Little Rich and An

Chapter 105 They are all people with secrets

Time flowed quickly in the silence, and his legs sitting on the flower bed were extremely cold. He looked at himself quietly and couldn't wait to see his whole person in his heart and remember it in his eyes, "Is it cold? Come and sit here." Liang Mu stretched out his arms to invite.

If he didn't need to say it before, she would have naturally gone over, sat between his legs, rubbed it harshly, and then quietly left, secretly appreciating his ecstasy appearance, but not now.

"I'm not cold." She replied with perseverance and no room. Can you tell me about you and Jinglong?" He told her that things were by no means as simple as Jinglong or Shuangling's.

seemed to have found a topic suitable for him. He straightened his chest and said slowly. That day, when she ran away from home, Liang Mu arranged everything in his family and came to Anjing to look for her. On the way, he met the prince Jinglong who was robbed by more than a dozen people in black. At that time, he didn't think much about it, so he went to help. Finally, Jinglong was rescued alone, and all the dark guards around Jinglong hid here. With his understanding of the deep mountains and old forests and his ability to hunt, he hid in the mountains for more than a month and then returned to Anjing.

Shortly after coming to Anjing, he learned that the king of Qin had rebelled and wanted to take the emperor to lead the heroes. The second prince wanted to take the opportunity to take the stage. However, Jinglong was delicate and resourceful. After thinking about it over and over again, he decided not to listen to his father's words and secretly took the military charm with Liang Mu and a group of cronies to help the emperor quell the rebellion.

Some people want to walk away Jinglong. If she is calm, I'm afraid that person is the third prince! When his own son was kidnapped, he thought that it was the second prince sent someone to do it. It was normal to want to take Jinglong away as a threat to the second prince. But it is really rare for Jinglong to have such awareness, but compared with his father's father's father's suspicion, he is still a smart 'good man'.

"As an equivalent exchange, Jinglong promised to help you find me, right?" Ruojing's sudden question made Liang Mu, who was immersed in lovesickness, wake up and nodded, "Yes, that's what Jing Long said."

"Do you think it's still possible now?" Ruoyan raised her eyebrows, although she smiled but was rarely arrogant. When she first saw her, she always liked to laugh like this. Later, she gradually became approachable and ignored it. Now when she returns home, the loneliness that has been lost for a long time has also returned.

Liang Mu was at a loss, "Now Ruo Ying is the treasure in the palm of today's saints. His heart is like the bright moon in the sky. I'm afraid..." He longed for her to change her mind, but step by step, his ears stained the forest between her and Lin Bai. It seemed that everything had changed beyond his imagination and tolerance.

If you smile, you can't see the joy or anger, but smile faintly, holding your face with your hands warmly, "There is no regret medicine in the world. Since I thought of it that day, it was the determination not to go back, do you understand?"

A sentence broke all the hopes of Liang Mu. The hero also couldn't help tears. His eyes were instantly red. He was anxious and picked her up and sat in his arms. His eyes were soaked with helpless heartache. "How many times do you want me to say? I have nothing to do with Song Yujing? Why don't you believe it? I apologize to you on that day. Now I don't care about life and death. Why don't you give me a chance? Even if it's just once, I will definitely make you satisfied.

"I said that there is no one who sells regret medicine in the world." The burning pain of her arms. If she was annoyed, Liang Mu quickly let go of her, but pressed her to sit on her lap, holding her cold palms tightly with her hands.

If you are not moved, that's a fake. She breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Liang Mu, I believe that you didn't do anything to Song Yujing, but you are moved, right?" The warm hand suddenly paused, and then hugged her tightly. Ruoyu sighed helplessly and said in a faint tone as if to tell the story of another family. "Actually, I all know that you went to Liutou Lane to buy her a private house, bought a maid to serve her, and also took her 80-year-old mother together to share the family, and you must visit her several times in a few days, right? It's just that she is too greedy and anxious to mess up your original plan.

When the sad sound came, he buried his head deep in her chest and cried very sadly. If he only saw him cry once, it was the time when she was in danger in the mountain. The time he opened the cheetah with his bare hands, but that time he cried loudly, and this time he was silently timid.

