
Chapter 388 Cold Light

The silver warrior who wandered from the bottom of this basin-like hillside did not notice that the woman who had been standing silently and quietly on the top of the hillside pulled a small hair from the horse's temples and then flicked it gently.

The hair containing the power in the gold field seems to be as thin as a needle, which is difficult to see even in front of you, and this kind of thing has a special penetration effect on body protection and armor. Even silver warriors with perfect power are difficult to prevent, even the primary field of some low-level strong people in the gold field. It will be defeated by this kind of needle weapon!

What's more, this place is still Zolan City, a city with a forbidden place of demons. The warriors and mages under the gold have done nothing. ( There is no mage in Zolan City, because after suppressing the power, the strong mage can't compare with those warriors with strong bodies)

When the fleeing silver warrior stepped on the top of the hillside, the back of his head suddenly hurt, and then took two steps forward. His head exploded like a fireball ignited, and the body rolled down from the other end of the hillside. Unfortunately, those who still did not leave this bloody and horrible scene could not see it. See.

When the war horse lost its impact, although it still had a condescending advantage, this advantage had no effect on the masters at all, so the impact of riding was ineffective at first sight. These bronze warriors suddenly surged up, their eyes turned red, and a anger that stimulated their souls emerged from the depths of their bodies and hearts. Come on, it's as violent as their first murder.

Obviously, although this child is horrible, his body is a child after all. In any case, judging from all common sense, he should not be more threatening than those coveting silver warriors behind him.

At this time, these bronze warriors also regretted it. If they had known this, they should have returned to the city immediately after robbing the nobleman's carriage just now. In the city, although these silver warriors are still very arrogant, they will never be so unscrupulous.

In this place outside the city, their identity is a group of robbers who came out to kill and intercepted them. They deserve to die in vain!

Pour all the hatred and violence in their hearts into the weapons in their hands. The bronze warriors try to mobilize the fighting spirit in their bodies. Although they don't know how to vent outside the body, they can still increase their strength and protection a lot.

In fact, in the early stage, bronze warriors have no way to emit fighting spirit outside the body. Therefore, as long as they have practiced elsewhere and felt the essence of fighting spirit and come to this place, it is not something particularly unacceptable for these junior bronze fighters.

This time, Jiang Wei was not using any other means. He coldly watched these bronze warriors ferociously cut down their weapons at him, and then jumped forward quickly. It happened that when these warriors were at the peak of their efforts and had not yet made efforts, he scratched with a sword!

Jiang Yan, who has mastered the true sharpness of the weapon in his hand, is simply a nightmare. The four front-end bronze warriors have already set the attack route with their eyes. No matter how Jiang Yu hides, he must face the slashing of four weapons!

If he does not hide, he will face the threat of three weapons when resisting one of the weapons! At least two.

Unfortunately, these bloody and violent warriors still did not recognize the essence of the child. In their eyes, this is a child, a ten-year-old pink carved jade bracelet cut off a special and comfortable child.

In the eyes of this group of bronze warriors, they probably thought that their momentum and movements and the ridiculous weapons could scare the child to forget to even retreat. Looking at the stiff face without a trace of expression, they were stunned!

Jiang Yu took such a light step forward and took action in advance. The sword was cut off from the neck of the four people. Then Jiang Yu turned around and moved half a step to avoid the blood stains, but he still stained part of the blood on his body. There was nothing he could do. Although this body is about physical martial arts to the extreme, if the child's body is really completely thrown If you enter the battle, there is a strange law that will deepen the danger of children's premature prematureity, or the risk of cultivation and growth in the early stage.

This has already been proved by the rough experience of countless predecessors.

Jiang Wei doesn't want his hard-won life to become another thing again for some reason. The four bronze warriors continued to rush forward for a distance, and then fell to the ground and twitched a few times. Jiang Wei took advantage of the stunned efforts of the people behind him and quickly stabbed two swords again. The sharp sword penetrated into the body from several places without armor under his armpits and caused a colic to the internal organs. Then the two of them couldn't even make a sound in pain and kept shaking!

Their internal organs were separated by the sword in half, and their kidneys, spleen, heart, liver and lungs all had a flat hole that they should not have in an instant. Moreover, the "shabre" attached to Jiang Yanjian brings this feeling into their bodies and souls, making these people's painful bodies fly away every time they move. They can only desperately grasp the sand on the ground with their fingers to reduce the pain of the body, but unfortunately it is futile.

