
Chapter 314 The princes are seedless

"The Venerable Lord is supreme and glorious and eternal, but Xiao Wang has shallow knowledge, but he doesn't know what the adult's name is and where the divine land is?" After enduring for a long time, the prince still did not suppress his curiosity.

As soon as this sentence came out, all the generals pricked up their ears. Although they were gods, they did not know much more than they knew in this universe. Perhaps the venerable god came from a mysterious world in the universe, and that place was exactly his own wolf king. A mysterious place that the stars don't know.

It is said that many imperial galaxies have the strength to dominate the galaxy because they have come into contact with some technology and treasures or relics left over from ancient times.

In this universe, various forces are divided into five levels: god, emperor, king, prince and marquis. Hou Xing is as numerous as the stars in the sky in this universe. Although for many human beings, Hou Xing is divided into many levels such as Hou Bozi, but in the eyes of the strong, such a difference is just ridiculous honor and self-deception.

Any existence with divine power can occupy a place in this title, but not many big forces will take them seriously. For example, those armored warriors on various planets can choose to build a castle on an uninhabited planet and then declare themselves to be a nobleman. As for whether it is a viscount or a baron, no one will care about that kind of boring thing.

Generally speaking, there will not be any armored warriors who are so brain-damaged to do the so-called aristocracy, because on the ground, any nobles with power and status, including the monarchs of some small countries, have to salute when they see them. If they do that noble, they are actually self-degraded. Things.

This level is relatively chaotic, but the lowest standard is that you must achieve the position of the lower god. Of course, this is only one of them, because although the gods who have achieved the lower gods are noble, it is not a rare thing to put them in the universe. It's like a college student in a ravine. People in the mountain feel that they are very precious, but when they arrive in the city, they find that even the temporary workers on the roadside are actually a group of college students.

The lower god is just a theoretical marquis, but in fact, there must be many conditions to become a real prince. First of all, there must be a planet with signs of life as his territory. This condition alone has overwhelmed countless lower gods. Those naturally living planets often can't wait for them to do it, and they have already been collected and sat on their own territory by other powerful gods. They don't have the courage to argue with those middle gods.

Sometimes, even if you are lucky enough to get some natural living planets, they will be robbed by other powerful gods or forces. Living planets are also divided into three or six grades. Naturally formed planets are the best, because they are planets with the will of the universe that are born in line with the principles of heaven and earth. Such a planet is divided into various levels according to the conditions near the galaxy and its own resources, as well as the complexity and richness of its size and elements. However, such a good thing will not come to those lower gods. Even if they form a powerful force, there is no way. There is no There are middle gods who belong to their own territory or say that it is not their turn for these lower gods to control a natural and living planet.

Unless it is the kind of planet that lives in the most remote corner of the universe, but there are almost no other stars nearby like Green Doma, and the last living planet at the far edge of the universe also has five median god controllers.

If there is no limit on the number of life expectancy in the outside world, these lower gods can also choose to combine a bunch of planetary elements and place them in the orbit of a life circle near a star. With a little control, there will be signs of life in more than 100,000 or tens of thousands of years.

But not to mention that a lower god has only tens of thousands of years of life, the planet born in that way also lacks the will of the universe. What's more, such a planet is meaningless if it is in a relatively remote place and the transportation is inconvenient. However, in that prosperous galaxy, the life planet that every star can accommodate is limited. Many middle gods are scrambling for that opportunity and can't get a small lower god.

It's like the tightness of urban land and the ease of rural land, but the level of development and possible opportunities between the two places are completely different. The lower god is equivalent to a foreigner or hairy college student who just has some ability to go to work, and the middle god is the white-collar workers who run around for life. Although everyone is different, they are actually poor people who are running around for or for life. Therefore, in some competitions, they have to take unscrupulous measures. The means of means.

As a result, those young chicks became victims of people stronger than them.

Or then, how many lucky lower gods have finally cultivated a living planet, and then they have been robbed and made wedding clothes, and their own magic core and energy have all been set up and robbed, becoming other people's slaves and free laborers. Hou has no position in this universe, relative to the group of gods. Obviously, a person who understands the wonderful legend of the world of gods will not tolerate himself mixing with human beings. Even when they use each other, they look down on those human beings who are like ants.

The level of public is different. Although their status is still a little awkward in the universe, it is better than the existence of the lower gods living in deep fire.

A quasi-require requirement for becoming a public is to achieve a middle god. Such existence is naturally not a great figure in those royal-level galaxies and galaxy rivers, but if it is slightly remote and secluded, it is an extremely glorious, majestic and sacred figure. It's like those white-collar gold-collar workers who wander in big cities. If you go to an ordinary county, they are all very successful people, or civil workers who return home from provincial departments. In the eyes of those county magistrates and village heads, they are all big shots and can say that they are not good for them.

It's like the middle god who made a communication for his childhood sweetheart in the prince's circle warship. He is an ordinary general in the prince's fleet, and the prince who follows him is just one of the less powerful princes. However, for those ordinary planets, such a person sends a small The action team can smooth them out.