Little Flowermaker's Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 60 Two Ghosts Attack

Zhao Xuan was walking back to the cabin at this time, looking solemn and seemed to be thinking about something.

After the scene just now, he has basically confirmed the extraordinary places of those strange plants on the other side of the peach blossom forest. Because since his fingers punctured the small particles on the blue flower with red leaves, his body has undergone a series of changes. First, a cool air spread all over his body, and then the blood in his body suddenly boiled. Not only that, even the little white has changed. The two dragon horns have become much bigger than before, and there are black and white stripes similar to zebras on the horns. And the change of the ball is even more ferocious, turning into a glowing bronze sword with an ugly and vicious sword demon on it.

Just as he was meditating, a creepy ghost roar suddenly came from the bamboo forest in the distance.

"It's not good." Zhao Xuan suddenly felt that he was not good and quickly flew in the direction of the bamboo forest. At this time, the mother-in-law had gone out, and Qingling was the only one in the cabin. Although she was also a monk, Zhao Xuan saw how powerful the green ghost was last night. If they come to seek revenge now, how can Qingling alone be their opponent? According to the mother-in-law, the killing and cannibalism of the four ghosts was outrageous. If Qingling unfortunately fell into their hands, the consequences would be unimaginable. Zhao Xuan thought of it and sweated coldly on his forehead.

In front of it is the cabin. From afar, you can see a circle of black barrier outside the house, which was left by the medicine mother-in-law before she left, saying that it could prevent any demon attack. Zhao Xuan swirled in the air, swept through the cracks in the bamboo branches and fell to the cabin. As soon as his front foot landed, he hurried into the house.

The hall is still the same as before, and nothing has changed. The room on the left is the medicine mother-in-law's bedroom, and the bedding inside is neatly folded and there is no sign of anyone coming; Zhao Xuan looked at the right room again, and the curtain had been opened. He thought that Qingling would not still be sleeping at this time!

Aunt Hua has taught him to 'don't look at it' since he was a child, but the ghost roar just now was really amazing. He couldn't control so much at this time, so he took a step and walked to Qingling's room.

The bedding in the room is also very neat, and there is a clean set of clothes next to it. Zhao Xuan slowly walked to the table on the other side of the window, reached out and grabbed a porcelain bowl above. There was tea in the bowl, and white water vapor could be faintly seen floating out of the bowl. The water is still hot. I guess Qingling just poured it out of the teapot, but why is she not in the room? Didn't Grandma Yao tell her to stay in the house and not to go out before she left?

"Qingling", Zhao Xuan shouted her name and turned the inside and outside of the hut without finding anyone. His worries couldn't help but increase a little.

"Did something happen to her?" He frowned. When he thought that something might happen to Qingling, he didn't know why there was a dull feeling floating in his chest.


At this time, the girl's scream came from the depths of the bamboo forest outside the house, and her voice was full of fear.

"Qingling", Zhao Xuan recognized the voice of Qingling and chased it out. The girl's screams sounded one after another, and it seemed that strange laughter could be heard faintly. But the sound faded away and soon disappeared.

Zhao Xuan settled down and his ears moved slightly. After confirming the sound source, he immediately caught up with Qinggong. He has been practicing gas for more than a month, and according to the time of his practice, he could not reach the state of hearing. But since he has a small ball in his body, all the state changes in his body cannot be judged by the progress of ordinary people.

The branches and leaves of the bamboo forest are dense, and it is a little difficult to cross in such an environment. Zhao Xuan cut his hands in front of his chest and blew a wind to sweep away the obstacles in front of him. The real air in his body gushed out some into his legs. At this time, his legs became more powerful and rushed forward like arrows from the strings in the air.

I don't know how long I have been flying in the forest. Through the cracks of the bamboo, two white and one pink shadows in front of me loomed, among which the pink figure was graceful and slender. Zhao Xuan recognized Qingling at a glance and quickly accelerated his speed and flew forward.

"Brother, it seems that someone is catching up behind." The nigga hurriedly said.

The green ghost clasped Qingling's shoulder and looked back. There was indeed a shadow behind him rushing this way, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't see who the person was coming for a moment.

"Second brother, the old man of medicine is coming. Let's go." The green ghost wink at the black ghost. The black ghost nodded, and the two ghosts clasped Qingling's two shoulders and flew forward.

Monsters usually come out at night and die when they see light during the day. However, there is a way in the ghost world, that is, as long as ghosts are covered with human blood and must be child blood, then they can come out day or night. Although this method is good, it has drawbacks. Because the maintenance time of this method is only one hour, and if the ghost is still exposed to the sun after an hour, then there is only one result, that is, the body turns into blue smoke and the soul is scattered.

