Kid, my sister is your grandfather

Chapter 16 The Days of Living with Mo Hengxuan 5

[PS: Sorry, everyone, it took so long to decide to continue updating,

The previous contract was invalidated due to a small mistake.

Yaya decided to sign a new one this afternoon.

Start to resume the update now, I hope everyone will continue to support~~]

Knowing that her personal doctor had something to do and asked the beautiful master to come to the secret house of the palace for her, Gong Xiaoxi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: The private doctor really paid more and more attention to her, but if he can meet the beautiful master, just spare her first. The most urgent thing is to let the beautiful master see Mo Hengxuan's hand injury. What if it is really broken and disabled?

Thinking of this, Gong Xiaoxi quickly brought Mo Hengxuan to the beautiful master and threw his hand to the beautiful master in an anxious tone: "Master, see if this boy's hand can be saved. Is it disabled?"

Being stared at by Mo Hengxuan, Gong Xiaoxi gave him a disapproving glance and continued to stare at the beautiful master with eager eyes.

The beautiful master carefully checked Mo Hengxuan's hand and smiled at the nervous Gong Xiaoxi, "He's fine. I'll take him a bone and rest for a month later. I said that the girl has asked you to learn some basic medical skills with me for a long time. You can't understand any minor problems. Alas, my Wang Xue's face has been lost by your dead girl.

Hearing the name of Wang Xue, Mo Hengxuan was shocked. Wang Xue, a strange woman, is black and white. The enemy is directly proportional to her friends, and her martial arts are even more unmatched. Rumor has it that she is a barbaric and rude hateful woman. At first sight today, she is as beautiful as a fairy and elegant. It's not as bad as the rumors. I can't help sighing: rumors are not credible~

"What am I afraid of if there is a beautiful master and Aunt Zhu protecting Xixi?" Gong Xiaoxi retorted disapprovingly, causing Wang Xue to deepen the curvature of the corners of her mouth and scraping her nose: "You girl, you will let your boyfriend see jokes with your mouth."

Gong Xiaoxi doesn't explain much. She still understands that the explanation is to cover up and cover up is the truth. And she just saw such an ambiguous scene with Mo Hengxuan, which can't be explained. Mo Hengxuan bowed his head and was probably still shocked by Wang Xue's name. She, a beautiful master, has this kind of ability. What is popularity? That's it. I was worshipped as soon as I heard her name.

"Mo Hengxuan, I'm back. It's so funny to see my master's reaction. He is married and his child is 5 years old. You'd better stop dreaming. Society is realistic. Children, dreaming is also unrealistic. Gong Xiaoxi posed as a mother to teach the child a lesson and patted Mo Hengxuan on the shoulder and taught him.

Mo Hengxuan came to his senses and saw the corners of Gong Xiaoxi's smiling mouth. He looked at Wang Xue, who covered his mouth and laughed not far away. He was a beautiful woman like a flower and jade, but Mo Hengxuan was a good teenager and couldn't help but refute: "Gong Xiaoxi, don't insult my personality. I'm a pure child. I don't think so lame as you. I'm just marveling at the legendary Aunt Xue. I never thought that I would have real contact with my idol.

Sirty? How can you say that Gong Xiaoxi is such a pure, simple and naive girl? Gong Xiaoxi's eyes showed fierce light and tried to kill Mo Hengxuan with his eyes: "Bad boy, this is not my blessing. My beautiful master can't be seen by ordinary people."

Mo Hengxuan gave her a white look, glanced at her with extreme contempt, looked at Wang Xue with sympathy, and said compassionately, "It's really unlucky for Aunt Xue to spread an apprentice like you. He lost Aunt Xue's face and showed off Aunt Xue's name here. I don't think you have to live. It's boring for you to live. Why don't you go to heaven early to occupy a place?

"I just want to survive, survive well, and poison you alive! I want to smile and watch you cry!" Despite Wang Xue's presence, Gong Xiaoxi jumped to Mo Hengxuan for a bite, which was even more fierce than a dog.

Wang Xue looked at the two people who were fighting, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised an arc. She did not participate in the struggle between the two enemies, nor did she hinder them. She couldn't help but think that she and her husband had spent the same time like this. Such a life is more exciting. Why not do it? She smiled lightly and sighed: It's good to be young. How about Aunt Xue? Does the beautiful master know him well? It's so intimate at once, cut~

"Woman, you continue to make trouble. As long as you are not afraid that I will stage a limited-level picture in front of your beautiful master, you will continue to make trouble." Mo Hengxuan's charming voice sounded softly in his ear, with a thick **. Gong Xiaoxi was immediately stunned to digest his words.

