Kid, my sister is your grandfather

Chapter 25 Guan Nuo's Goodwill

"Hey, why do you care about a child? Where are you going? Stop!" Gong Xiaoxi was pulled by Mo Hengxuan and ran like this on the campus. Several times she was about to fall down, and his powerful arms would steadily ring her waist. It's so incommeable to run around the campus like this. This boy is not crazy, is he? Why don't you run naked for us, ^_^

After running around for a long time, Mo Hengxuan finally stopped at the door of the classroom and rudely pulled Gong Xiaoxi into the classroom to sit in a position, pulling her into his arms with his hand.

At this time, the students in the class almost arrived. The two large movements made their eyes shift to them. After being stared fiercely, they pretended to be busy, but Yu Guang would still inadvertently glance over there. Fan Moxi just glanced at them faintly and continued to read the book in his hand, ignoring Gong Xiaoxi's eyes asking her for help. Gong Xiaoxi also felt a fierce and strong look locked on her body, which made her feel particularly uncomfortable. On the contrary, she only saw Guan Nuo, who had just entered the classroom. Guan Nuo saw her eyes on her and held a sweet smile.

"Brother Xuan, good morning." Guan Nuo said sweetly and looked at Gong Xiaoxi in his arms, "Sister Xiaoxi, good morning." Guan Nuo bit his lip, with a smile on the surface, but in fact, he had already scolded in his heart. If she knew that things would go this far, she would never have done that. She would rather have her brother Xuan, not the damn heroine's position. Gong Xiaoxi pestered Mo Hengxuan in order to be angry with her. She has been deliberately creating the illusion that she and Mo Hengxuan are a sweet couple in the college, which makes Gong Xiaoxi know that her weakness is Mo Hengxuan. If she doesn't pester Mo Hengxuan, Brother Xuan will always be her alone... Gong Xiaoxi glanced at her and raised the sweetest curvature: "Little Nuonuo, good morning."

Guan Nuo smiled and looked at Mo Hengxuan pitifully: "Brother Xuan, I haven't talked to you since you came back. Can you accompany me? Just one class. OK?" No one can bear to refuse that pitiful expression.

Mo Hengxuan pushed Gong Xiaoxi in his arms aside, nodded to Guan Nuo, and reached out to touch her hair: "I also miss Nuo. There have been a lot of things recently, and I have neglected you. I will accompany you today."

Guan Nuo smiled sweetly, threw himself into his arms and said coquettishly, "I knew Brother Xuan was the best for me. I like Brother Xuan the most. Shall we go to the place you used to take me to? I know Brother Xuan won't forget Nuonuo's favorite place.

"Nono likes what I like. Let's go." Mo Hengxuan naturally put his arms around her waist and walked out laughing with her.

Gong Xiaoxi, who had been left alone, coldly watched the two of them hug each other intimately in front of her. Looking at Mo Hengxuan seem to have forgotten her as the palace lady, he said coldly, "Little Nuonuo is a good student. Are you going to skip class by taking her out like this?" As soon as she said it, she almost bit off her tongue. What did they want to do with her? Even she could hear that what she had just said was so sour.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoxi, Nuonuo is so smart that it doesn't matter to skip a class." Mo Hengxuan was still thinking about what to play with Guan Nuo later, and didn't notice Gong Xiaoxi's tone at all. He is not the kind of man who priorits girls. He forgets his sister when he has a girlfriend. Of course, he has to set aside some time to spend with his lovely sister.

"Yes." With a sneer, Gong Xiaoxi half narrowed his eyes and looked at them lurely.

"Sister Xiaoxi, I just want Brother Xuan. If Sister Xiaoxi is worried about something, Sister Xiaoxi can come together." Guan Nuo poked his head in Mo Hengxuan's arms, blinked his lovely big eyes, and invited sweetly.

"Oh?" Gong Xiaoxi raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure you will welcome me? What would you think if I really followed you? Or do you want to set up an ambush on the way?

"No... I didn't think about it... Sister Xiaoxi, I'm just worried that you misunderstood my relationship with Brother Xuan, so I just want to invite you to go out with us. I didn't mean that..." Guan Nuo's cute eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, as if she had suffered great grievances.

