Xian Zhu

Chapter 43 The Other Side

As the end of the year is approaching, the sky seems to suddenly think of something at this time. If you don't hesitate to slowly sprinkle those white crystal things, it won't take much time, and the world will be white.

The size of the Tiandu star is far from that of a falling feather star. If you have to bring them together, it may be possible to compare with a dozen Xiuzhen stars the size of a Luodu star.

The land is large to have the possibility of rich materials, and the land may also give birth to many creatures. The most important thing is that because the land is too complicated, and there will never be a shortage of contradictions.

As the location of the sect of the "Three Immortals Mountain", although there are no other sects of cultivation on the Tiandu Star, there will be no shortage of practitioners elsewhere, and not only the righteous people, but also the people of the demon sect and demons also exist on the Tiandu Star. Naturally, this is the intention of the "Three Immortals Mountain". As the location of the sect, although the great faction has the majesty, the self-confidence of the great faction must also be indispensable. In the view of the "Three Immortals Mountain", it is absolutely impossible to build a car behind closed doors. These individual sects are the best "touchstone" for their disciples. Therefore, let the disciples go down the mountain and practice in the secular world, and they will be regarded as a very dangerous and rare opportunity by the "Three Immortals Mountain".

To really say, like the "Three Immortals Mountain", many sects do not completely prohibit practitioners from moving elsewhere, but in comparison, if we only talk about the degree of permissiveness of these people, other places are really not as thorough as the "Three Immortals Mountain". This only depends on the number of Tiandu stars far more than It is not difficult to see the secular imperial dynasty of other practitioners.

The big and small imperial dynasties on Tiandu Star have been accumulated for countless years, and now together, there are nearly a hundred!

There are 100 imperial dynasties on a cultivation star, and it can't be said that there is no other place that is the same, but such cultivation star will never exceed the number of a palm.

These imperial dynasties on Tiandu Star are big enough to compare with the two Chen Kingdoms on the Falling Yu Star, and the small ones are probably half the size of Zhao. For countless years, although the above imperial dynasties have tried to be dominant and sweep away other imperial dynasties, in fact, there is nothing that can be done!

These forces are intricate and always involve the whole body. If they want to capture a country, it is always possible that several relevant imperial dynasties will fight against the enemy. In the face of such a situation, the capture party and find many imperial help, and then fall into chaos because of interests, ambitions and other reasons. In this way, it can There are really not many opportunities to capture a country smoothly. In case you fall into a chaotic war for too long, there will be many dangers to capture an imperial dynasty.

If it is just a battle between these imperial dynasties, it is actually quite simple. At most, it is just a comparison of national strength to see which side has more famous generals and strong soldiers, and whether it has enough money to support the war. The problem is that what plays a key role in it depends on which country has more powerful practitioners...

Although there are rules that do not allow practitioners to interfere too much in secular matters, over countless years, not only do this rule show signs of gradual loosening, but over time, they have actually made these practitioners play the edge ball, and there are many articles on the statement of "exceed intervention". It's like Han Yuan, who is far away from Luo Yuxing, is also stepping on that line when helping Chen Guo?

"As long as people don't really die at their own hands, it is not a violation of rules." This is the idea of most practitioners.

Finance, couple, law, land

The vast majority of practitioners today can understand these four words well. They know more that they only know that they can't practice hard and eventually escape the luck of skin and dust. This will not miss walking outside, and walking outside means that they may be robbed for no reason. Comparatively, the safest way is naturally big Hidden in the morning!

Entering the dynasty as a practitioner has actually existed in ancient times, but the people who practiced at that time were not called today, but called "chemist".

Among the four words of practice, the word "wealth" has always been at the top, which makes many practitioners really have a misunderstanding that foreign objects are the most lacking on the way to practice, and they are also the most needed.

With their own cultivation to help the imperial dynasty revitalize, get many offerings, and reduce the possibility of danger to a minimum. In most practitioners, it is absolutely a beneficial and harmless thing.

Compared with Han Yuan, these individuals are naturally much more careful. Their existence is often only used as a deterrent. If you really want to get rid of this deterrent, the best way is to find more powerful practitioners and worship them in your own dynasty.

Once there is a war between countries, the first and last to take action must be practitioners. Only when one of them suppresses the other side can the two sides let go. Otherwise, if there are really practitioners who practice in the war between the two sides, even if they can't directly take these people' lives, but indirect intervention is very numb. Annoying things.

The State of Chu on the Tiandu Star is not a big country. Compared with the real big country, it is really small and pitiful, but if all the imperial dynasties on the Tiandu Star are compared together, it is not the smallest. At least there is a country near it that is weaker than it, called the "Yan Kingdom".

The original State of Chu has no merit. Although the State of Yan is slightly stronger, it is also extremely limited. At least in terms of the worship of practitioners, it is not much stronger than the State of Yan, which makes it not dare to really attack the State of Yan. What it is afraid of is not a blow, but it affects its own country. Power, after all, it is a small country, which is not as affordable as a big country. War is an unpredictable and costly game. If you are not very sure, of course, it is not easy to act rashly.

