Little Rich and An

Chapter 114 Escape

Shaking his head and asking, "I heard from Langzhong that Miss Jia had a blood leak?" Wanwan's face turned red and nodded. It's really a lady. It's hard to speak in front of women. I'm afraid she doesn't cooperate with the doctor, right?

"Then why hasn't it been cured today?" Normally, although Langzhong is not a female doctor, he also knows the minimum blood tonic, right? In the face of Ruoyan's doubts, Wanwan said bitterly: "I was embarrassed to tell people about my previous illness. As a result, it became serious after a long delay. My father invited someone to treat her, but the female doctor's medical skills were not good. She procrastinated again and again. Finally, she had to seek a male doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and said that she would give a lot of money if she had a good treatment.

To be honest, if you want people to cure this disease, you will have to see all over your body, so my mother couldn't bear my grievances, so they asked the healer to be able to marry me, but no one can like my thin woman, so I procrastinate again and again, it will be like this.

That's it! If you feel that the bondage of ancient women is serious, doctors will be even more difficult! If this is put in modern times, I'm afraid that the male doctors in the gynecology will have a group of wives and concubines.

It's not difficult to understand after listening to her. Some doctors came from the money, but the patients scratched their heads and didn't treat them, while some felt that it was enough to be rich, and they agreed to treat them regardless of what they were. However, their medical skills were not good, and it took a lot of effort.

What's going on in the middle? If you ask questions, Wanwan rarely shows the shy appearance of a little woman, but it's more strange to look skinny. The little woman was so ill that my parents pitied me and did not hesitate to give up the heirloom wild ginseng as a reward and gave it to the Langzhong, so the Lang agreed to treat me. That day, my father invited Langzhong to the house, and the maids said that they had never seen such a handsome man. He prescribed a prescription outside the account.

Ruo Ying couldn't help laughing. It turned out that he was also fascinated by other wild ginseng, but he didn't even see this treatment? Can this be cured? No wonder the Langzhong is helpless! Miss Jia, first of all, I suggest that you tear down this thick gauze. Otherwise, your illness will be difficult to get better.

People and plants are similar. They all need sunlight for photosynthesis. If they can't touch the sun, I'm afraid they are not far from death.

Wanwan was a little embarrassed: "How can I do that? I don't want to come back to life like this. I just want to be satisfied after talking to the Langzhong for a while. If I go to the gauze tent and let the Langzhong see my true face, I'm afraid..."

At this time, Lan Ruoyu wanted to hit the wall, "Miss, don't worry, I promise that from today on, no slave's order will never disturb you. Until I moisten your red face."

"Really." Wanwan began to cough as soon as she was excited. Ruoyu hurriedly held her and put her in **. She sighed: This person is not going to die. It's all caused by stupid thoughts! With the maids, they cleaned up the curtain all over the room, opened the window, moved the chair to let Wanwan sit in front of the window to bask in the sun, and sent the medicinal herbs to the kitchen to decoctate the medicine and take them warmly.

Ruo Ying took advantage of the time to meet the Langzhong in the front hall, and he was anxious to fill the room with wreaths! Seeing her come out and ask, "Maybe it can be cured?" Ruo Mian nodded, "But I also have a request."

Langzhong said excitedly, "What do you ask you to say quickly?"

Ruo Ying stretched out three fingers, "One of all, you can't see Wanwan until she gets better."

"Can't you do it on one side?" The Langlang's face was dished, and Ruoyan asked, "Have you seen her true face?" He shook his head and said, "Every time through the curtain, I can't see it." Ruo said, "Then forget it! The curtains in her room have been removed.

Really? Then I'll see her now." As soon as he was about to run, he was stopped by Ruoyu, "Do you know why she has never wanted to see you?" Langzhong didn't know and shook his head. She doesn't want to make a bad impression on you, so you have to hold back.

Langzhong nodded lonely, with sadness in his eyes: "I don't care what she looks like, as long as she is healthy. At that time, I said that I wanted her to tear down the veil, but she couldn't resist. I'm afraid that's the reason, right?

Women always hope to leave the best impression in their beloved man's heart, even if they are willing to die for this boundless purpose, it's really not worth it. So you like Wanwan, and you just make friends with her?" The Langzhong nodded slightly, and blushed on his face, "Wanwan is erudite and talented, stable and considerate as my favorite woman."

"Focus on the connotation, it's good." Lan Ruoqi patted Langzhong on the shoulder, "Second, you go back to treat those two patients for me immediately." Lang Zhongzhi must nod his head, "As for the three?" Lan Ruoqi pulled her lips and smiled, "I'll tell you when I think of it."

In the next few days, Lan Ruoyan lived in Jia's house and was with Wanwan day and night, recalling the secret recipe that Aunt Qingyuan had talked to the queen. Fortunately, she kept her mind and didn't expect it to be useful. The medical skills in the palace are indeed unmatched by the people. The amount of medicine is moderate, and the tonic is normal. After a week, Wanwan's illness has greatly improved, and her face is red and richer. Although she still looks thin and scary, she is finally a little human. Ruoyan began to let her increase her protein intake when eating and eat more sea fish and vegetables. Vegetables, beef and mutton were made in a lossy way, but after eating them for less than half a month, they began to feel nauseous.

