could not fight back against herself.

However, such an action has a greater impact on Shesna than touching it directly, because women are most worried about those places. If they are not touched, it is best.

But in case of "unfortunately" encountering, it will break the jar and continue to fight fiercely with him. But Mora didn't.

Mora's hand slipped through both sides of her plump chest, and the strong friction made both sides of the ** part hot, but it was not the deadly place. So Shesna resisted harder and worried that she would provoke Mora's "ferociousness" and make her do anything?

At this time, Shestina really has a little time and energy to wake up her brain, and then when her reason and emotions are slightly in a normal balance, she gradually regains the shyness and timidity that belongs to women.

As introduced before, ice and snow mages are always as irrational as volcanoes once their feelings erupt.

I couldn't get rid of Mora. The man's breath kept encroaching on his body. Thinking that it was the man who said that coldly to him just now, the little shyness in Xuesna's heart suddenly turned into anger.

Seeing that the man's face swayed with a hateful smile in front of him, his hands held his arms and kept rubbing his body to make a profit. Do you really think that no one wants him?

And what is too much is that Mora's legs are tightly clamping the ** used to attack, but the other leg of the maid has to support the ground to stand on, and it can't really be completely attached to him. Isn't that completely fulfilled what he said?

However, Mora seemed to want to make her shy, and the two strong legs that could kick the cow dead were constantly rubbing quietly.

The strength is not small, but it can happen to have a great impact on her body. Shesina only felt a stream of heat rising from the inside of her legs, which seemed to be soaked in the hot winter hot spring, which made people so comfortable that she couldn't help moaning.

But how can you do such a thing in front of this person?! The maid clenched her lips and then stared at her bastard master angrily:

"Hands go! Don't you want me?! Why are you doing this to me!"

Moura restrained the shy and angry maid and suddenly blinked and said very roguely:

"Because I'm stronger than you, you don't have the strength to resist me, so you can only put up with it."

"You!" Xuesina was stunned and blinked. She almost doubted whether it was Mora. When did her always "merciless" master become such a tired and rogue look?

Human temperament has changed a little, but the deep and distant atmosphere has not changed at all. A person's temperament may change unpredictablely because of various things, or strive for it, or become decadent, or become elegant or vulgar.

But only someone's breath will not change, whether it is warmth, light, kindness, friendship and benevolence, or wisdom; or darkness, evil, jealousy, selfishness, these are not innate formation, but once formed, they will hardly change.

So after confirming the identity of this man again -- he was his own owner, and Shesna was extremely bitter and tearful:

"Since I can't compare with you, why do you want to be so cheap to me?"

However, this trick against countless men who are big killers is completely invalid in front of Mora, but the expression on the face has changed from gentle flirting to more and more unacceptable teasing:

"Do you want to be cheap? You probably don't know what real cheap is yet, do you?

After saying that, Mora's hand suddenly shook, and a force of the same level entered her body before Shesna remembered that she was still a powerful mage and controlled most of her body.

At this time, in addition to being able to barely move softly, the whole person is as soft and weak as a dough.

Such a soft body is not without the power of resistance at all, but those actions that can be done with all their strength seem to be the gesture of a lover who refuses to welcome.

After a slight resistance, Shesina suddenly found that her movements were ambiguous. However, when the strange hands moved on her body, she couldn't help resisting. As soon as she resisted, it became an ambiguous desire to refuse and shy teasing.

The maid resisted desperately for a while, and finally found that what she had done was actually a means of flirting under the control of her master, and suddenly her face was filled with bitter tears.

"You let go of me!"


" Let go of me..."


"Woo-woo, can you let go..."


Mora lowered her head and bit the maid's rosy and cute cherry mouth. Compared with his constant shock and teasing in those non- "tighty" parts just now, this is the most fierce violation.

But when it finally came to this real aggression, the maid did not have that kind of panic, shyness and dodge. Maybe you have had such an experience before?

The familiar taste returned to her feeling again, warm, moist, eager and obsessed. For a while, the maid even forgot that this time was different from before.

In the past, it was a sign of emotion, but this time it was Mora's deliberately cold and hard flirting after introspection of his feelings, with the smell of a bully.

However, Xuesina may not have completely forgotten this in her heart, but compared with the shame and domineering just now, the warmth at this time seems much more normal?

So this time, she obediently accepted the deepest infringement, and even prayed for a little comfortable enjoyment and obedience. Do you expect the owner who suddenly turned his face to be obsessed with his body, and then don't target himself like that?

Sena didn't know what she was thinking, but when Mora kissed her lips, all the resistance turned into submissive powerlessness.

The maid closed her eyes and let her delicate red lips become the master's wanton territory. Her rapid breathing and fingers grasping Mora's clothes proved that she still had reluctant resistance in her heart.

