
Chapter 301 Drink water and chop him to death

The three armored warriors were very puzzled by the officer's words, but they had to implement it. So it had to be like this. The three people cut the space according to the lowest level and carried out a miniature action beyond the light years. Although it was also super light speed, according to this speed, by the time they arrived at Green Doma, it was probably a few days later.

So far, Mora has not shown impatience, which makes the three people feel slightly relieved. If this is a very restless or impatient master, he will probably violently kick the space law directly and appear directly in Green Doma even if he doesn't trouble them. Above.

The three people are extremely sure of this, because they have just used their divine armor to stimulate the magic power to open a space jump mouth, and they are still hesitating whether to prepare a space jump mouth for this mysterious man. They were stunned to find that a twisted void appeared in front of the mysterious man. , and then this hollow spontaneously intercepted the spatial coordinates from the space jump created by three people.

This kind of thing is also possible when a large number of space transmissions occur at the same time. When thousands of armor warriors transmit in a certain direction at the same time, the universe will suddenly have more of the same voids uncontrollably. It seems that the universe system has caused some errors due to excessive computing power. Moreover, it seems that the thinner the laws of the universe, the more likely it is to occur.

This is also a skill that the strong in the universe like to use when fighting. By controlling the thinness of the laws of the universe, they use the enemy's energy to serve themselves, or make themselves fall and attack can have two effects. However, even if the energy and laws at the edge of the universe are thin, there are only three people. Space transmission has produced such a "natural" void, which is too strange, especially when I just saw the ability of the empty mirage of this mysterious person. Although it seems to be a scene that can be formed naturally in the universe, when this scene appears so often in someone In front of him, and when he needs it most, then it is definitely not a matter of luck.

It's like a person returning home and wants to cook, the firewood suddenly burns spontaneously. In summer, it feels a little hot and suddenly it rains and blows wind. In winter, I want to dry the quilt. Suddenly, the sun appears in front of me with maximum power. If this is all luck, who will believe it?

However, people who seem to be the son of fate should also feel strange themselves, but looking at this person's performance, there is no surprise or strangeness. The signs between his looks do not indicate that all the visions in the universe are actually under his control and anticipation, but, Such a "natural" thing can't detect the fluctuation of energy and laws. What kind of realm and ability is this?

As three armored warriors in a small place like Green Doma, they dare not guess randomly. Because they have self-knowledge and know that they are not even gods, they can't understand the invincible high realm, but one thing is certain that their five top superior rulers do not have such ability. Of.

Although the five middle gods are extremely powerful, the fluctuations of energy and laws on their bodies are simply hundreds of thousands of megawatts of big light bulbs, and they can't be seen. If the person in front of him, if he doesn't see such a vision, then he is an ordinary human being. Everyone believes it, no, no one believes it at all!

However, after seeing these magical visions, you can still treat this person as an ordinary person, then the brain is, well, it is not broken, but has no brain at all!

Suddenly, a soldier said to the other two people in the private chat channel of three people:

"Hey, I said, if we meet this respected adult on the ground, what do you think will happen then?"

This is a topic. The other two people couldn't help shivering. That's really an unimaginable scene. As cosmic armor warriors, it's natural for them to be careful in the universe, but when they get to the ground, even if they don't have this armor, with their ability to reach the peak of their power, Human beings are also the most expensive figure when princes bend down to meet each other. However, if you meet a strong man who looks like an ordinary human like this gentleman, if you accidentally do something wrong or commit something...

Three people shook their bodies at the same time. Is this the answer to the sudden disappearance of those powerful people? Because he inadvertently angered a "invisible" strong man, he died so much that he didn't know what was going on?

There are no strong people who choke to death, sleep to death, and fall to death while walking. Although the bright-eyed person can see at a glance that someone has made a black hand, even if a god-level strong man comes to the autopsy, he can only get the results that his eyes can see, as if he choked to death by drinking water, but a powerful man will be choked to death by water. Question mark

Why don't you say that the gods will suddenly become gods and play to death?

This world is so dangerous!!! Whoo, three people with unfounded advantages really want to cry at this time, and the world doesn't let people live.