"I just want you to treat me better. I just want a woman to restrain you." Liang Mu is like a child, and what he says makes people laugh and cry. Ruoqi sneered coldly, "Then do you think Li Erniang of Lian's family is good to his father-in-law, and He treats his father-in-law sincerely?"

Liang Mu shook his head blankly, and Ruo Yan seemed to reason with his child. "Marriage is just a game of two people, and there is no room for a third person. If you squeeze in, one person must be out, and I choose to give up, so I want to be out."

"What if Winter didn't die that day?" Liang Mu suddenly looked up and stared at Ruoqi with tears.

"If there is no such a case, Dong'er is dead, and she symbolizes the ending." She suddenly smiled softly and reached out to help him wipe his tears. "I heard outsiders often say that your teacher is the famous marshal of the previous dynasty, Luo Wei? Is it the old hunter you often mention?

Liang Mu nodded in a stunned way, "Although my master taught me martial arts, he broke the text and read, all of them were used for hunting. I have never mentioned any military tactics. I didn't know until I found a military book from the bottom of the box when I returned to Liangjia Village last time.

Ruo seemed to sigh: "It turns out that God really treats you very well, but why didn't you tell me at that time?" Liang Mu said mutely, smiled and laughed at herself: "You must be thinking about my class of women. What's the use of knowing?"

In fact, Liang Mu wanted to say that what God treated him most was to send Lan Ruoyu to him and marry him as a wife, but unfortunately he was caught off guard and regretted that it was too late. At this time, she did not cry or make noise, but felt more and more strange.

And his hope was also in her gentle tone, like the fuel consumption of the lamp was on the verge of extinction, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and finally asked the reality he didn't want to face, "If you and Lin Bai can be together?" She doesn't say anything.

Liang Mu's heart suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes were deep and cold and arrows attacked people: "I didn't want to instigate, but there are some things you should know. He has contributed to you and me to this day."

"I understand, but who can be blamed? If the relationship between husband and wife is as solid as gold, who can only blame you and me for sticking to each other for a long time." Ruo said that he shook his head, pushed his arms away, and got up and moved forward: "Since fate is over, why do you have to tie each other? Now that you have your great ambition, won't it be better for me to live a peaceful life?"

At this, her arms at her waist were even more imprisonated and faintly painful. She took a few deep breaths, but still pushed him away. Instead, she was pressed into her arms and could not move. "Liang Mu, you dry..." The hot lips melted her anger in the mouth. She saw that his phoenix eyes were as deep as a cold pool, and his sword eyebrows condensed thunder. Ting rolled, the hot kiss seemed to bite, the lips were cracked and painful, and the hot chest floated violently for a long time. His eyes were already red, and he asked harshly, "You may live in peace, so what should I do?"

irritated by his forced kiss, he pushed him hard with his arms, but it didn't work at all like a dragonfly shaking the tree. He was angry and kicked him in a hoarse voice. The hot kiss fell like raindrops, hit his face, burned hotly on his neck, and licked/tears on his face. With one arm, the star held the moon to suppress her moving head and ingested the warm and soft jade in her mouth. Half a sound, she felt that there was no restlessness under her body. The cold tears slid past and rebuked her heart. She hated herself. She really hated it.

Slowly got up, helped her up, and hugged the person in her arms. If she was on guard like a hedgehog, she cried loudly. Her fists hit him in the chest and scolded: "You betrayed me. You found a woman to anger me. You took the thing on my chest and wanted to threaten me. You ordered me to kill my closest person. It's you... You have done all these things that hurt me. Why can you accuse me today?

The roar tore his painful chest, "It's all my fault, but are you right? The most regretful thing in my life is that I shouldn't go to Cangzhou, shouldn't despise Lin Bai, and shouldn't indulge in what you have done.

After roaring, he seemed to draw a strong ball and wither it in an instant. If it was the same, she was also wrong and guilty, otherwise her short marriage would not have ended hastily at the beginning. Standing up in his arms, he let the tears flow on his cheeks and moved forward aimlessly. The footsteps behind him sounded, and he followed from afar, "Ruo, I'll wait for you... give me a chance."

Shuangling waited for a long time and slowly fell asleep. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming not far away. When she opened her eyes, she saw the princess return home again. She was so scared that she bounced up like sitting on a nail board and walked back with her arm, but she didn't dare to ask half a word.

