School grass's cute little girlfriend

Chapter 31 It's still messy! Entangled!

When he rushed to Ling Yang's hospital by the river, he found that Xie Yuqin appeared in the hospital in a high profile, attracting a group of people to watch.

Xie Yuqin in the crowd looked anxious and worried, and naturally those gossip reporters would not let go. They were going to write on tomorrow's headlines: Ling Yang's new girlfriend Xie Yuqin appeared in XX hospital in a high profile, suspected of visiting Ling Yang after the car accident!

Seeing this, the riverside could only bite his lower lip and quietly followed.

When he arrived outside Ling Yang's ward, he went through the window on the door and saw Ling Yang fighting like a child. His head seemed to be wrapped in a bandage, but it didn't seem to be serious.

The riverside also breathed a sigh of relief, and it was okay.

Now there is also someone around him who takes care of him, and he will not be as cold or hot as he is, and will treat him wholeheartedly...

That's enough.

"Miss, would you please get out of the way?"

The nurse next to her woke her up, and Jiangbian hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'll leave right away." He hurried away in the nurse's surprised eyes.

Ling Yang seemed to feel something inside. He opened the door of the ward with his bare feet, but did not see the figure, and the loneliness in his eyes gradually deepened.

Xie Yuqin walked over and said, "Don't be silly, she won't come. Go back to your illness**! The ground is cold..." Ling Yang looked at her and did not refute her or anything.

Ying honestly down to the disease**, the nurses turned over their heads.

At this time, he hid by the river behind the wall and patted his chest in shock. Fortunately, he ran fast.

Xiong Xiong, who came to the hospital to get medicine for his parents, saw her and stepped forward to say hello very kindly, "Hello, schoolgirl, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Hello, Xiong Xiong..." Jiangbian pulled the corners of his mouth awkwardly. Should it be so coincidental?

"Do you mind taking a walk together?" Xiong Xiong dared to invite a female classmate for the first time, ah, a schoolgirl to go for a walk and chat!

Anyway, there is nothing to do by the riverside now. Ling Yang has someone to take care of him. He can do well without himself, not to mention...

Shake his head and don't let himself think about it anymore.


Xiong Xiong's face immediately changed into a smile.

After leaving the hospital, his face was still full of joy, which made the riverside feel a little dazzling under the sunshine.

"Why is the schoolgirl in the hospital? Is it possible that you are here to help your parents get medicine like me? Xiong Xiong put away the joy on his face and began to provoke the topic.

But this question made Jiangbian think deeply about what he came to do.

"Come and see someone."

"Who?" Xiong Xiong didn't die until he didn't reach the Yellow River, and decided to know deeply what was going on!

The riverside pulled the corners of his mouth with some difficulty, "The person I like."

"...Then why don't you stay with him?" The expression on Xiong Xiong's face began to feel a little reluctant.

"He doesn't need me now. Why am I tired of being by his side? Don't you think such a girl is annoying?" In the deep meaning, Xie Yuqin is sarcastic...

"So...does that boy like you?" Xiong Xiong has seen it. Anyway, it's not that he doesn't know that the schoolgirl in front of him has someone he likes! ╭(╯^╰)╮

"I don't know."

Every time Ling Yang talked to her about this topic, he either avoided it or told her in a funny tone, which made her always feel a little unreal.


Xiong Xiongmo!

Ling Xia over there is still struggling whether to keep up with the riverside. Fortunately, Ye Xi gave her a dose of reinant!

"I'll ask my classmates to take a look at the riverside for you later? OK?"

Ling Xia naturally nodded wildly.

A typical color over friends!

In an instant, he jumped into Ye Xi's arms. Tut, it's better to be your own!

The second brother of Ling next to him saw a black line, and Yao Jing took a picture of this scene with tears.

"Ah, it's so touching!"

Ling Ying calmly kicked her in private, causing Yao Jing to stare angrily, while he himself continued to look at the scenery next to him as if he hadn't heard it.

Ah, that grass is so green! It must have been fattened...

Ah, that little flower is so beautiful! It must have been ** by the strong wind...

Ah, that woman...

Okay! It's Yao Jing and Ouyang Xuan...

Ouyang Xuan smiled shyly and didn't have the charm just now. You still have to behave better in front of your first love.

Yao Jing next to

also began to follow the trend and looked very dignified, although it looked a little out of tune.

Ling Ying made a vomiting in her heart. If you can't learn it, don't learn it! Does it look scary?

How could Ling Ran, as a ' calm emperor', be touched by this?

However, his eyes seemed to have always stayed on Ye Xi and Ling Xia, especially the moment Ling Xia jumped into Ye Xi's arms, and his eyes seemed to be spewing fire.

When Ling Xia jumped into her arms when she was a child, she flashed over. Ling Xia bitterly fell down and nibbled the mud and lay on the ground crying helplessly.

Later, Ling Xia learned to be smart and knew that she could not rush to Ling Ran's arms so that she would not get hurt.

Now, Ling Xia has finally found a person who can jump into his arms and he will not avoid.

I don't know if this is Ling Xia's luck or Ye Xi's sadness.

Anyway, Ling Xia is happy.

Ling Ran's heart suddenly had a kind of sadness. His sister, who grew up with one hand, is now so desperate for others!

seemed to be telepathic, and Ling Ying patted him on the shoulder bitterly.

The Ling family grew up at the beginning of Xia and lost his brother to enter the arms of (Ye Xi).

At this time, Ling Xia sneezed loudly.

While rubbing his nose and asking, "Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?" Second brother, is it you!"

Note that affirmative sentences are used.

Ling Ying looked innocent, "Why me?"

"Because you are the most idle, you like to find something to do!"

"Puff..." Ling Ying and Yao Jing spewed out at the same time.

The difference is that Ling Ying is the pronunciation, and Yao Jing spewed out all the water in her mouth.

"Cough, your second brother is very idle?"

Ling Xia nodded, then turned around and took Ye Xi's arm.

"Let's play and ignore them!"

Yexi obeys unconditionally.

Looking at the two figures going away, Ling Ying sighed, "Looking at Yexi's future as a 'strict wife', hey, man's pathetic!"

Yao Jing's voice was strange, "So what do you want in the future?"

"Of course, I can be alone! It's boring to be managed by my wife all day, and I don't have any freedom!" Ling Ying is so fantasizing that she hopes that one day it can come true!

But is that possible?

Ling Ran objected to Ling Ying's previous comments on Ye Xi, "As long as he is good to Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao will naturally not embarras him."

The three looked at him doubtfully.

Who is Ling Ran? When he is suspicious of others, is it when he leaves?!

Looking at Ling Ran's back and going far away, Ling Ying, the only man, felt deeply desperate.

"How many responsible men are there in this world?"

was directly ignored by the contempt of the two women present.

When a man complains, it's better not to disturb him, or you will regret it!

At this time, Ling Yang, who was sitting sick**, stared at the photo in his mobile phone, which was taken when the riverside quietly came to the hospital to see him...

Why didn't she come to see herself? But come and walk quietly?

I threw my mobile phone aside, pulled the quilt over my head, and went to sleep!