
Chapter 341 The Meaning of Life

Sometimes, if people commit mental illness, it is really an incurable tragedy.

The tragedy of the wind hero was seen in the eyes of the cloud man. He thought that he was not satisfied with the big light bulb that was in the way, so he used some means to let him roll outside. However, he was a little shy or embarrassed, so he left first to avoid being too embarrassing to be with himself. .

Or it is also a kind of temptation to see if you will really chase her or obey her orders. These two choices puzzled the cloud man who also began to commit narcissistic idioticism.

Thinking of his humble origin, continuous efforts and adventures and various opportunities, from a super primitive tribe that is not a humble upper god king to the young handsome man in today's main god country, recalling everything in his years, this man felt deeply about himself for the first time. It has such a strong "protagonist temperament".

Is he the favorite son of heaven in this universe who has been favored by the most mysterious fate in heaven and earth? Perhaps my future fate is to become the main god and then break the time limit that can even threaten the life of the main god and become the only god in the universe. As for the process during this period, it is naturally extremely wonderful and legendary.

And the most exciting thing is that in this legendary color, there are all kinds of beautiful girls in the sky. All kinds of powerful women and women will submit to their divine power and become the embellishment on their glorious road. Isn't the first one of himself this noble crowned adult?

Is this the moment when your fate wakes up? Is your luck finally coming?

The so-called heaven wants to give a great responsibility to the people... The cloud man recalls everything in his past and thinks about everything today, and suddenly feels that he is the protagonist who has been given the supreme mission and glory by heaven, and even the future achievements even today's five main gods will crawl at his feet.

Thinking of all kinds of impossible things with happy and spiritual ideas, the cloud man finally went crazy. In this city of human heroes, people who have not opened the hero mode can become heroes. Power is never the basis for heroes to boast about themselves. They have to be proud of them. From this point, the mind and morality can also explain why most of the heroes have tragic lives.

Because it was the bad and tragic life that honed their hearts and thoughts, so that they could see the real phantom of the world and understand the most profound truth in life. Those so-called gods could not understand, which was their powerful reason, and then human beings with strong hearts began to gradually Turn this inner strength into an external manifestation of the body, so that they gradually become great heroes above the gods, and even the main god can't defeat them.

However, this cloud man obviously won't understand the core difference between that kind of hero and his hero mode with the help of divine power.

And neither he nor the woman's crown nor the dead man know is that their so-called hero model is just a failed technology developed by a series of main gods in ancient times. A large number of gods once mixed into various cities of heroes through this technology. But later they all became a ridiculous shame among the gods.

Because this is too embarrassing and makes the majesty of the gods very depressed, these later histories have been completely destroyed and not been recorded at all, but this technology has been collected as the booty of human heroes. It was only after discovering this collection that the explorers began a large-scale exploration of ancient human relics, from which they obtained a lot of technology, knowledge and treasures, so that their divine technology developed in advance to the era of the main god, far surpassing those contemporaries.

However, what those people have never known is that the reason for their success is that the relics of ancient human heroes have lost their spirituality in the long history, and many atmosphere and mysteries belonging to heroes have not been brought into play, so that those who have opened the hero mode People are as free as fish in water in those ruins.

Of course, not all hero relics are completely dead. There are always one or two that will be a little residual activity, but the deaths of those explorers caused by this are naturally attributed to the traps and dangers in the relics of human heroes, but they did not think of this at all. It is the heroes' rejection and attack on those who forge heroes with divine power.

Although this cloud man now proudly comes from the extremely primitive tribal era, is a talent who has experienced countless bitterness and exercises, and is a sharpened sword. In fact, his qualifications have long been discovered at the moment of birth, and then he has been growing up with those ordinary gods. There is no difference between Rui, but he thinks that he is this and that sad, pitiful, humble and then rises to be powerful or something.

The passage and sharpening that he regarded as exercise actually don't need to be put into the era of ancient heroes. Even in this ordinary human era, it is simply a garbage that can't even float up.

Even if there are no bitterness and hardships in human life, there are tedious entanglement of all kinds of life. For the resources of life and various complex feelings between people close to themselves, as well as all kinds of unhances of social life or some people who should not be compared with each other but are produced by others. Such inner unhance and unpleasant entanglement and jealousy, this guy has almost no experience at all, but has seen too many fantasy works of the Lord God's Kingdom, so he really regards himself as a dish.

Now that his trouble has come, this city of heroes is actually different from any ancient ruins they have experienced, because this city is also one of the most famous human hero cities in ancient times. Such a city has hardly appeared in the expedition of the kingdom of the Lord God. Only their records describe this city and tell about its greatness and magic.

Because many mysteries of this city are indescribable in appearance, and for many reasons, both human heroes and ancient gods are unknown or deliberately ignore those core mysteries, so there is no one who really understands the strength that this city can exert.

Of course, this is also related to the insights of these three people. If the five masters of their main god kingdom come here in person, they will have the first opportunity to stare at their eyes round, because the ancient breath can make the main divine device and technology in their bodies tremble. However, these three people are just one of the great cities that are gorgeously decorated, which may turn a small family in the five main god kingdoms into a super giant in the five major god kingdoms, but for the elites who are a superpower personally trained by the five masters, such super giant families When the elder saw himself, didn't he nod his head and bow with respect?

So these people felt excited, but they did not feel excited, so they missed the well-being of fate and turned him into a disaster.

The cloud man thought about the beautiful things in his heart, and then felt more and more that his future was too bright and worth looking forward to. All kinds of the most profound whispers in the heart of human beings came out. Beauty, beauty, power, wealth, control, glory, conquest, domination, all kinds of good things became him. The things that are readily available in fantasy.

In this case, why work too hard to make life suffer? As the darling of God, I occasionally slip away for a while, and I think God will feel that I am a naughty and cute child who understands the true meaning of life.

Poor wow, even the IQ has begun to decline and I'm still proud. There are not so many beautiful things in life, many of which can only be obtained by working hard. Maybe some people think that there are always people who are born with better resources than themselves, but those who they think are naturally sugary will also have what they are struggling for. No one will feel that life is perfect at birth and always has all kinds of awkwardness.

This is the best gift given by God to mankind.

It is precisely because human life is always full of all kinds of dissatisfaction that we keep thinking about progress, change, change, instead of eating, sleeping and living like a pig like a pool of stagnant water, and then waiting to die.

It is the dissatisfaction with life that stimulates human life and hearts, making people constantly strive to pursue change, and then countless joyous stories occur in the middle, enriching the whole life.

If a person lacks enterprising, it can only be said that his life will be entangled by various tragedies, because God does not allow the existence of human beings who are content with the status quo in the world, which will make the atmosphere of the whole society sink. Only the struggle full of ** is the brilliance of the fire of life.

Where the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, where there is no natural or man-made disasters, everything is to investigate to the end in order to make people work to the end like an old clockworked old cow until the end of their lives.

Living is a story of continuous struggle. No matter where the original starting point is, this is an immutable fact. Only by practicing him can we achieve the mystery of life. Otherwise, we will wait to be overwhelmed by all kinds of stimuli and tragedies from heaven.

The cloud man who was lost in all kinds of desires gradually became a tragedy in this awakened city because of his own strength and heart. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility, only a few times it makes sense. Most of the time, the greater the power, the more trouble it will be.

A farmer can harm up to one piece of land, but a king can harm countless farmers.

If there is no proper mental match, the power can only become a ridiculous clown.