"Gong Xiaoxi, Nuonuo is just a piece of good heart. You don't have to say it so badly!" Mo Hengxuan looked at Gong Xiaoxi's domineering appearance, scared Guan Nuo to cry, and his tone became strict.

"Haha, it's hard to hear? That's what I always say, don't you know?" Gong Xiaoxi was also angry and wanted to fight back. Mo Hengxuan actually pushed her away for Guan Nuo, regardless of her thoughts at all, but he was angry with Guan Nuo! Humph, did he think she was very sorry for him?

"Gong Xiaoxi, don't be unreasonable. Look at you, are you jealous? Didn't Nuonuo say that you could come with him? Do you still doubt anything between us? Your coming will only destroy the atmosphere between us. Looking at Gong Xiaoxi's eyes, there was some contempt. Then, Mo Hengxuan hugged Guan Nuo and whispered to Guan Nuo, "Let's not take her words to heart. Just think of it as being bitten by a dog.

"Brother Xuan, maybe Sister Xiaoxi has some misunderstanding about me. I don't want Sister Xiaoxi to misunderstand me. Guan Nola Mo Hengxuan's sleeves were full of tears in his eyes. It hurts to see it.

When Gong Xiaoxi heard Mo Hengxuan's words, he couldn't help it and got up: "Mo, do you think I'm going to your shit place? Do you think I love you? Get out, you're just a mad dog. Get out of here."

"It's ridiculous!" Mo Hengxuan frowned. He hated Gong Xiaoxi's dirty mouth like this, just like a hooligan.

"Yes, I'm unreasonable. I'm just unreasonable. I'm willing to do it. Can you take me as a mess?" Gong Xiaoxi was even more angry when he heard what he said.

"Nono, let's go. Don't pay attention to this crazy woman." Mo Hengxuan stroked his forehead, and his head began to hurt faintly again.

Guan Nuo shook his head, gently pushed away Mo Hengxuan's hand, walked to Gong Xiaoxi with tears in his eyes, and bowed 90 degrees: "Sister Xiaoxi, I'm sorry, I don't know what I did wrong. I made you hate me so much. I'm sorry. Sister Xiaoxi, you are dissatisfied with me. Please don't be angry with Brother Xuan.

"Since you know I hate you, you are still standing in front of me, get out! Give it to me!" Gong Xiaoxi pushed her impatiently and didn't want to see her.

"Gong Xiaoxi, don't take too much!" Mo Hengxuan picked up Guan Nuo, who was pushed down by Gong Xiaoxi, and said, "You are really terrible and annoying."

" it annoying? That's good. Since you hate me, let's break up. Gong Xiaoxi smiled lightly and said faintly, then crossed Mo Hengxuan and Guan Nuo and walked out of the classroom. Mo Hengxuan, do you think my Gong Xiaoxi really has to be you? There are so many people who hate me. Do I care about your hate? Gong Xiaoxi was stubborn and covered his mouth. Although he thought so, his heart was faintly painful. This pain was too real. A sour feeling gushed out of his nose. Gong Xiaoxi looked up at the sky. It seemed that someone had said that people who like to look up at the sky were actually lonely. The light and melancholy blue gives people a faint wound, a faint pain, just like her mood at this time.

Mo Hengxuan, since you care so much about Guannuo, why do you still provoke me? Since you don't care about my feelings and push me away for her, why do you hold me in your arms at the beginning? Since you pushed me away, why does my Gong Xiaoxi care so much about you, Mo Hengxuan? Gong Xiaoxi is still an arrogant princess, and this will never change.

PS: In fact, Yaya feels that when a person's heart is loaded into a person, all other people's thoughts are just superfluous in her eyes. Ha ha, it's finally time for them to quarrel. Yaya originally wanted them to love sweetly, but she unconsciously began to abuse. Yaya saluted and apologized. After a long time, the plot will be more abusive. Writing an outline will also make Yaya cry. Hey hey... I hope you can continue to support Yaya will continue to work hard... Come on!!