School grass's cute little girlfriend

Chapter 42 New Teacher Su

"Ling Xia, do you know what Mr. Ling likes best?"

"Ling Xia, do you know what kind of girl Mr. Ling likes!"

"Ling Xia, does Mr. Ling like boys?"


Ling Xia is about to collapse on the table. Why was her quiet days overturned? Who is the originator? That goes without saying. Naturally, Gu Yan is still walking slowly in the corridor...

"Don't ask me, if you have the ability to ask Mr. Ling to go by yourself..." Ling Xia scratched her hair and said in a little unhappy tone. She was originally prepared to keep a low profile for the past two years from the beginning, but the eldest brother's move broke everything she had planned!

Gu Yan raised her eyebrows and drove the students away. She looked at Ling Xia, who was about to wrinkle her face with a smile, "Don't look like that. Teacher Ling asked you to go to his office~


Ling Xia answered without strength and dragged her tired body forward slowly. She hadn't had breakfast yet.

Fortunately, the office is not far from the classroom, otherwise Ling Xia will crawl over!

"Mr. Ling, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ling Xia's weak look, Ling Ran couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth and handed the breakfast on the table to her. "It's still hot. Remember to have breakfast before going out in the future!"

Her eyes glowed when she smelled the fragrance, took it and grinned at him and ran back to the classroom. She wanted to get rid of the breakfast as soon as possible!

Ling Ran in the back shook his head helplessly and spread out such a sister. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse...

The male teacher in his office has a good relationship with him, "Ling Ran, is that female student just now your girlfriend or your sister?"

Ling Ran took a look at him and sat back in his chair, "What do you think?"

The teacher looked very surprised, "Is it..."

"Isn't that so much? She is my youngest sister!" Ling Ran held the frame and looked irrefutable. After saying that, he turned the chair and focused on preparing for the class.

The corners of the male teacher's mouth twitched helplessly. This Lingran is so protective! I don't know if this will make people want to understand the relationship!

Coincidentally, the first class of Ling Xia's class was his, with a sinister smile on his face. Since Ling Ran's mouth is so tight, he has to find another shortcut!

As soon as the class bell rang, he couldn't wait to pick up the textbook in his hand and went to Class A, the second year of high school. The man's youngest sister? Who believes it...


"Ring up."

"Good teacher..."


With the sound of pulling the stool, Ling Xia looked at the teacher who had been looking at her with interest and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

He made a simple self-introduction, "My surname is Su. I have been responsible for your math in the past two years. I hope we can get along well."

The girls below are not calm again. Although Mr. Su is not as temperamental as Mr. Ling, he looks so approachable...

Immediately, several bold girls began to ask for contact information. Su Qi's face smiled. Obviously, she was very happy. She picked up the pen and wrote down her mobile phone number on the blackboard and said very calmly, "If you want to discuss the topic with me, teacher I'm very happy not to play casually during class time..."

Before his voice fell, his mobile phone began to ring. A strange number dialed in. Su Qi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Which classmate..."

Ling Xia, the number one in the last group, raised his mobile phone, "Mr. Su, hurry up to class, otherwise there will be more people like me." Then he cut off the call, put away his mobile phone, lay down on the table and began to swim.

Su Qi was also stunned and took Ling Xia's words, "There is no class in this class. Let's chat together."

As a result, Ling Xia's face immediately darkened when she heard this. She just wanted to take out her mobile phone and call her brother, but someone took her first.

"Mr. Su, you are a new teacher. I haven't seen you before." That was the voice of her deskmate Gu Yan. Ling Xia thought for a while and silently withdrew her mobile phone. Let's take a look first!

Su Qi nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I just came this semester. Thank you for the blessing of Mr. Ling, I have to teach you..."

Mr. Ling's blessing...Mr. Ling...

These three words sounded like a thunderbolt in their ears. It seems that Mr. Su has something to do with Mr. Ling. They have to guard against it!

"Mr. Su, why have I never seen you?" Ling Xia spoke again. She was not referring to school, but to other aspects.

Su Qi smiled and looked very calm, "How many people can you see when you stay at home every day? Your eldest brother is so busy and dizzy outside. You are living a good life at home..."

Being speechless, Ling Xia looked at the sky silently. Why did Mr. Su know so much?

Gu Yan couldn't help but work hard, "Mr. Su, do you know what hobbies Mr. Ling usually has!" Ling Xia glanced at her. Could it be that she also had no idea about her eldest brother?

As his sister for so many years, she didn't know that her eldest brother was so popular!

Su Qi touched his chin, thought about it, and gave a very pertinent answer, "Why don't you ask your deskmate? After all, she must know more than me, more about me..."

Ling Xia, who was named, was also extremely calm. Anyway, this matter will be poked out in the future, so she lifted her hair extremely narcissistically, "It's enough for you to learn from me. After all, I'm his sister!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was pinched in the waist. Ling Xia couldn't help staring over. Gu Yan played with her fingers like an innocent person. "Stem. Ye..."

I'll go...

Ling Xia quickly shut up, "Go on, just as if I didn't say anything, continue~"

This move made Su Qi's curiosity even more. Because the class was too noisy, he couldn't hear what Gu Yan said, but he could see Ling Xia's sudden change of face, and he could still guess a little bit. It seems that if you want to know about Ling Xia, you have to ask her deskmate.

The bell finally rang, and Su Qi waved to them, "See you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Mr. Su~"

I don't know who answered the boring sentence "Never again". Although others don't know, as Ling Xia's deskmate, they can hear it very clearly!

The gossip could not be stopped. Gu Yan's eyes flashed at Ling Xia, making her very unhappy.

"Xiao Xiaxia, does Mr. Su like you? I was looking at us all the time when I was in class~"