Mora's eyes moved, and she was still standing in a flat place under the hillside with Susina. Although there was no one everywhere, she was always a little exposed.

No one knows if there will be that boring and mischievous spirit to observe and pay attention to this place, and even if there is no, the plants and some tiny animals in these places and even small creatures invisible in the air will record their behavior and Shesina.

Although such investigation methods are almost impossible to be mastered by human beings, Mora knows that he, who is strictly only a half-step god in the future, can easily use such power, so it is difficult to guarantee that no one else will not use it to investigate anything.

One hand wrapped around Susina's soft waist, and the hooliganly lifted up the thighs between the maid's legs, and the strong muscles easily made the maid completely put her into his arms.

Then Mora stepped over and used the power of space for this small distance, and rushed directly into the magic carriage that had accompanied him and Hesna for a long time.

The pot of fish soup left in the open space also disappeared with Mora's volley and appeared on the dining table in the carriage. Well, since it's not eaten while it's hot, ice fish soup is also a good choice.

However, Mora has not completely forgotten that there is another guy who needs to take care of himself. Just as Mora completely crossed the space and entered the carriage, the ice and snow power frozen on the white tiger suddenly disappeared and did not survive at all.

Just like the instant effect of her attack, this power also disappears in an instant. In this way, the power in the gap of time has no adverse effect on the white tiger.

Even for Bai Hu, it ended before she figured out what happened. For this white tiger, because her mind was also frozen in an instant, the overall effect for her is equivalent to a person who was stunned and then woke up.

White tiger's EQ is okay, but in terms of IQ, it is always not as good as the human mind. Even if this is a beast king equivalent to several human warriors, her wisdom is still not comparable to ordinary merchants in human beings.

It was just slightly uncomfortable, and then Baihu was surprised to find that there was still a pot of fish soup left on the cooking pot, and several fish under his feet were all gone!

If you are a human, you will definitely wonder whether others have accelerated their speed, or whether they have suddenly fallen into a gap in time, or something else has happened, making you just a stunned kung fu, and all the fish are ready?

Unfortunately, white tigers are not as complex and curious as human beings. The minds of beasts only become keen when hunting. Most of the time, they are very simple.

Shaking his head, White Tiger was not thinking about this thing that could completely cause countless storms, and thought about how to eat this pot of fish soup.

Because now a fact that I have to consider is that my mysterious owner and the human woman don't know where they went, and their pot of fish soup is gone. However, the fish soup on the pot table is still cooking again, and looking at the fire underneath, it seems to be neither big or small, just drinking hot fish soup. Does it also seem to be a good thing?

Oh, as I just said, when it comes to food and hunting, the wisdom of beasts will instantly improve several classes. Baihu has never eaten cooked food, but now he looks at it and sniffs it, and judges the hot pot eating method that humans have discovered after a long study.

This smart white tiger!

However, the strength of the white tiger does not mean that her power can solve all problems. At present, based on the seven- or eight-year-old IQ of the white tiger, it can also be judged that the fish soup on the bonfire must be controlled a little, although the heat is not very high now.

And, the most important thing is that although the white tiger's body is big, he can drink the pot of delicious fish soup as long as he stretches his neck, but don't forget that there is also a pile of burning bonfires on the ground. If this guy ignores to taste the pot of fish soup, then at least the hair under the tiger's neck I can't keep it.

Although the power of this white tiger is already the power of the enemy in some small counties, it is obvious that the power cannot keep up with wisdom, so there is no other benefit except brutality and killing.

If this power grows in the human body, even if it is only half of the white tiger, you can definitely sit in the fire and eat for a few days (as long as the banquet is not on fire). In short, the White Tiger has no other role in power except to inspire violence to beat people and strengthen the physical combat effectiveness and resilience.

This is actually related to Mora. If he hadn't given the tiger such a powerful power, it might have been much better when the tiger developed little by little in nature.

Although the wisdom of beasts determines that their wisdom will not be too high, it is better than that such a child now uses AK as a stick and occasionally looks at his own eyes.

The white tiger scratched his ears and cheeks, shook his head and tail (which of these two movements is the tiger's?) and smelled the delicate fish soup in the pot, but it was not easy to move forward.

Her power is strong, but she can't control it, otherwise she won't let this ignition burn her fur. However, she couldn't help it.

Moreover, the most tragic thing is that she is not as smart as human beings (I mean human hands), so even if this white tiger gives up the idea of eating hot pot fish soup, he can't expect her to bring down the fish soup. The tiger's claws can't do this.

Finally, the helpless white tiger's eyes suddenly lit up. She took a slight breath in the fire, and then blew it gently. Although it suddenly made the fire bigger, it generally became smaller on the side of the white tiger.

Then, the white tiger quickly rushed forward, and the huge impact speed made the flames fly to the other side, so the white tiger quickly licked his deep tongue at the fish soup in the pot.






