
Chapter 252 The Way of Immortality

That is, the universe is not endless, which means that the lives of these gods are not eternal at all. As long as they exist in this universe. Whether it is the highest-end god or the most humble dragonfly, it has an end to life.

This cognition makes all gods panic. For gods, one of the important reasons why they are called gods is that they have eternal life.

How can a god whose life has an end be called a god?

After a brief chaos, almost all the gods with emotional existence, not mechanical laws, took action and fought to seek the true mystery of immortality.

However, there is an obvious place.

At present, the reason why the gods find that they can't live forever is that this universe has a long life. Although his end and the end of life are far away from where they can't see their death, these gods can't stand it at the thought that there will be an end of life.

Even many gods who often sleep so much that the whole god seems to be doze off at any time cheer up and desperately look for the answer to solve this problem.

The result will come out soon.

The collective silent departure of the supremes, especially the departure of the last most powerful supreme, led to the "awakening" of these gods, making these gods feel that the mystery must be related to the supreme.

And everything that was later performed in the dream world proves this.

There are 49 supremes in this universe.

These gods then plan to seize their bodies and then use it to break the shackles of the universe.

However, until now, no god has been able to do this.

There are many reasons.

Except that the body of the supreme of the Lord world is in the kingdom of God, all other supremes hide their bodies in the world they created.

But knowing the news has no meaning to those gods. Because in the body of the supreme people in the kingdom of God, they only know one direction, but without the power of the supreme, these gods can't get close to that place at all, even if the main gods can't even do it.

When the supremes of other worlds sleep or disappear, they will choose to hide their worlds in the depths of the universe. There are no stars in the realm of thousands of light years, and the planet of life that exists is also blocked by the power of the Supreme God, except for the most The senior main gods and other gods may not find this at all.

The lone dark legion found this elf plane because of the dark resurrection altar in his hand. This dark altar comes from a mysterious place in the universe. When he was a high-level ordinary creature, he got this dark altar on the outermost periphery there.

It happened that he was also a dark necromancer who was more researched on the soul, so he directly killed the hidden sleeping and restored existence in the dark altar and occupied his power, thus achieving the position of god.

It was only when he wanted to enter that place again later that he found that the place was so dangerous that even the existence of the upper god level could not survive safely.

In the end, he wandered the universe with the dark altar and constantly sought ways to increase his strength and solve the mystery of the dark altar.

He believes that in that mysterious place of death, he must be able to become the power of the main god.

Later, after there was no supreme in the universe, and all the breath of the supreme disappeared, and the gods began to awaken their lives to die with the death of the universe, he also awakened this fact.

However, unlike those gods, he did not choose to think that the world was a dream, but that the world may be another higher-level world after the gods fought against the abandoned world.

It is just that there are often gods in this world that abandon some broken planes after the war. That plane can also give birth to some strong men, but it lacks certain laws, which make these strong people have fatal defects and can never become higher beings.

Since there is this abandoned and dilapidated plane, why can't there be this abandoned universe? Maybe these gods are not as powerful as they think!

In another higher-level world, perhaps their existence is like the strong among ordinary people. Although it is incredible to think so, don't those strong people born in the abandoned plane in this cosmic world also think so?

There are even the most powerful group of people among them, claiming to be gods. Various levels have also been set. What kind of sword god, martial god, fighting god, lost god, food god and so on.

I have been to such a world, and now I still feel extremely happy!

It's so happy that a group of self-righteous gods are fooled by themselves as monkeys in front of the whole plane! The idea is extremely well-incompassed!

This idea is the only thing that this kind of lone god has.

Because they are solitary gods, and the source of strength does not depend on living believers, so they can't feel the majesty and glory of the gods of those gods in the kingdom of God.

Many times the lone gods position themselves as a strong man in the universe, not a god. Therefore, they can easily accept the fact that they may be just an ordinary strong man in a higher-level universe.

Such a fact will never be accepted by the gods in the kingdom of God.

It's like the king of a country can't accept the fact that he is actually inferior to a superior citizen in another country! However, that may be the truth!

However, the demon kings and demon kings in the abys are another way of thinking. Their ideas are extremely strange. Of course, they may have no choice but to do so.

Because the only supreme ones can be found are in the kingdom of God, while other supremes are hidden in their own worlds. Naturally, the bodies of the supreme people of the Kingdom of God naturally do not have their share. It would be nice if the existence of those kingdoms of God could not come down to trouble them.

As for the creation planes of those supreme people hidden in the void universe, it is extremely difficult to find, even those main gods to find such a plane.

After all, the universe is so big that no one seems to have found his end so far.

Or, I found it, but no one came back and couldn't come back.