Xian Zhu

Chapter 26 Be desperate

I don't know when the night has secretly fallen, and it doesn't matter if there are still things that haven't been done during the day.

The place that should have been the battlefield was already very quiet at this time. Not only did the defeated side escape, but no one dared to stay here again. Only those broken bodies, broken blade halberd halberd remained in place, several rotten birds and beasts approached sporadically, and they did not dare to stay any more. I have been shocked by the inexplicable breath.

Compared with such a quiet and gloomy atmosphere in the battlefield, the most frightening thing is not here, but the dark sky without moonlight and stars.


Even if at this moment, this place is not as silent as before, and this sudden loud noise is shocking enough. Looking up, the original ink-like sky is bright for a moment, which makes people see clearly that there are still people alive here.

Although they are not fake, they are obviously not ordinary people, but very much like the legendary "immortals".

A flickering light band hit the "darkness" and scattered the "darkness" a lot. Looking closely, it was clear that the so-called "darkness" was actually some thick black smoke.

With one blow, the cold light belt did not dare to chase again. Instead, it forcibly turned around and was avoiding another slightly weak cold light. The two rays were almost close together and went to each other, but there was no intersection.

I thought this was over, but I didn't expect that the cold light belt suddenly dispersed and turned into cold light all over the sky, which made Han Yuan's blow blow away. He had to fall on the snake's head and watch the little cold light gather and condense again, turning into a complete cold light belt, and nearly all the light gathered again. At this place, the figure of an extraordinary young man is revealed.

Although Long Yuan has been at a downfall, there are no scars on his body, but his face is ugly.

Although Lu Guiyuan and Ouyang Bowen scattered their light and exposed their bodies at this time, Long Yuan's eyes only stared at Han Yuan. If there was nothing combustible in his eyes, I'm afraid it would have burst out.

Long Yuan is now very glad that he can make a prompt decision and use all his strength in time. If he is half a step later and is taken by Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan, I'm afraid he will be dead by this time.

The cost of forcibly using the secret method to stimulate all his potential will naturally not be small. As long as he uses this method, he will hurt his cultivation foundation. Although he will not retreat or something, if he does not have a period of rest for a period of time, it may be difficult to restore his original peak state.

If it hadn't been a last resort, Long Yuan would not have chosen such a rude way. He was just forced to this point, otherwise why would he have to wait until now to make up his mind?

Although Ouyang Bowen and Lu Guiyuan are stronger than Han Yuan, Longyuan's mind has not been messed up. He can't see who is the biggest threat to himself among these three people.

Just like just now, Ouyang Bowen was blocked in the front, and Lu Guiyuan was cut off his retreat. Only Han Yuan could make a silent sneak attack, and this was not the first time, but countless times!

Since Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan directly joined hands with Ouyang Bowen, Han Yuan has never let himself stand in front of Long Yuan, never facing him, and it's good for Long Yuan to see a side face. Many times, Han Yuan is more like coming out of the air and blowing out of the wind. Every time Long Yuan is alert in his heart, Han Yuan has already given a fatal blow.

Long Yuan dared to say confidently: If others stand in his position, I'm afraid he won't know how many times he has died at this time!

Although he is confident, Long Yuan doesn't feel anything to be proud of at all. He was forced to this extent by an inner disciple of another faction. Not to mention that he is a disciple of the "virtual sky", just say that his "true disciple" is enough to make him blush a little red.

In the eyes of all practitioners, the escape method can only be regarded as a small skill, but as some great powers have said, since everything in the world exists, there must be a reason for its existence, and the escape method is naturally no exception.

Compared with some basic five-e escape methods, Han Yuan's escape method has obviously exceeded the common sense of several people present. Not to mention that they have never seen it, but they have never heard of it. However, when their teachers' elders "god out of ghosts" from time to time, their performance is very similar to Han Yuan's now, but they should only talk about cultivation, which shows that However, it is impossible.

After thinking about it, Long Yuan could only guess that the problem must be the escape method itself.

Although Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan are in the same group, the two are not too close at this time. They are still safe and far away from Ouyang Bowen.

Speaking of the four people present, I'm afraid the most confused now is this Ouyang Bowen, because he didn't know the key thing early and didn't notice that Hou Zhi and several people died indirectly in the hands of Han Yuan and others.

Therefore, when he saw Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan joining the war before, he also thought that Han Yuan were here to help Long Yuan, but the actual situation was a little different from what he thought, or he never thought!

No matter what the purpose of Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan is, in the view of Ouyang Bowen now, it is nothing important. If it hadn't been for the help of the two of them, he would have been sure that it would have been difficult for him to stand here again at this time...