The white tiger rolled back excitedly and dodged the flame that burned back because of the air reflux.

The tongue full of barbed was delicious, and then the white tiger girl ran excitedly and rushed over. The air flow brought by the huge inertia made the flame almost stick to the ground, and then the white tiger excitedly took a long mouthful of hot fish soup in the fish soup pot.

"Ah roar--!"

A three- or four-person white tiger hit the hillside over and over again, and after each impact, it would immediately retreat and roar excitedly.

In addition, when the sun sets, the afterglow is everywhere, red clouds, the wind blows the trees slightly obliquely, and the green leaves float, which is extremely harmonious.

Well, maybe we have to remove the two people in the carriage.

Overall, in addition to a belt, Shesina's clothes are basically on her body, and even the hairband on her hair is still there.

However, many times, the beauties of the real ** sentient beings are dressed. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she can only seduce those beasts full of sperm and insects. People with a little interest will think that covering certain parts is the king's way.

Sina's body is still covered tightly, and there is no spring light leakage.

However, the facts are more serious than the complete disclosure, because the loose clothes on her body at this time not only covered her body, but also the bad hands of an unscrupulous master.

Today, the obviously abnormal owner deliberately can't get along with his maid, but the complicated mind may not even know what kind of start it was.

However, the movement at hand does not have any pause because of that momentary confusion.

The maid's soft and smooth body seems to be the most fun toy of time. Whether it is simply holding her, constantly teasing her to twist her, or feeling it herself, it is intoxicating.

One afternoon, since Mora took Susina into the bedroom that originally belonged to the maid, she pressed the maid on ** without any consterence and ex-play, and then untied the jade belt around her waist in the maid's expectant and frightened blush and put it next to Shesna's head.

The jade belt placed on the pillow keeps reminding Xuesina of what kind of state she is now with the man who is very "cold" to herself. Maybe she close her eyes and count one, two, three, five, six seven * ten... After 10,000, she will no longer be a girl?

Sena was nervous and expectant, and even her body, which had slightly recovered its mobility, became weak and weak because of this feeling. There seems to be a stream of heat rushing in the body, which seems to be another force.

The maid secretly guessed the feeling brought by the changes in her body, but when she thought of this change because of the man, she suddenly felt extremely cowardly and dared not think about it at all. I had to desperately shift the focus of my thinking and keep recalling my previous research on spells. Is there any similar experiment that makes my body feel this way?

Unfortunately, the more transferred, the more ** the body became. After the strange hands untied the belt and constraints on the clothes, the maid had accepted her fate and waited for his favor in her heart.

But things always exceed the thoughts of the maid. The owner, who makes her hate it so much, suddenly changes her mind when she is ready to do something she has never thought of doing.

Sena secretly stared at the owner's movements. After Mora untied her belt, she was almost ready. Then when Mora stretched out her magic hand to her again, she pretended to "resist" but actually raised her arm slightly to facilitate the master to take off her clothes for her, but unexpectedly!

Mora pressed on the maid, and then went deep along the untied ribbon of her clothes, followed by a beautiful oriental poem called "words" - "Touching Fish".

There is a fish on the left and a fish on the right.

The fish on the left is called fish, and the fish on the right is also called fish.

The fish on the left is very smooth, and the fish on the right is also very smooth.

Is the fish on the left round and smooth, or the fish on the right round and smooth?

Wait for me to touch it.

...............O(∩_∩)Ohaha~.........I'll go out and laugh for three minutes before coming back...O(∩_∩)Ohaha~.........

The maid who was ready to do something didn't expect that her out-of-tune master would fish there all afternoon. Of course, she would occasionally touch other places in the waterless fish pond to see if there were crabs, shrimps, water plants and so on...

The woman first couldn't help but forgive her master's face change, but with the passage of time, as her body cheered up and fell down over and over again, she was finally exploded by the maid who touched the fish fiercely again:

"You! ...Woo...uh...uh... let!"

Unfortunately, Mora, who had been pressing on her body, did not give the maid a chance to attack at all. Seeing the maid's red lips roar angrily, Mora rudely touched the fish again and staged a fish water joy.

So the maid's words were blocked behind her white teeth, and her soft tongue was powerless to resist the overlord who forcibly opened the territory. After resisting, she took the initiative to pay tribute on the ground.

It was getting late, and after an afternoon of tossing, Mora's hands took a strange fragrance. After another ** fishing, Mora was also a little tired, so she rolled down from the maid and took a short rest.

If it hadn't been for each other's power bodies, Susina would have been almost tossed and killed by Mora all afternoon. Finally, she got a little chance to rest. Shesina didn't know what to do. She reached out her hand, condensed the spell in her hand, and then turned into a ball of water.

Moura glanced white, and the hands that had recovered their strength pushed Mora with resentment, so they stretched their hands a little on the water ball. Xuesina, who studied the power of ice and snow, clearly felt that the temperature of the water balloon had changed.