I don't know how long it took, Gong Xiaoxi only knew that she was stunned on Mo Hengxuan until she was hungry and protested. "Ah" pushed Mo Hengxuan away, looked at Wang Xue, who was closing her eyes and pretending to be in disguise, turned back to give Mo Hengxuan a few slaps and ran back to her room.

Ah, it turns out that this girl is also shy. It's really rare to see. Wang Xue and Mo Hengxuan suddenly had such an idea in their hearts. Wang Xue slowly walked to Mo Hengxuan's side, picked up Mo Hengxuan's hand for a while, and finally took out the plaster to wrap his hand. Wang Xue couldn't help looking at him with admiration and didn't hum in the process of receiving the position. If it hadn't been for the cold sweat on his forehead, she would have lost consciousness. After all, few people can withstand forces that are not tolerable by human beings. The strong and hegemonic momentum in the boy's eyes nodded happily. It seemed that Xiaoxi would be taken care of by someone to take care of her in the future.

God knew that he was actually going to die in pain and almost fainted, but his unyielding and strong self-esteem forced him to hold on hard. He raised his hand to wipe his forehead and turned around and went back to his room to rest, but he was stunned by Wang Xue's words. Before he could put down his hand to open the door... She said, " There are only two rooms here. I want to stay and see your hands, so let me live in that room. You and Xi girl live in one room.

Let him share a room with Gong Xiaoxi? Although we haven't lived together, but... What on earth is Wang Xue doing? However, he wanted to let him share a room with Gong Xiaoxi. He would still live on the sofa in the living room. Don't think about it, he will definitely be thrown out of the bedroom by Gong Xiaoxi.

Looking at the interested Wang Xue, he can't refuse. Instead of letting him live in the same room with Gong Xiaoxi, it's better for her as a master to go to bed with her apprentice. Doesn't she know that there is a difference between men and women?

He raised his hand to knock on Gong Xiaoxi's door, but he still put it down, raised his hand and put it down again. Repeating this action, knowing that his hand was tired, he stopped, turned around, stuck his body in the sofa, and fell asleep drowsily...

Suddenly, he seemed to feel someone sitting next to him and saying something to him, and his eyes could not be opened no matter how hard he tried. He pricked up his ears to hear what the people around him said, but he just vaguely heard, "I've really grown up... more If you work hard, you still need to hone... Akai is relieved now... Xi girl is also in charge..." These words, dizzy in another voice seemed to be a slightly angry voice, and the familiar grass-like fragrance came from his nose, which made him feel at ease and fell into a deep sleep...

"Beauty master, what the hell are you thinking? Your room is over there. If you don't know the way, I can tell you clearly. So please go back to your room and don't grab the room with the children here, okay?" Gong Xiaoxi leaned in front of the threshold and looked helplessly at the young woman in front of her. She was about 30 years old and liked to play like a child. Now she actually played on her head. She had to defend her rights to the death.

Wang Xue looked at Gong Xiaoxi, who took out a thin blanket and threw it on Mo Hengxuan, and smiled interestingly: "I'm tired of the peaceful life, so I have to find you juniors to relieve my boredom. Besides, I'm very satisfied with you two. Moreover, he is a man. I am an elder and must make the decision for your innocence, so I stay here to protect this beautiful man from being persecuted by you.

" master, I'm not interested in him. Looking at his lustful appearance, I should be worried about whether he will persecute me."

"Xi girl, one of you is broken, and the other can't cook. You live here to recover from your wounds. Don't you need to eat? Master, I will stay here for free and unconditionally be responsible for your diet. How about it? This condition is very attractive, isn't it? ??" Wang Xue smiled charmingly, but the light in her eyes could not be covered up. Looking at her like that, I knew what the hell she was thinking in her mind.

The cooking skills of the beautiful master... Gong Xiaoxi swallowed his saliva when he thought about it. He could eat what the beautiful master cooked. It was worth living in the same room with this pig... As long as he dared to mess around, she would knock him out.

Seeing the shaking in Gong Xiaoxi's eyes, Wang Xue continued to try her best to seduce: "Xi girl, is it possible that you have to drive out to buy food every day and then come back? Isn't it very tiring? And haven't you liked to eat what the master cooked since you were a child?

Well, she admitted that she was very backboneless, nodded excitedly, and stared at Wang Xue with eager eyes to signal her to cook something now.

"You girl." Wang Xue smiled indulgently and walked into the kitchen elegantly.

Gong Xiaoxi leaned over and looked at a pig sleeping on the sofa and smiled thoughtfully...

PS: Hee, are you blaming Yaya for not giving them two formal cohabitation? Hey, every time someone comes to disturb and join in, competing for the opinions given by some readers, Yaya specially gives them two a space to be alone, but whether they can seize the opportunity depends on Xixi and Hengheng...

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