A long time ago, Ouyang Bowen thought that he was very lucky enough to worship a famous teacher and learned such a strange skill as the "blood transformation method". Originally, he thought that he would become a dominant demon master many years later, but he didn't expect that something went wrong when he was proud and had a bright future.

When he practiced the "blood transformation method", he almost thought that he would not survive. Fortunately, his master saved him in time. Fortunately, he was originally a person in the devil's door, not as "delicable" as the right person, which did not break his Taoist heart, otherwise I'm afraid he would never just stagnate his cultivation. It's simple.

Even if many of his previous dreams were broken, after all, he still left his life and relied on his own efforts. Although his cultivation has not improved, his magic is getting deeper and deeper. When he practiced abroad, he has met many powerful masters, but not to mention the same cultivation, his cultivation is slightly higher than him. As long as he hasn't reached the Yuanying period, he dares to guarantee that he has the strength to fight, and he will win more and lose less.

But it can be said that he is the true man behind the State of Zhao, but he was really wronged. In fact, it was just the right time for him to come to "falling Feather Star" this time.

Because a person who was familiar with him had promised to refine his living corpse, he came here to get the living corpse, just in time for the war between Chen and Zhao. As soon as he received the benefits of that person, just in time for such a thing, he took the matter down very generously. He also thought that the other party would not be a powerful person. He could completely capture it, but he didn't expect to meet Long Yuan.

Speaking of which, even if he just knew that his opponent was a high-level disciple of the "virtual view", he had no fear in his heart, just like a righteous man looked down on the people in the devil's door. How could Ouyang Bowen pay attention to Long Yuan? No matter which school he is from and what kind of cultivation he is, as long as he is not a master of the Yuanying period, he will not be convinced until he has been beaten.

As a result, at the beginning of the fight, he thought that he was really right. The other party was really not a difficult character to deal with. With the power of magic alone, he could suppress Long Yuan completely. In his mind, it was really easy to kill Long Yuan, but what he didn't expect that the other party had been doing all the time. Hide your strength!

Originally, Ouyang Bowen and Longyuan had already thought that he was slightly better than the other party and had no overwhelming advantage. If it hadn't been for the other party's skills, it would have been extremely difficult for him to beat Long Yuan, but when the other party really used all his strength, he knew that he would be lower than the other party. chou.

In his opinion, the appearance of Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan can be regarded as a "empty birth".

When Ouyang Bowen first arrived here, he had seen Han Yuan and Lu Guiyuan, but he saw it, but he didn't pay attention to it at all.

"It's just a cultivation during the heartbeat period." Maybe that was all he thought at that time.

After the three "jointly" for such a while, he finally figured out that the most outrageous one who made mistakes from beginning to end has always been himself. With his current vision, he is really here today. I'm afraid he will never be in the mood to blame others, because it is his fault from beginning to end. Wrong.

Han Yuan stood on the black snake, looked at Long Yuan with a black face, and turned his head to Ouyang Bowen, "You don't just stop here, do you?"


"Don't think he and I are so majestic, but after all, we are still in such a great state of cultivation. You don't want us to go to the front, do you? The ugly words are in front. We are now grasshoppers on a rope. Don't think about escaping or anything. If you let this boy go away alive, just wait for his master to come to you. By the way, you don't know yet, do you? His master is a famous star and scattered person of the 'Xu Tianguan'.

Seeing that Ouyang Bowen's face was already extremely white and whiter, Han Yuancai continued to say, "Use all the means, don't hide it anymore!" Presumably, you can also see that this boy's strength can't last long. We don't need to kill him. We just need to drag him here. The longer it takes, the better it will be for us. Don't worry, we will never leave if we don't solve this boy. Speaking of which, we want to kill him more than you.


Ouyang Bowen just hesitated and agreed in a low voice. Although Han Yuan was not surprised by his answer, he also smiled as if he were extremely satisfied when he heard his affirmative answer.

When Han Yuan and Ouyang Bowen reasoned, they never thought that if they had to hide it from the other two, their voices were naturally loud enough for them to hear clearly.

Although Lu Guiyuan and Long Yuan's facial expressions are not the same, just like Han Yuan and Ouyang Bowen, after Han Yuan's voice fell, he suddenly raised his true anger.

I don't know whether the murderous atmosphere in the battlefield below affected them, or whether the murderous atmosphere on their bodies drove the murderous intention in the battlefield. Suddenly, a cloudy wind blew on the dead battlefield, which made people's hearts feel cold as if they could freeze.

Either you die or I die!