
Chapter 387 Flying

Jiang Yan opened his mouth, took a breath of wind, and then closed his mouth. Before your strength is refined, you can't easily change any decision of this woman.

The wind roared through. Although Jiang Yan had also observed the world high in the sky by meditation in Zuolan City, it was the first time to look at such a high altitude. It seemed that she had noticed Jiang Yu's mind. Sia flew higher and higher, and the earth gradually contracted below, getting smaller and smaller.

Countless exquisite, beautiful or magnificent scenes are changing rapidly, from a clear scene to a piece of color puzzle. After rising to the highest stratosphere, Jiang Yan suddenly noticed that the part belonging to Zolan City was actually mysterious and strange black, which was extremely incompatible with the colorful colors around him!

I don't know what led to the banning of magic elements and fighting elements in this place. Since I grew up in this place, this place is a question that I must solve when my strength reaches a certain situation in the future. Jiang Yu thought to himself.

When the clouds pass by, Xiya released her own field and shaped these white clouds into various lovely images. If someone looks up at the sky on the ground at this time, he will find that the white clouds in the sky are becoming a very strange animal image, with flying birds, swimming fish and wild. Beasts, as well as many trees and mountains, form a landscape pattern, but they are very out of tune.

Xi Xiya became more and more happy. Later, it was simply messy, and the pattern became more and more unwilling to live. Jiang Yan even saw that Xi Xiya seemed to be telling a story, but why did a thumb-sized fish that was obviously be eaten by an osprey suddenly become a super beauty and then the osprey eye The eyes fell into the water and drowned?

Well, what is this? How can people be so bored?

Jiang Yan forced himself not to look at those strange and messy things. Whether a woman's mind is mature or naive, it is a state when she is bored. If someone tries to participate in the past at this time, he must be prepared to die boredom.

The color on the ground is not just a color as people think. The world is full of various magical elements and forces. Each earth contains special energy. At the beginning, a person absorbs these energies, and then lets the body adapt to these forces, and finally focuses on the spirit. Control the change of power and become a mage; or focus on the change of physical control of power and become a fighter.

This is the law of the world.

However, Jiang Yu's cultivation method is to cultivate a true qi that completely belongs to his own body, and then when this true qi reaches the extreme, he integrates the power of the world into his true qi, so as to achieve the purpose of raising his power level. This is also an important principle of condensation and refining.

And unlike the fairy world, there are too many kinds of elements and power in this world. Almost an ordinary place is equivalent to a small sect in the fairy world.

Of course, it is also for this reason that although there are many powerful people in the world, there are not many exquisite and refined applications.

Just like a country with rich oil resources, it will not care about the low combustion efficiency of its diesel engines, and those countries that are short of resources and do not let go of a drop of oil as two drops of gutter oil must improve the combustion efficiency to the extreme.

This is the place to take advantage of it.

Jiang Yu's former fairy world was specially prepared in the era of Jiang Yu. Heaven and earth have developed to the end of the world, and the positions and laws of various avenues have been almost been grasped by people. In that case, Jiang Yu still achieved the position of the ancestor of the Demon Sect, which is actually a big event that is not the right time.

However, in this life, relying on the application of power in the once fairy world, coupled with the world's rich and heinous energy and elements, Jiang Yan has full confidence to easily become a Taoist ancestor.

However, whether it can finally transcend all this is still unknown.

Every time the universe is born and destroyed, the world is rotten, and the billion trillions of creatures are calculated, and it is impossible to determine a general number at all. However, there are only a few less than a few creatures who can be in the same way, and only a few of the Taoists have the hope of immortality. So it can be seen how difficult all that is.

After cultivating Zhenqi, Jiang Wei then integrated the power of the earth. From this step, in fact, he has just begun to enter the apprenticeship stage - from the perspective of the world. But because his condensation is based on the true spirit that has been cultivated to the extreme, his control of power has almost reached the level of golden luxury!

If a silver warrior can't suppress him in terms of the number of fighting spirits, then he will almost die in the face of Jiang Yu!

