Xian Zhu

Chapter 40 Yunhai Golden Body

"Strange, 'Mirror Flower and Water Moon' can't be seen. Was it found?"

Outside the "Extinct of Senluo", one of the nine dead stars.

Just looking at the appearance, this dead star is no different from several other stars, but the size is a little different, and it is also a dead look. If it hadn't been for the sound coming out of it, I'm afraid people wouldn't have known that there were still people on it.

Xingfan's right hand unconsciously rubbed his face, but there was only the jade dish in front of him. To be precise, it was the pool of clear water. At this moment, the water was as ordinary that people could not see anything special.

Xingfan scattered people stared at it for a while. When they found that it was fruitless, they would no longer do that useless work. They just raised their heads and looked at the "Senluo Jueyu". Their eyes flashed and they didn't know what they were thinking.


Under the golden-winged lake, the object is still full of gold, and there is no strangeness at all. Everything looks like before Han Yuan and others did not enter it. Only at the place where the lake tablet is located, the stone tablet is covered with a layer of white light. If you are here at this time, it is not difficult to feel that a strange force is slowly grinding the white light on the tablet, but the effect is extremely insignificant.

At the bottom of the lake, in the cave of the wandering scattered people, it is also very likely that he feathered. Han Yuan and his party finally passed the gate and really entered the cave.

"I thought there was still a chance to get some more benefits, but I didn't expect to come in so easily." Han Yuan bit the straw and complained secretly, but he couldn't find anyone to vent.

In the opinion of people other than Han Yuan, they are really lucky. The first time they tried to create chaos in the five elements, the second time they were careful, and they were afraid of danger. After all, not everyone is as crazy as Han Yuan, but their care was used in space this time.

The five elements have been tried. Next, according to what Han Yuan said before, of course, the five elements were defeated, but I didn't expect that this time it would be a sudden success, but Han Yuan was a little surprised and sighed that "he had exhausted his good use", but no one paid attention to him.

Originally, after coming in, Han Yuan would certainly not be honest, and he still had to complain a lot. Unfortunately, now the conditions do not allow him to read it in other people's ears, because now everyone is separated again.

"It's really annoying. The same method can be used twice. I'm afraid few people can think of it, right? I really thought that it should be difficult to use just by some ordinary marks at present. Han Yuan thought about it and looked back. Seeing the masked beauty behind him walking slowly as before, he was a little depressed.

"I don't know if the demon king has any other way? If you have any advice, I'm a little worried about my friends.

"...I can't help it. The green bird has failed here, but it just looks like a maze here. There should be no danger."

Han Yuancai didn't care what the six-finger demon king said about this. He only knew that those people would be in danger if they were not by his side. "Maybe there is no danger in this cave, but it also depends on who is around them? Not all of them are as talkative as the demon king... Er..."

Before Han Yuan finished speaking, he just turned his head and looked back. As a result, he only felt a strong pressure directly hit his face. Before he could resist, he had no time to resist, and his neck was tightly clenched by one hand.

"Is it easy for me to talk?"

The golden and black demon spirit on the six-finger demon king's body is mixed. Even her skin has been dyed to change color, and it seems that these demons are all from her pores. For a moment, many demon spirits have escaped from holding Han Yuan's hand, blocking between Han Yuan and the six-finger demon king, even the face of the six-finger demon king at this time. Han Yuan can't see clearly.



The six-finger demon king asked a difficult question, so Han Yuan didn't need to think about it for too long. As soon as he heard her ask, Han Yuan answered happily. The six-finger demon king didn't know what she was thinking. Han Yuan could only see that her demonic spirit was more chaotic, and then he calmed down and drilled back into her body.

After being released by the six-finger demon king, Han originally went to touch the pinched and almost broken neck. Although he could not see a purple fingerprint on it, he could also feel that he was almost strangled by the six-finger demon king at that moment.

"...I have some problems with my demon spirit. The last time I got that thing in the 'Road of No Return', it was incomplete, and the power in it was too difficult to control..." The black veil floated on the face of the six-finger demon king, and the voice had spread faintly. Although he couldn't hear any emotion, Han Yuan was still very surprised.

"This woman... banshee, is she apologizing?" Han Yuan thought in disbelief.

The six-finger demon king seemed to know what Han Yuan was thinking. Seeing that Han Yuan was always peeking at himself, he couldn't help asking, "What are you looking at?"

"Well, it's nothing. You said this is a magic array. Is there any way to crack it?"

"If the Hundred-eye Demon King wants to do it, there may be some ways. I'm not good at breaking the array."


Han Yuan rubbed his neck and turned around. The six-finger demon king stole his hand and took it in front of him. He had previously pinched Han Yuan's hand and trembled a little, but she had no intention of killing Han Yuan.

"Strange." Looking at Han Yuan's back, the six-finger demon king appeared to be a little puzzled.

Han Yuan did not know what the six-finger demon king was thinking at this time. He also listened to the words of the six-finger demon king and was sure that this was really just a fantasy array. If so, the hundred-eye demon king had a way, and Han Yuan also had his own way.

At present, where they are, it looks like a sea of clouds. There is almost no boundary between heaven and earth, and they are all white. A few steps away, you can't see anything clearly, and some of them are all thick and very white clouds. With real energy on his body, Han Yuan had an invisible power around him, blowing away everything that dared to approach him. In an instant, he was not small in the sky. The six-finger demon king only stood silently behind Han Yuan to see what he was doing, and his eyes flashed, which showed that he was not calm.

The six-finger demon king is sure that he has never been interested in a small human, let alone such a poor cultivation as Han Yuan. But Han Yuan can always arouse her interest, not only because of her strength, but also because of his impenetrable personality.

Han Yuan had no intention to care about the idea of the six-finger demon king. At this time, all his mind was on his right eye, and the purple light condensed a little. Although it glowed more and more, the light had never leaked out. Only one of the very small "Ancestral Witch Golden Secret" magic arrays rotated inside, as if it had been It is a part of Han Yuan's purple pupil's strange power, and the newly lit virtual shadow emits a little green light.

"Break the delusion!" Han Yuan gave a shout, and the light in his eyes began to condense, and a purple crystal light shot out, just like the six-yang true fire used by the tip of Han Yuan's sword, straight forward. Although there is a lot of white fog around it, it also looks extremely thick. Compared with it, Han Yuan's purple light looks only a trace, but once it is shot out, it makes any white fog beside it disperse to both sides like a natural enemy. It is fast and scary, and it makes the surroundings much more empty in a moment.

Removing the obstacles of the white fog, the things exposed can be clearly seen. With the exposure of the larger and larger places, Han Yuan and the Six-Finger Demon King can already see that this should be the appearance of a palace.

Looking up at the things around him, Han Yuan has shown deep curiosity. Those things made of gold and silver look more magnificent than the secular palace.

"This is..."

When all the white fog cleared, not only this place was completely exposed, but also the few people who had dispersed before also saw each other again, but now their attention is not on each other, but on the middle of the hall, which is like the altar. Although the golden light sprinkled from it could not feel any power, it could give a feeling of fear, especially the six-finger demon king behind Han Yuan, who had just calmed down, but there were signs of wanting to relax, which made her endure it quite hard.

Han Yuan's eyes were only attracted by the golden light at the top of the altar at the beginning, and then completely placed on the four golden people guarding around the altar.

Although Han Yuan has only heard the description of it, and it is a little different from what he saw in front of him, Han Yuan can be sure at this moment that these must be the "golden bodies" that You Ranzhi has always wanted!