I pushed the door into the house and fell on the soft bed in a few steps. I was so tired that I didn't have any strength. There was a painful cry from the bedding, which scared her to be alert. The mysterious man quietly leaked his head. It was Lin Bai who smiled badly. The tears he had just taken back gushed out again and jumped into his arms and cried loudly.

Lin Bai was drunk and brought over by Duan Qingshushu. As soon as she fell asleep, she was forced to live by Lan Ruoyan. She was even more at a loss to coax her not to cry, but the more she cried, the more addicted she became, and her throat was hoarse.

She held her cheeks with both hands, and her pink and smooth tongue gently licked off the tears on her face, which was itchy and cold. Suddenly, a slap flashed over, and Lin Bai tilted his head a little unbelief, and smiled at her for a while. Ruoyu doesn't know why her hands are so fast. Anyway, this slap is a lot of relief.

He blushed and asked with a smile, "Have you calmed down? Why don't you slap me?" After beating himself, he began to feel distressed. Seeing his hippie smiling face, he was even more angry and touched his tears with his back to him. "What do you think is the purpose of your approach to me? Did you know my background at that time, that's why you destroyed my relationship with Liangmu, and then..."

Lin Bai was stunned and smiled weakly: "What do you want me to say? It is said that I deliberately destroyed the relationship between you and Liang Mu. It is said that I planted Lin Juaner by your side in order to disturb your family's peace. It is said that I found that Liang Mu had a confidant outside, but deliberately concealed it. Are you satisfied with this?"

Ruo Ying suddenly felt speechless, Lin Bai suddenly laughed loudly, his chest floated violently, and suddenly stopped, "But I really did these things."

He said casually and bounced angrily, "Liar!"

Lin Bai knelt down**, his face was solemn, and his eyes were burning without regret. "I admit that I have done a lot of things that I am sorry for you and Liang Mu, but it is by no means because of your identity. I liked you the first time I met you, and it's hard to get over, and it's getting deeper and deeper. He sat down decadently in an arrogant posture. At this time, Ruo Ying noticed that he was naked, not an inch, and he turned over with a piece of red peach cloth.

"I know that this is wrong. I have failed Liang Mu's trust, and I'm even more ashamed to call you my brother, but I can't bear it. Every time you come to me, it's like a warm spring breeze, which is irresistible. I feel that all happiness is close to me, and I hate to hang you all the time. Li, but you stay for a short time, go back to Liangmu, and leave you with only ashes of loneliness.

He climbed out of the quilt and bent down to pick up the robe. Ruo Ying thought he was going to leave. The ghost stretched out his hand to stop him. He smiled, but put the robe on Ruo Ying's shoulder. "Yun, I can do anything for you. Please don't leave me." The voice was soft and fascinating, and she couldn't help crying with her extremely developed tear glands.

He bowed his head close to his ear, and his voice was cold and decisive: "But I also tell you, you and I are husband and wife, so there is no way out. I only love you all my life, and we must be together."

The body was tightly put into the hot chest, and the tight breathing became luxurious. The broken kiss was dense. He turned around and sucked the white neck. It was not until the red plum bloomed that he smiled with satisfaction, and his greedy breath became heavier. He couldn't help retreating, "Don't move." Lin Bai's voice is uncontrollably rough.

Ruoyu held her in his arms for a long time, holding her so quietly, not for meat/desire, but for the heart, whispering warmly from his back, and he talked about his past.

Lin Zhenghao was the champion and the first. He was awarded the position of secretary of the four-grade official department. He returned to his hometown and begged his cousin Xinya to be his wife. He was originally a childhood sweetheart. He is a pair of two young and guessless people. Now they have been together for a long time. Naturally, it is you and me. A year later, there is a crystallization of love, that is, Lin Bai. His life is more colorful, even if he is a fairy. All will be envious.

With pride in officialdom and family beauty, Lin Zhenghao has become a successful person envied by everyone. After living in officialdom for a long time, it is inevitable to eat, drink and socialize, and the root cause of the disaster is buried after the banquet. Lanqing, the king of Qin, held a banquet at Ye Chang's home to entertain officials and attract relationships. Although Lin Zhenghao is in an important position in the officialdom, he is smooth and walks in the cracks, but he is at peace with each other.