After such a painful struggle before death, I don't know if they are still in the mood to recall the things they have done in their lives, or at this time, countless souls who have died under their knives are silently preparing to lead them to which world.

Six bronze warriors fell in an instant, and the other warriors were shocked. Their morale suddenly decreased, and they all began to have a sense of timidity. This was not fighting for themselves and died in vain. With this idea, many people began to take a perfect space step when they took weapons and split into the void, which seemed to be forward. If you advance, you will actually retreat.

Only a few stunned young men still cut down with a huge axe:

"The boy died!"

"Oh, there is!! 1”

Jiang Yan was not interested in this kind of muscle pimple. He directly hooked it on the ground with his feet. His body rushed sideways as if he had installed a propeller, close to the waist of the bronze giant in front of him, and then poked his left hand at a ** acupuncture point in his leg. People in this world also have acupuncture points, but they rarely try. Let others use energy to slightly detect their bodies, so this discipline has not developed.

They use power basically to pursue "pieces" or "faces", even "points" and pursue penetration effects, such as this kind of subtle fighting skills that control force through special parts and then burst out in an area. These people are very disapproving.

However, the bronze giant made the first tragedy. After a strange pain and itching on his thigh, he completely lost control. The center of gravity suddenly shifted. A small but powerful hand grabbed his body that had lost its center of gravity and pulled it violently. !

The bronze giant is also bold and cruel. When the man is still unbalanced, the huge axe in his hand turns heavily and cuts down in his direction. The sound of the huge axe cutting the air is dull and boring, but no one will doubt that he will directly turn the target into a pile of rotten meat that no one can distinguish!

The feeling of connecting the front of the axe and the body is so wonderful that the bronze giant hasn't had time to smile, and the center of gravity of his body has changed again! Then he felt that his lower body had no intuition at all, and the severe pain directly stimulated the brain black, so he didn't know!

When Jiang Yan pulled his body and threw it back, there was also a bronze warrior behind him who cut down the huge axe against Jiang Yan's small body. After watching them adjust the attack speed according to their own body, Jiang Yan accelerated again. The two bronze giants who did not expect this at all suddenly suddenly because of this short time difference The huge axe cuts into each other's body, blending flesh and blood, regardless of each other, what a good relationship!

When the flesh and bone slag flew, Jiang Yu handed over the sword again, and the blood flower suddenly bloomed in front of him. For a moment, he was shocked and had no time to kill the bronze warrior who changed his inertia. He directly passed the long sword through the blood fog, and then the beautiful feeling of the sword body penetrating the body did not appear. At this time, the change was too late. This man immediately Fierce, immediately rushed through the blood flowers with the sword. At this time, the two giant axes had not yet landed.

Just when he finally passed through the flesh and blood and saw nothing in front of him, suddenly a chill came from the back of his head, and then he lost consciousness.

Jiang Wei casually cut the back of his head with a sword and poured his brain and corpse into the flesh and blood.

There were also several bronze warriors behind, who suddenly dispersed. At this distance, those silver warriors could no longer threaten their lives. At this time, they finally recognized the fact that the child really had the strength and courage that did not match their age. Single-on-one, they were not rivals!

The silver warrior scolded a few words. At this time, he could no longer cut off the runaway bronze warriors, so he had to deal with them in the future, but now their role has almost been played. These silver warriors have confirmed a fact that the child's own strength does not have energy, but it is definitely at the bronze level, but his skills and mentality are also grasping the timing. He is definitely a super warrior level. Many silver warriors themselves are not so keen.

Of course, generally speaking, these fighting guys directly burst out of their power. That kind of fighting skill is simply to face a big dough. What fighting skills do human beings need in the face of a football? Just cut it directly. As long as you can break the defense, it's basically a big deal...

A silver warrior rode down, and the next few silver warriors looked at each other and immediately accelerated to follow. The woman standing on the hillside put great pressure on them. According to various news, the only possible teacher for this child was this woman. Even the city owner did not educate the child. Because I heard that after the child is five or six years old, even the city owner rarely enters the woman's yard.

What kind of strength should a woman who can cultivate such a horrible child at this age?

These warriors are subconsciously unwilling to think about this matter. There are so many people here who are confident to kill the child. Even if he is twice as strong, no one has the confidence to defeat the child alone, because these silver warriors still can't kill the bronze warrior so cleanly.