
Chapter 361 This product is contraceptive and aphrodisiac

In a semi-leisure and semi-commercial cafe opposite Mora, a dog-shaped man and a cathead are talking about the next quarter's ration trade. Around them were a circle of dog-shaped guards and cat-headed bodyguards, occupying almost the whole cafe.

Although these beasts seem to have a higher life status than those on some low-level planets, it is impossible for them to survive on that planet, so on other planets, basically all human beings are equal to or even higher than them.

Life has wisdom when there is thinking, but wisdom often brings troubles.

Because they have learned to think, these dog-shaped people and cat-headed people know the foundation of their so-called high-level life - it is just another group of higher-level human toys. Their owners have the power and ability to destroy all this more easily. Yes.

When they did not have wisdom, dogs knew that human beings would always be moody, because it seemed that he was still smiling the previous moment, and the next moment would suddenly become furious.

And this situation is even more confused after dogs become intelligent creatures. Many dog-headed people, especially those specially "made" that look in line with human aesthetics, are often stunned and destroyed when she thinks that their owners like them the most.

Withered like red in the cold rain on a spring night.

In the disaster of dog-shaped human beings that brought disaster to human beings on low-level planets, dog-shaped human beings is actually just a *, or an excuse. The ultimate essence is that another group of people want to do something to that group of people, but they don't want to ruin their reputation.

It's like some perverts who want to step on it... but they are afraid of getting their feet dirty, so they ask a stupid friend or a follower to step on it... and then he watched it happily there.

Although these creatures are noble creatures in the eyes of some low-level planeters, it is still interesting for a dog and a cat to talk about cat food.

After looking at it with interest for a long time, Mora turned around and wanted to leave, but the sound in his ear made him change his mind. I knocked casually in a vending machine by the roadside and dropped a can of drink. If someone stares at Mora carefully, he will find that Mora has not put coins or swiped the card at all, but just knocked casually. But in fact, it is not free, and the price is not cheap, because this vending machine is located in the center of the most prosperous city on such a planet. How can it be as low as vending machines on low-level planets?

The price of a small drink in it, the value of its own items, that is, its geographical location and its representative advertising significance are enough to buy a small near-ground satellite city (a low-level planet's near-ground satellite city, such as a satellite of a planet the size of the moon).

It is not even exaggeration to say that if someone can rob such a vending machine in the center of the city, his crime level will be raised to the level of Star Thieves. Of course, this does not exist, because this kind of thing only has this value in that place. If you leave, then there will be no such value.

Just as Mora knocked on this vending machine, the machine suddenly jumped, and the mechanical failure that could only happen with a probability of one trillion occurred, missing a record; at the same time, he has been monitoring this urban area. The robot's circuit also suddenly shook and missed such a scene.

Morara opened the can, and several passers-by looked at him with quite envious eyes and could consume as much as they wanted in the city center. This is a matter of face! He not only means his own financial resources, but also means a status, because not everyone can do whatever they want. The most prosperous city center on the fourth-level planet can enjoy everything about the city as easily as in the backyard of his own home, either he is one of the "masters" group of the planet or their direct descendants; or he is from a higher-level planet.

In fact, these things placed in the city center are for these people. In addition, although those businessmen and politicians on this planet have enough confidence in terms of money and power, this behavior is not with their identity. Does the highest group of people in a country show their personality like a young man?

But for another group of people from higher-level planets, it doesn't matter.

However, after Mora opened the thing, he lowered his hand and threw it into the trash can across the road. The drink made a trajectory contrary to the laws of physics on the ground and flew straight into the dustbin. Looking at this scene, some people who passed by or temporarily stopped at this place for something were secretly surprised for a while.

Although it is clear that there are many supreme beings and some superior beings (those with abilities) in the world, most of the people are just physically strong, and few of them are amazing geniuses who can embark on the road of capable people without blood relationship.

Mora wiped his hands, and his heart was slightly unlucky. He almost drank it just now. Although it is the same as ordinary drinks, the big words circled in a red circle on it instantly disgusted him: "This product also has the effects of contraception, killing, sperm and aphrodisiac... You know."

And on the other side, the cat and dog-shaped man also happened to talk about something that made them feel slightly interesting. And the only thing that can change this is just because the waiter of the coffee shop came up and blocked the sight of two alien lives.

And most unfortunately, at the moment when their sight was blocked, the two guys actually thought that this was an opportunity they gave that person. If he happened to disappear from their eyes at this time, then even if the other party was lucky, he would not take it out on him.

And the most unfortunate thing is that Mora on the opposite side also thinks so. It's just that his own ability to move with thoughts has been so strong that he can do it anytime and anywhere, just like a hardcover man can be hard anytime and anywhere. So a small farce began.


Under the crown, the women's clothes chased in the direction of the disappearance of the person in memory. At this time, she really realized how powerful the other party was. At this time, although she was put in ancient times, she must be one of the weakest main gods.

But at this time, she is a real and righteous main god, definitely not the five pseudo-main gods in this universe. If you simply compare it with fighting and fighting, the other five gods are not her opponents. Although it is impossible to kill in seconds, it is very easy to beat them like a dead dog.

Except for her strange failure to show the majesty and vast power of the Lord God through various external images, everything else is no different from the real Lord God.

But at this time, she ran her magic power with all her strength and the new melody that fits the highest law of the universe, and she did not feel the mysterious existence at all.

After achieving the main god, the whole person will fit into one with the highest laws in this universe and become an invincible existence that is difficult to destroy in this universe. Theoretically, to destroy a main god, it must have the maximum level of the law that meets the main god. But how can it be? If there is a higher level than this, how can this law be called the supreme law?

So generally speaking, only more laws can be used to suppress and seal those main gods. Even the ancient heroes' so-called killing of the main gods is actually just to defeat the traces of the existence of the main gods in the end.

Like the heart of the main god fused by the female costume under the crown this time, if Mora hadn't erased the main consciousness inside, then appearing in this universe at this time must have been a special existence that can bring the most weighty change to the universe.

And this is also extremely clear in her heart, so she is more and more curious about the mysterious person who has given her such a huge opportunity that can no longer be described in words, and there is a special feeling in it.

Because Mora was too arbitrary when he erased the remaining will of the Lord God, in addition to the destruction of the Lord God's will, many of the Lord God's knowledge and memories about the ancient period were also erased by him, and even some of the most critical applications of divine power were rubbed. It was emptied. So much so that sometimes when the female server uses the divine power of the main god level, she often uses it according to her old habits and accidentally does a lot of things that surprises her.

If it hadn't been for the edge of the universe, and his magic power had not leaked at all, I'm afraid that a whole galaxy would have been destroyed by this time.

In the past, although it could take tens of millions of miles in one thought, and a time to breathe would open a space-time hole to appear on the other side of the cosmic galaxy, but now it is a momentary to quickly tear out a vacuum area of the law of terror from the universe.

The general main god is the law of service. When they act, the law will naturally give way, leave them a passage, and then wait until the Lord God passes by and closes again.