This method is very risky, and ordinary ghosts will not try it easily. But at present, the green ghost and the black ghost can't sit still for revenge for a moment. They thought that after a night of fighting, the old man must be very weak at this time. And their ghosts' bodies are originally transformed, and they will naturally not feel tired if they are not flesh and blood. If you run to sneak up on her at this time, there is a good chance of winning. But if you really go to sneak attack, you will be entangled by the old man of medicine. An hour later, the boy's blood will lose its effectiveness, and his body will be exposed to the sun, won't it be scattered?

After some discussion, the second ghost still decided to take a risk. After a night of fighting, it is estimated that the old lady Yao has not recovered. At this time, when will he not sneak attack?

The two ghosts did it, immediately slaughtered a little boy in the hole, and then wiped it on his body with his blood. The little boy strayed into the fantasy moon after getting lost with his father at the foot of the mountain a few days ago, and his father ate the four ghosts alive on the spot. The little boy was thin and tender, and the white ghost proposed to take him back and wait for everyone to have leisure to drink. But before they ate the tender boy meat, the white ghosts and black ghosts were scattered.

The green ghost and the black ghost were covered with boy's blood and then came to the cabin, hidden in the bamboo forest, waiting for the opportunity to attack the medicine mother-in-law. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, the medicine mother-in-law didn't come out. They wanted to rush into the house! A circle of black barrier outside the house is like a door god. Which desperate ghost dares to come forward, unless he wants to fly away. Seeing that a second passed, unconsciously two quarter of an hour had passed, and the two ghosts were getting more and more anxious, but there was nothing they could do for a while. At this time, Qingling came out of the cabin. The medicine mother-in-law was not here. Zhao Xuan went to the peach blossom forest to take care of the herbs again. She was a little bored to stay alone in the house, so she walked out of the cabin to breathe. Completely forgetting the warning before the medicine mother-in-law left, Lian Bu gently stepped out of the protection area of the black barrier without paying attention.

The second ghost likes to eat people in the first place. Naturally, she will not let go when she sees people. In addition, she came out of the medicine mother-in-law's house, which aggravated the revenge of the two brothers. So the two ghosts winced at each other and flew over, and one of them grabbed Qingling's shoulder with one hand and raised her body. . Qingling also resisted after realizing the danger, but after all, his cultivation is shallow, and the two ghosts absorb people's yang and blood all year round. The heavier their anger, the stronger their magic power is. It is still a good way to deal with her, a fledgling little girl. Qingling only struggled for a while and was restrained by the second ghost, and a piece of something was stuffed into her mouth. Anyway, the smell was disgusting. Qingling almost breathed several times when she smelled it.

However, although the two ghosts have a desire to revenge, they are still afraid of the medicine mother-in-law. After all, her display last night was really shocking.

The ghost's eyes don't work well during the day, and they don't see things clearly at night. So when Zhao Xuan was getting closer and closer to them, the second ghost only saw a shadow but couldn't see his face clearly. He thought it was the medicine mother-in-law who chased him and quickly accelerated Yufeng to leave.

"Well", Qingling's mouth was stuffed with something, and her hands were tied behind her waist and she kept twisting to break free from the clamping. Especially when she heard the second ghost say that the medicine mother-in-law chased after her, her reaction was even more intense.

The four ghosts often wander in the bamboo forest, looking for people who have strayed into the fantasy moon to eat, so the ability to travel through the forest is increasing day by day, which can be described as speed. In a short time, they flew far away. Seeing the pink figure getting farther and farther away, Zhao Xuan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. The second ghost's flying speed is so fast that he can't catch up with his current level of light power, so he can only be anxious.

"Oh, how can I forget Xiaobai?" Zhao Xuan suddenly thought of Xiaobai and immediately cheered up. How did he forget this most important flying mount? As for speed, there is only one speed that can be comparable to his Xiaobai so far, that is, the mount of the white-haired fairy that Zhao Xuan saw in the woods outside Niujia Village a few months ago.

I don't know why, Zhao Xuan suddenly remembered the chameleon that used to tease him at this time. Although his simple appearance was a little funny, he would not take the initiative to attack people. Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan unconsciously raised a smile at the corners of his mouth. Since he had a little white, he felt a little more intimate with the Hualong.

He exhaled into the air, and a marshmallow-like cloud immediately appeared in front of him, gradually transforming into a dragon. Xiaobai shook his tall body and nodded to Zhao Xuan, and then squatted down and waited for his master to come. It is now connected with Zhao Xuan, and he knows how to do it without the master's instructions.

Zhao Xuan pedaled his feet on the bamboo tube next to him, and his whole body jumped on Xiaobai's back. Xiaobai, let's go. He patted Xiaobai's head, and Xiaobai suddenly shot far away and chased the three figures in front of him.