It's even more difficult for Master Jia to change three chefs for her. Not to mention that Wanwan is not fat or not, Lan Ruoyu has gained a lot of weight, and even her belly is inexplicably prominent. Time waits for no one! Seeing that Wanwan is mentally and physically well, Ruo Yan doesn't want to delay.

Duan Qing will come to see her in the afternoon, and the same is true on this day. Ruo Ying first asked Liang Mu and Lin Bai about their injuries, and they were all very good. Ruo Ying finally relieved, "Duan Qing, you don't have to come tomorrow. Let Langzhong come! I also want to teach him how to take care of Miss Jia. Duan Qing nodded and said yes, and went back when he saw nothing else.

The next day, Lang came happily and asked, "Can Xiaosheng and Miss Jia meet?"

Ruo Ying nodded with a smile, and the Langzhong was about to rush in. Ruo Ying hurriedly spread her wings like a hen: "Wait a minute, I still have a request!" She almost forgot it without mentioning it, and hurriedly responded with a smile: "Sister, you said that Xiaosheng will definitely do it."

A few traces of helplessness and sadness flashed on her smiling face, and she looked at the inexplicable sadness in her face, "Is there anything on your mind?" Ruo Yan smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. I just want to find a quiet place to live and ask you to help me."

Qi Langzhong felt that things were not good and slowly lowered his head: "Big sister, will the father of the child in your womb agree?"

"I'm his mother. He must listen to me." Ruo's palm stroked her slightly raised lower abdomen, "I know you are a good person, but there are some things that you can't see through on your face. As for why I can't explain to you, I just ask you to keep your promise."

"Will you hurt him?" Langzhong looked at her stomach very uneasily and smiled, "He is my life, never." Langzhong nodded at ease, "Okay, what the elder sister said, I will do what I do."

In the next few days, Duan Qing's visit task was replaced by Langzhong, and he would bring back a text message from Lan Ruoyu every day and give it to Lin Bai or Liang Mu. The letter was mostly concerned, although he was not seen, he was relieved.

Half a month of the letter was interrupted, and the Langzhong bitter melon told the people frankly that Lan Ruoyan had left his hometown half a month ago, and she was pregnant for more than three months. As for where she went, she refused to say whether she was alive, and it was unknown among the Lang Lang.

Liang Mu's face was pale and bloodless, and his mind was blank. He held the doorpost with one hand. Unconsciously, his fingers had been deeply immersed in the doorpost, and the wood pierced into the flesh scarlet. If she left and was pregnant, and the fool knew who the child was, then why did she leave? If she told herself, how would he be embarrassed?

I took out the letter in my arms and saw that I was in tears. I closed the door hard and sat on the ground and cried loudly. I asked when the seven-foot man was so embarrassed. Lin Bai's injured leg was almost healed, and he was in a state of urgency and anger. Duan Qing guarded him for fear that something would happen, and he regretted that he had not watched this careless living man.

Lin Bai stood on the straight wreath on the ground, thinking about where Ruoyan would go at this time. Suddenly, I saw Liang Mu's lost letter on the ground. Reaching out to pick it up, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, kicked open Liang Mu's door, and rushed to grab the letter from Liang Mu's hand.

Liang Mu got up in anger and scolded loudly, "If it weren't for you, could you leave?" Lin Bai was also so excited that he punched him and hit him. In the middle of the good face, a smell of sweetness gushed out of his nostrils, "Mangfu, if it weren't for you, how could you be pregnant with my child but want to leave me?" Thinking of the child, Liangmu was even more angry. The iron fist hit like rain, fast and fierce. Although his arm was injured, he did not have enough strength, which was enough to beat Lin Bai's face full of peach blossoms.

Lin Bai's foot was injured, and his fists were naturally active. After a while, the two fought in a place. Duan Qing forcibly separated him. Liang Mu was paralyzed and stared at Lin Bai. Lin Bai angrily picked up the stool and smashed him on the head. Liang Mu did not avoid it at all. Instead, he sneered and was about to hit him on the head. Lin Bai took a foot. The stool was smashed in mid-air.

The pain in my leg was unbearable. Lin Bai couldn't help thinking of the last chance Ruoyan said. Unexpectedly, she breached the contract. Angrily, he put several letters together and looked for the traces left by Ruoyan. Suddenly, the opening words are stitched together: "Liang Mu, I'm sorry. Lin Bai, I'm sorry. The tail was connected again, "I will raise the child well."

Lin Baifeng's eyes were covered with frost, and her pale jade face was ferocious as cold. She clenched the letter in her palm and tore it to pieces. "The child is mine. I can't escape from my palm." He pulled Liang Mu's collar and dragged it out. Liang Mu refused to cooperate. Lin Bai raised his eyebrows and sneered coldly: "Liang Mu, if you have nothing to do for several years, it's not her fault. Now who is wrong? I have to say that now she is mine, and the child in my womb is also mine, you can die. Don't bother me again, or kill me. Pardon."

got up and strode away. Liang Mu's eyes turned pale and stared at the door for a long time. It was not until the middle of the cold wind and dew that he recovered his mind. "No, if you are most afraid of the cold at night, you have to accompany her." Liang Mu staggered up, stabilized his body and ran away.