This is also the reason why Jiang Yan is full of confidence. As long as he has been frozen for more than a year, there are basically no silver warriors in the world who can be his opponent. No opponent can avoid the fate of being killed in seconds, unless it is a perfect siege! Or those special talents from special places.

After communicating with Xidia, Jiang Wei determined that the cultivation method in this world still had a lot in common with his former fairy world, but because the energy is really too high, casual cultivation can exert a lot of attack effects and sound and light effects, so people in this world are powerful. Quantity has always been limited to the nature of power, and it doesn't care much about the application of power.

As for the condensation method proposed by Jiang Wei, Xi Siya was still as ordinary people thought, suggesting him to choose some extremely advanced energy, but after careful inquiry, Jiang Wei gave up.

Xiia's so-called extremely high-level forces are actually converged by those gods or some super demigods in this world, and then condensed them into a source of power - this source of power concentrates the whole believers and power through the power of faith. Some people have the power, just like depositing money in a bank. As long as they practice a little more diligently, then when fighting, it is equivalent to hundreds of supporters fighting behind their backs!

can also be like a bank's zero deposit, which can burst out dozens of times the strength normally accumulated in an instant. Of course, this is particularly demanding for the body, or a weapon that has opinions that can be called an artifact can withstand that power.

Xi Qianya doesn't understand much about what is in it, but Jiang Ji knows that although this kind of thing does not necessarily make her a slave or believer of that believer, such as Xi Xiya, who is still a saint in the moon god religion and belongs to the absolute core figure who has enjoyed the grace of God, but when she left to worship After the moon religion, there was no divine punishment, but the power accumulated in the source of moon worship over the years was in vain.

This is equivalent to the cancellation of your things in the bank, so the money becomes the bank's goods. Except for the first time, there is nothing wrong with it. If you don't have money, you can earn it again, but it's a tragedy.

However, Jiang Wei refused this choice without hesitation, because when choosing him, he had already identified a fact in his heart that he was not as the master of the source of power. Even if he surpassed that person in the future, he would still remember that he had once succumbed like a person. Acknowledging that you are not as good as others will become the biggest demon on the way forward!

Even if you kill the person who brings you a demon, there is nothing you can do, because this is a test for yourself from the heart of heaven and earth. Unfortunately, there are not many people in the world who understand this truth, and even many strong people who have built a source of power. They still don't know the meaning of their actions.

In the once fairy world, Jiang Yu once paid an extremely heavy price in order not to want others to give in. Looking back, that price, will feel as painful as countless handle knives constantly cutting.

In this life, no matter what, I will give in to anyone or anything, and go all the way to the end.

It's just that I still seem to care about it!

Jiang Wei took a look at Xi'ya, who was playing in the clouds and sighed: Then continue to become stronger and strong enough to make others feel cold to death when they think of his name. At that time, there should be no more eye-catching things to bother him.

In fact, Jiang Wei has dozens of extremely perfect methods of condensation methods, many of which are direct to the road and the demand for evil spirits is not so exaggerated. What we need is not high quality, but the completeness and perfection of quality.

At this high altitude, Jiang Yan pulled Xi's hand and told her what she meant. Xi Qianya finally did not go against him at this time and opened up part of the power of the field to him, but only part of it. It was absolutely impossible for Jiang Wei to fly by himself with the power of this part of the field!

After obtaining the support of some laws and forces in the gold field, Jiang Wei immediately began to feel the information in the wind from the sky and look for the earth that is suitable for him.

Although he has more than a dozen condensing methods in his heart that can directly point to the road, not to mention that the laws of the world have changed. If he follows those methods, he will definitely go astray, become an nothingness outside the way of heaven, and fall into a desperate situation from the beginning; even if he can, Jiang Yu will not choose directly. Practice those methods, because he also created them in his previous life, but at that time, he had already cultivated the road and could not start all over again.

Now in the face of these situations, he has created a new condensation method based on the method he knows, participating in his understanding of the laws of the world. Based on the method he created.

Because there is a strong man in the gold field around him who is completely used for himself, Jiang Wei almost easily penetrates the mysteries of many laws. Those things are experienced after seeing countless laws.