
Chapter 318 The emperor does not gamble

Although he knew that this mysterious adult should not joke about his own lives, almost all the middle gods were still very careful. The magic shield was opened. Everything in front of them is incredible and incomprehensible. Although their database almost covers most of the mysteries of the universe, seeing such a miracle with their own eyes is still a huge impact for them.

As mentioned above, these so-called gods are actually human beings in essence. Although they have seen countless wonders, they still feel extremely shocked when they experience all this. There is no consciousness that they should have as gods. In those who think they do not need to maintain the dignity and prestige of gods. In front of strict people, I don't know whether such a setting is good or bad.

On the contrary, the prince seems to be very calm. Although most of them are forced to support themselves, the prince who has received the cultivation and education of royal gods since childhood is more like a real god than all the middle god generals. From beginning to end, he has not changed at all and has not opened those divine power shields at all, as if completely Trust Mora's ability and character and give everything to him.

Of course, this is also forced to become one of them. Compared with those middle god generals, a possible future of the prince is extremely brilliant and brilliant, but there is no other future suitable for the prince, and none of them is a good result for him. It is not a good choice to become an ordinary official or a powerful prince. It is naturally extremely attractive to those who have never seen or thought that they can really live, but for those who have struggled to achieve the throne since childhood. It's really painful.

For those who have ambition and practice for it and are about to succeed, there is nothing more painful than eating, drinking and enjoying life. For their existence, the enjoyment of life has long been completely dispensable. This is not the emperor of the world, nor the prince of those shallow and ignorant people in the world. They are truly the proud sons of heaven cultivated according to the tutorial of the Son of Heaven, completely with lofty ideals and practice. Determination and ability.

For them, it doesn't matter even if they have been living in suffering. The key is that they must have a meaningful thing to do. For the prince, the most meaningful thing is probably to become an emperor and then show his ambition to leave a name in history, and finally retire to concentrate on research and become one. Please take care of the Lord God and the Kingdom of God. However, these things are also easier said than done. At the very least, it is necessary to become an emperor. At this point, many princes not only have to compete for incredible things such as strength and power, their own personality charm, but even have to compete for luck. According to the elders of the patriarchal mansion, a bad luck is so bad that the emperor has a bad fate. Talent can't let him sit in the position of nine heavens, which is irresponsible for the lives of life in the world.

Although they don't pay attention to those little lives as gods, no group of lives with horrible numbers can be despised, even if they are bugs.

A prince with bad luck is strong and will not become an emperor. This is also the hardest point in the battle of the princes, but there is a truth that they still understand, either you work hard and you may fail; or you don't work hard to directly make sure that the failure is correct.

The kind of prince who does not make any effort but simply thinks that he has no hope and does not work hard based on his strength. In the end, he can't even retain the identity of the royal family. Every royal family does not allow there to be so-called give up in his blood. If someone gives up his efforts, then it is inevitable. Give up that person completely. If the unmotivated person is an ordinary person, it will be fine. If he is a member of the royal family, it will never be allowed, because his behavior may lead to the degradation of royal blood.

This seemingly harsh but extremely powerful law constrains the princes and continues from generation to generation. It's the same now. The prince sighed helplessly. Even if those middle-ranking generals finally failed with him, they could turn to other princes or continue to follow him as a subordinate staff of Prince Taiping. Although the final result was not as good as those who achieved emperors, the so-called good practice in the six doors, that is, If he is a prince, the resources, information and technology he can provide are also a group of countless middle gods. This is why the Green Doma planet has to pull itself into the prince's chariot even if it arranges a fake war of aggression. Those superb technology and unique cherished resources of the times are what their middle gods as rural people want to pursue.

They may be hopeless, but they are basically not alone. In any case, even if they have no hope, they should bring enough resources and hope to their families so that some of them can fulfill those unfulfilled wishes for themselves.

Not to mention the middle gods who are used to living a good life with the prince, which can't stand the days of becoming a common people again.

Even if the prince is reluctant, he has to think about his followers and always strive for a higher step forward. However, I always feel a little gambling. In fact, it's almost gambling.

In this incident, these middle-ranking generals were actually just shocked, but for the prince, he put almost everything in his whole person. He has begun to have an awareness in his heart. If he fails this time, he will basically have the courage and ability to do it again. Participated in the battle for princes and emperors.

But from the perspective of luck, he seems to have reached the point of being against the sky. Even if his father and many other kingdoms took so much effort to make no progress in matters related to the Lord God and the Kingdom, he inadvertently saw it on the edge of the universe. A supreme existence that has a great connection with the kingdom of God, although this existence is so mysterious that there is no bottom in my heart, which is equivalent to complete gambling.

If such behavior is known to the elders of the patriarchs, they will probably directly judge their disqualification for the throne. For an emperor, except for the first generations, the most important qualification of other successors is to be successful rather than enterprising. If any prince has the intention to start a legend, he must take the initiative to give up everything related to the royal family and start from scratch as a white man. Just like the Taizu in those years, never want to get any help from his prince.

Opening territory is absolutely not allowed for those successor kings, unless it is a special case. From this point of view, if any short-sighted guy attacks his star during the reign of an emperor, it must be very smooth in the early stage. It's definitely not the emperor's incompetence, but that he is ready to expand the situation so that he has an excuse to vent his desire for war.

In this case, the elders will generally not stop the war, because the emperor, it is nothing to go out occasionally.

However, near-gambling behaviors like princes are absolutely prevented, because no empire can allow his emperor to have the habit of gamblers, which may completely send the whole great kingdom of heaven to hell. There have been countless experiences in the history of the whole universe. And the lessons prove that an emperor can never be gambling. All the events involving the kingdom must follow the safest path, because each of his actions will involve infinite creatures and races, and even more than a race like human beings is the rule of a king. Live your life.