The fairy husband of the little demon

Chapter 25 5

He smiled: "It's a pity that I'm too poor..."

How did such a sentence come out? Jinglian doesn't understand. Is he directly related to his illness and poverty?

"Otherwise we can really be a companion..." His voice was almost inaudible.

Jinglian looked at him in a stunned manner. He fell asleep again. Maybe he didn't know what he was talking about. Jing felt a little pity for him. An orphan, a poor solitary man, thin and fragile.

Qin Qing recovered two days later, and there were a few coughs left. He drank the burnt porridge made by Jinglian and said, "Thank you for your care these two days."

"Thank you. I also want to thank you for taking care of me these days!"

Qin Qing looked at her, his eyes were a little strange, and he quickly lowered down. Jinglian held her cheek and said, "Qin Qing, do you believe that there are immortals and ghosts in this world?"

"I believe it."

Jinglian suddenly smiled and said, "Are you afraid if I'm a monster?"

He was stunned: "Monster?" Then the smile at the corners of his lips expanded, "If you were a goblin, I would have become a blessed scholar in Liaozhai."


"A novelty." Qin Qing looked at her carefully and said, "Well, you are a little like a goblin. Mortal people can't be so beautiful."

Jinglian listened happily, "Are all monsters that are beautiful?"

"That's not true." Qin Qing put down his chopsticks and said, "Why did you ask me such a strange question?"

"Well... I just asked when I thought of it."

"There are some things hidden in your little brain that I don't understand." Qin Qing looked at her and said, "Let's go back to our hometown in a few days."

"Why? Don't you take the science exam?"

"Let's take the exam next year."

"It will take many years. It's not worth giving up for this. It's coming soon, isn't it? Or do you think I'm here to hinder you from reading?"

"No, no," Qin Qing said quickly, "it's just that you lived with me when you were a girl's parent, for fear of ruining your reputation."

"Reputation is worthless, right?"


"Isn't that the end?" Jinglian asked him again, "Your scientific examination is for fame and fortune, and you have a stable environment, right?"


"Isn't it a career?"

"If it weren't for life, I wouldn't have taken the road of scientific research. In fact, I am not enthusiastic about the career economy..." However, this is a good step to get rid of the hard life. If he is talented and won the champion or Jinshi, he can have a stable job and a good record.

Since it's only for the economy, why don't you do business? There is not only one scientific examination. Jinglian said.

Qin Qing smiled and said, "Silly girl, is it so easy to do business? First of all, you have to take risks. I have too little to afford to lose.

"But don't you have a saying that you can't sink the boat?"

"There is also a saying that you have to leave a way back for everything."

Jinglian was so anxious that she took out a roll of silver ticket from her purse and stuffed it in front of him. "These are enough!"

"..." Qin Qing looked at her puzzledly.

The face slowly became gloomy.

Jinglian didn't know if she had said something wrong, but she was a little scared when she saw him say nothing. Afraid...

I'm afraid that he will ignore her.

"Qin Qing..."

Qin Qing's voice was calm: "How can there be so many silver tickets?"

"I sold my property before leaving my hometown..." She had to lie again. Well, after starting a lie, she has to keep telling lies, which really makes her tired.

"What an ignorant!" Qin Qing said seriously, "Don't you ever think about what you would do if you couldn't find a relative? There is a property where you can still go back to live! After the sale, I was really homeless.

"Is it good for me not to live here now?" Jinglian said, "And we still have a lot of them. We will take these to do business. When we make a profit, will it be the same if you return them to me?"

The atmosphere is stiff.

Jinglian clearly saw the injury in Qin Qing's eyes, but she didn't understand what she had done wrong.

Qin Qing silently accepted one of the silver tickets and stuffed the rest back into her hand. I will borrow fifty taels, and half a year later, I will return it to you with interest.

Jinglian nodded. She has no concept of money, more or less money, as if it has nothing to do with her. She doesn't mind if he doesn't return it. I'm afraid she can't buy much silver for a happy time these days.

As if to reassure her, he said firmly, "I won't let you down."

She said, "I know I know."

"Sometimes I think you are so stupid."

She opened her eyes and said, "Why are you stupid? "They are so smart!"

"If you are not stupid, how can you be willing to help me?"

"Because you are a good person."

Qin Qing was moved: "I'm lucky to meet you. I hope it's not your misfortune to meet me."

"What's unfortunate? It made me dizzy." Jinglian waved her hand and said, "I've been in the capital for so many days. I haven't visited it carefully. I have to go shopping."

"I'm with you."

"No, you're not well yet. I'll come back after I go out for a walk."

"Do you know the way?"

"You look down on me. After so many trips, wouldn't I be a real fool if I still can't recognize the way home?