Chu was lucky. A few years ago, a "purple sand" vein was discovered, and this "purple sand" is one of the best materials for practitioners to make charms. Although the vein is not very large, it is enough to attract some stronger practitioners.

According to the ability of practitioners, if they want to take this strange material, they don't need to care about these secular emperors. Just take it directly, but mining this vein itself is an extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive thing. How can practitioners have that time to mine by themselves?

Because of this, the strongest among these practitioners have lived in the State of Chu for a long time and enjoyed the "purple sand" worshipped by the State of Chu. At the same time, in exchange, they also became the guardians of the State of Chu.

The national strength of the State of Chu and the State of Yan is almost the same. In terms of other aspects, the State of Chu is better than the State of Yan. After attracting several mages to protect the country, they have no more worries. Finally, they officially fought with the State of Yan. This fight has been several years. Until recently, the guardians of the State of Yan were trapped and were The guardian of the State of Chu was seriously injured, and the State of Yan was pressed on this last straw and became swaying in the wind and rain.


"Marshal Wang, won't your son and the fairy master lose?"

"...I really don't know these things between immortals, but I have told my child that he will do his best. Please rest assured!"

"That's good, that's good..." Although he didn't get a positive answer from Wang Yuan, the questioner was obviously very satisfied.

At this time, although there are only two voices in one question and one answer, in fact, there are two rows of civil and military officers in this hall, and the number of people is really not small. The reason why it can be as quiet as it is now is that those people are watching the eyes, nose, mouth, mouth and heart at this moment, and look like the old monk.

In the middle of the two rows, facing the dragon chair at the highest point of the hall, the original general Pingnan and the current military and horse commander Wang Yuan, is standing there with a slightly bow. Obviously, he is on the court, and there is no intention of dismantling the armor. Although the armor is of excellent, now it is full of dust, and the robe behind him also looks very good. Dirty.

It is reasonable that this appearance at the time of the king should make him a "crime of bullying the king", but at this time, he can't care so much. If the emperor of the Yan on the dragon chair hadn't seen other large and small officials present, he would probably have got up from the dragon chair and walked to Wang Yuan to speak.

Although the emperor's tone of speech with Wang Yuan is very problematic, now the bottom is silent. Even the ceremonial officials who like to talk about " moral etiquette" don't say anything, as if they have never heard anything.

It is not difficult to find that at this time, most of the people standing in the court are civil servants. Although there are military generals, the number is very small. Obviously, the rank of those few people are not high, and there is no way to compare with Wang Yuan.

With the national strength of the State of Yan, it would never have been so bad. Even if there is no talent in the court, it will never be able to find a few generals. Unfortunately, those so-called famous generals have all died in battle, and even the original marshal of soldiers and horses can not be spared, which is why Wang Yuan was promoted to this official position.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. There is another reason why although the emperor did not say it clearly, everyone knew it, but no one made it clear.

It is not a rare thing for a father to have a son.

The State of Chu and the State of Yan were originally adjacent to each other, and there was a lot of friction in the past, but at that time, the difference in the national strength of the two countries was not big, and no one was sure who would beat them, so they tried their best to restrain themselves and did not provoke a war because of impulse for a while.

However, since there were several well-cultivated practitioners in the State of Chu, this matter has not been so simple. The ambition of the State of Chu, which was no longer able to control, finally did not want to continue to endure it. With a casual excuse, it has sent troops to the land of Yan.

It is said that the national strength of the two countries is equal, and the State of Yan is also a defensive party. It should have had some advantages, but unfortunately they lost on the strength of the protector.

The original guardian of the State of Yan was also a cultivation in the integration period. Although he is not a major faction, he is also a well-known scattered practice nearby. Because he is old with the father of the current emperor of the State of Yan, he is willing to be worshipped by the State of Yan, otherwise I am afraid it will be difficult to get it.

The fusion period does not sound very good. Compared with the disciples of some famous sects, there is indeed a certain gap. But if you really think about it, there are really people with very high cultivation, and how many of them are really happy to hide in the secular world like this? What if there is glory and wealth in the palace? What practitioners seek is the road of heaven and earth. How can they be disturbed by common things so easily?

With the protection of this mage, the State of Yan should have been very safe, but it is a pity that the other party's cultivation is higher than him, and there are also schools. Some practitioners who inherit Taoism are real. In this way, it is not difficult to know whether to win or lose by comparing the two.

Ren Yan's protector exhausted his efforts and used many means. He even relied on his experience to entangle him. After all, he was still unable to beat four hands with two fists. As a result, he was killed to death. Not long after the injury, he returned to heaven, which led to Wang Yuan to Sanxian Mountain.

"I hope that Ren'er can make the immortal method repel the strong enemy. I hope that the fairy named An Yuhan is really as powerful as Master Qingfeng said. If not... Ren'er must not die here!" Wang Yuan lowered his head, and no one could see it. At this time, the firm look in his eyes knew without asking. At this time, he should have made a decision.