At this moment, Xuesina suddenly thought that if a guy who studies the power of water learns to heat his own water, isn't it equivalent to achieving the ability of a fire mage to a certain extent?

And this does not seem to be difficult. Although the water mage needs to heat the water as little fire element as the fire mage, if you waste some effort and use two groups of water to move and friction at a continuous distance, the heat that can be generated is obviously also very large.

In addition, adding something else to the water seems to change this. At that time, only the water mage needs to control his skills - that medium water can basically make a very powerful attack.

Well, thinking about it, it seems that in addition to uncoordinational heating in water, if you add some poison or something else, isn't it a powerful force?

However, what should you do if you are a fire mage?

Shesna successfully took away most of her attention with her thoughts, making Mora's aggression on her. Although there was also a reaction, it all became a physical instinct, without shyness and anger in her mind.

Although it's a little embarrassing, it's difficult for me to control it. Besides, my body is still controlled by others. As long as the mind is not affected by that hateful person.

Sena thought with this kind of ostrich's mind.

Unfortunately, Mora is not so fooled.

After just being distracted for a while, Mora quickly noticed the infatuation of the woman. Although the instinctive shyness of the body is the same as attractive, for people who deal with things such as gods at a moment, material things are really not very attractive.

He kept flirting all afternoon to watch, appreciate and even play with Shesna's feelings and thoughts over and over again. If it was just a feeling of flesh, he would have eaten this delicious meal at the beginning.

Now I find that the prey in my mouth dares not cooperate with my actions at such a dangerous moment (it's dark), (suddenly a joke - the teacher asked a very miserable student: "Why are you crying?" The student pointed to another student and replied, "He scolded me and I didn't reply, so he hit me." Hey hey, hahaha, some people's domineering is so hateful!) That's not good! Mora immediately took his most powerful means.

and the same level of power as Hesna reappeared in Mora's hand, but not to suppress, but to fully and deeply stimulate the ** nerves of the prey.

This stimulation is so strong that even Shesna, who has been immersed in magic thinking, was once again defeated by the huge feeling from her body! The feeling of bumping on the waves suddenly tore up intelligent thinking, and the impact like a huge wave quickly made her brain

I don't know how long it took, the maid who was almost in a coma finally woke up, then looked at Mora's proud face and cried angrily, "Don't you think I'm weak? Why do you want to become strong, you still want to stop me!"

Mora asked curiously:

"Oh, isn't it? Is there any way to turn such a weak little guy into a strong man who is not fooled by others? When he spoke, Mora put his hand on Pisces again. A fish is round and a fish is soft. Both fish are very energetic.

"It's not small!" Shesina complained fiercely, but she didn't say it.

resisting Mora's flirtation, Susina told Mora about her own thoughts. Every idea may not be surprising, but to sum up, it is a huge leap in philosophy.

If this change appears in the original mage college, I'm afraid it will attract many mighty mages to study this problem together. Once major results are achieved, it is also a very great school among mages.

Or, it is not a genre, but a change in the existence style of the mage as a whole.

When Shesina introduced, she couldn't help thinking of such a scene. For a moment, she was completely inspired by this grand future and achievements, and even had a strange pride in her heart. She straightened her chest and deliberately pushed Mora.

Naturally, the big hand that eats meat has not noticed this change and dares to provoke? Mora immediately decided to attack Shesna in an all-round way from heart to body.

"Good attention," Mora nodded, and the more she felt that the maid under her became more and more restless. However, can you turn over when you are restless? "However, I haven't told you that our enemies are at the lowest level of gods?"


Mora looked at Shesna's perverted look and said rudely, "Your life-and-death enemy is just an unworthy little guy compared with the enemy we will really face in the future. Fortunately, you think about revenge all day long.

"Your ideas and ideas are really good, but our enemies are all at the level of gods. What do you think is the difference between having more means to deal with them and not having this?"

Shesna looked at Mora at a loss. This is the clearest thing for her to identify his enemies from Mora's mouth. The lowest level are gods. If it is higher, it seems that she really can't keep up with her own poor imagination.

Shesna was still in the intention to tease Mora and show herself, but she was hit by such a blow. Suddenly, she suddenly lost that feeling. Her body lay like she was dead **, and even made a lot of money without causing her too much change.

Is it very exciting? Mora wondered. But I don't think that he hasn't had a good time.

"Your strength can't keep up with me, so although I said some time ago that I wanted to let you improve your strength, in the end, those things are just my strength. Now I suddenly tell you this, because I don't want to be on my way so slowly. There are a lot of things waiting. In fact, we don't have much time.

"Then kill me!" Xuesina suddenly said calmly, " Even the soul has been destroyed. If I can't follow you, then I have no regrets to die in your hands."

Mora was stunned.