Qin Qing laughed. Hearing her say 'the way home', his heart felt particularly warm. For him, an orphan who has never had a real family, home is easier for him to move than anything else.

"Don't come back too late."

Jinglian walked on the bustling street, with a bunch of sugar-coated haws in her left hand, a bunch of barbecue in her right hand, and a bite on the right side, which is extremely comfortable.

It's been a while since I came to the world.

She subconsciously looked up at the sky, and suddenly the mood of eating food disappeared in an instant. Can she still go back?

Will Canghai come to her? When she arrived in the capital, can he find it?

Or, he didn't look for her at all?

The heart is full of dozens of colorful flavors. She was tired of strolling and suddenly bumped into a man on the way back, which immediately shocked her.


She didn't dare to come forward, afraid that Biyue would be sent down from heaven to catch her back.

quickly hid into the alley and watched the elegant blue moon slowly pass by the side. Biyue has never treated her with too deep feelings, and she is even more afraid that such feelings are weak and vulnerable. What if she was really sent by the queen to catch her?

If she is caught back, she doesn't know what kind of end she will face.

She lost her mind and looked gray. What did she do wrong to have such an opportunity... Is everything doomed? Then what is the purpose of letting her come down to earth...

When he got home, Qin Qing had already made a few dishes, "Come and eat. Have you ever been tired after shopping all day?"

"Hmm." She was depressed and couldn't speak.

Qin Qing didn't say much, but just put the vegetables in her bowl.

For many days, Jinglian did not go anywhere at home, but Qin Qing was nowhere to be seen. She doesn't mind where he goes. Anyway, he will prepare some food and water for her when he goes out in the morning and won't make her hungry.

In the evening, she walked out of the house and found several villagers nearby pointing her from afar. Jinglian couldn't help wondering...

What's wrong with her?

Look down at yourself, your clothes are neat, and there is nothing wrong with it. What are they doing staring at her like this?

About sensing her eyes, the neighbors restrained a little and went home separately, leaving Jinglian confused. Why do they point out to her?

Qin Qing came back when it was dark, with a refreshing face. He said nothing happily, as if he had picked up silver for nothing.

Jinglian looked at him with her cheek: "What are you happy about?"

"You will know in a few days." Qin Qing smiled and said, " By the way, the aunt next door borrowed our pot yesterday and hasn't returned it. I'll ask for it."

He went there for a long time, but the pot didn't come back, and his face suddenly changed. She followed him, "What's wrong?"

can clearly detect his depression. He didn't answer the question, silently until he turned to look at her. Xiaolian, how about renting a house in the city?

Jinglian can't recover for a moment. What does he mean by...?

Do you want to drive her away?

"Why?" Her voice is very low.

"..." Qin Qing said seriously, "After all, you are still a girl who hasn't left the cabinet. It's inevitable that there will be some inconvenience in living with me, and you can also provoke people's tongue..."

"But we have lived here for a long time. Is there nothing wrong?" Jinglian is a little anxious. If he drives her away, where is she going? Are you going to become a lonely person again?

No, no, no, she doesn't want it!

"There is always inconvenience. Tomorrow I will go to the city to find a place to live, and you can stay. I often come to visit you, okay?" He looked into her eyes.

Many possibilities flashed through my mind. The first one was that he took her silver and wanted to drive her away. This idea made Jinglian extremely sad.

But then I thought, it's impossible. Qin Qing is not such a person...

But if it weren't for this reason, what would it be?

Seeing that she didn't say anything, her eyes sparkled with loneliness, and Qin Qing's chest suffocated. He said softly, "I want to do it for your own good, and I don't mean anything else. If possible, I..."

Jinglian raised her eyes, "What are you?"

His face turned slightly red. He awkwardly said, "Nothing."

She quietly looked at his side face. Since he met Qin Qing, he has been taking care of her, and she doesn't believe that he will deliberately drive her away.

The scene of neighbors pointing to her suddenly came to mind, and she blocked her spear: "Is it because of the words of those three aunts and six?"

"What they said makes sense."

"What bullshit, reason!" Jinglian said rudely, "Where do I live, who do I live with, and what does it have to do with them? So if you don't have time to raise pigs and feed rabbits, why do you mind our business?

Seeing that she was emotionally unstable, Qin Qing quickly comforted her, "Three aunts and six grandmothers have always had the ability to have poisonous tongues. If they really care about them, won't they be angry?"

"You will say the same, so why do you mind what they said?"

"I don't mind," Qin Qing looked into her eyes. "Although their words are not pleasant, they are reasonable. This country is like a courtesy. You and I are unmarried. Living together like this is for the sake of concuparties..."

"Concubecue residence?" She frowned, "What?"