I once met the eldest daughter of the King of Qin at a banquet. Princess Jingxuan, the eldest daughter of the King of Qin, is a famous old aunt in Anjing City. She was too picky when she was young, so she still had no son-in-law after her twenties. At the first meeting, she fell in love with Lin Shangshu, who was both talented and beautiful.

asked his father to say it, but Lin Zhenghao insisted on refusing, saying that he had a wife and children in the family and did not want to marry again. After learning about it, the eldest daughter of the King of Qin was furious and forced her father to die. She had to marry him or she would be hanged at the gate of the King of Qin's mansion.

The royal girl has been spoiled since she was a child. In the past few days, she has seen a lot of Ruojing, but she didn't expect that there would be dead skin to be pasted up. After squeezing down and the emperor's personal promise, Lin Zhenghao couldn't stand the pressure and finally married Lan Jingxuan, the eldest daughter of the King of Qin.

Naturally, the princess can't succumb to others, so Lin Bai's mother naturally has to condescend with a concubine, but for the sake of her young husband, she can endure no matter how hard it is. However, Lin Bai's short memories of her childhood, her mother was often beaten and angry, but she could only bear it silently.

And Lan Jingxuan was even more tragic and pure. Because she did not get Lin Zhenghao's love and the new hatred, when Lin Bai's mother gave birth to her second daughter Lin Juan's child, she bought the midwife. Lin Bai's mother's blood collapsed after giving birth, and finally she was unable to return to the sky, leaving eight-year-old Lin Bai and her sister waiting to be fed.

Lin Zhenghao knew that he was sorry for his deceased wife and couldn't afford it. He vowed not to see Lan Jingxuan in this life. After Lan Jingxuan returned to his mother's house, he soon died of depression and chest and had no medicine. The premature death of his parents was not the end of bad luck for Lin Bai, but the beginning. The king of Qin lost his daughter with resentment and copied the whole family. Lin Bai was saved by the old slave, but his sister did not escape from the tiger's mouth and was killed by the king of Qin on the spot.

"If I found that you were a member of the royal family, would I still fall in love with you without hesitation? I will only choose to hide far away and never get close. Or borrow the royal's usual means to rob you, cook cooked rice, and become famous, and then avenge the king of Qin. Lin Baiyou's voice came from her ear. Ruo Yan was still immersed in the bitter hatred of killing his sister, and she felt the pain of being bitten by him on her face before she reflected it.

"So now that you know my identity so far, have you ever resented it?" Ruo asked curiously.

Lin Bai leaned sideways on **, squinted and smiled, reached out and raised her to sharpen her jaw. The casual posture was a little ruffian: "I know your background, and I'm glad that I don't have any resentment. Do you know why?" Ruo Ying shook her head and didn't know. Because your Lan family owes me, I will use you to repay it. He gritted his teeth and pinched his jaw a little tighter. So I won't let Lin Bai go in my life unless I die.

She was stunned by the cold voice. Before she came back, she fell into his arms. "The mouth is dry. Take you to moisten your throat." He smiled evilly, lowered his head and pressed her moving head, greedily and kissed her soft red lips. He was so strong that he couldn't wait to suck the saliva/liquid in his mouth and stir the snake to search around.

The cold palm instantly reached into his arms, rubbed/pinched his chest, and his straight body was numb, and his chest felt cold. He slowly got up and looked at the exquisite jade body in front of him in the moonlight. "I wanted you to have a good rest tonight and clean you up when I go back, but I'm not blamed that you provoked me."

As soon as Ruoyu remembered, she was overwhelmed and unable to move. The overlapping jade lotus root was forcibly separated. The man's muffled gasp came, and the powerful force that penetrated in an instant made her stand up and take a cold breath. "Ruoyan promised me not to doubt it anymore."

The body is frequently dancing butterflies, and it is floating in his heart from time to time, but he saw that the scar on his left shoulder has not healed for a long time. He was sad and reached out and stroked it. "Does it still hurt?" He suddenly came close, and the pain overflowed. He straightened his face and had to stare at him and kiss him gently. "I'm working hard. Don't be distracted."