Kid, my sister is your grandfather

Chapter 83 End: The Last

eight months later:

Today is Qiao Wushan's birthday. Those who had been separated came.

"Sshan, you are 20 years old today. Haha..." Fan Moxi hooked her boyfriend into KTV.

Because of Gong Xiaoxi, most people became friends with Qiao Wushan.

"Happy birthday, girl."

More and more people have entered the box.

In the end, even Mo Hengxuan came.

In the crazy search for Gong Xiaoxi, Mo Hengxuan became more depressed. He walked into KTV with a dead spirit and made everyone's eyes look on him.

"Xuan, you're here too." Qiao Wushan came forward and pulled Mo Hengxuan to her side.

Mo Hengxuan raised a box of beer in front of him and walked to a corner and squatted there to drink. I didn't even say a happy birthday.

Qiao Wushan has a black line on her face, and she dares to say that this boy came to drink...

"Kid, hurry up and find Xiaoxi..." Hua Chen came to Mo Hengxuan and hooked him around his neck. "Oh, God... Women are all dead brains. If you don't find Xiaoxi back, Momo won't be engaged to me..."

Originally, Hua Chen was going to be engaged to Fan Moxi, but Fan Moxi always said that when Gong Xiaoxi came back, he would be engaged to her.

"Brother..." Mo Hengxuan threw a can of beer and hugged Huachen. "I can't find her... I can't find her..."

In the past eight months, everyone has also known one thing. It turned out that Huachen was Gong Xiaoxi's brother and own brother. It turned out that Hua Chen was the illegitimate son of Gong Xiaoxi's father. Gong Xiaoxi always thought that he had taken away Hua Chen's father's love, so he chose to break the relationship with the Gong family at the beginning, in order to let Hua Chen inherit the Gong family's business as the right-hand man of the boss of the Gong family.

He didn't expect that Gong's father would use Gong Xiaoxi to steal 2 million from his family as an excuse to dissolve the relationship. Maybe he was afraid that she would regret it...

"I'm sure she will come back." Fan Moxi wrapped around Huachen's waist and said firmly to Mo Hengxuan.

Lan Weitian jumped in from the door, pointed to Mo Hengxuan and shouted, "Today is my girlfriend's birthday. Do you dare to destroy the atmosphere?"

Yes, Lan Weitian was finally enlightened and chased Qiao Yushan.

Everyone has a lover and eventually becomes a relative. But...what about Mo Hengxuan?

Mo Hengxuan smiled bitterly and continued to drink his wine. He is in a bad mood, and there is no need to destroy other people's mood.

"Happy birthday, Shanshan."

A familiar voice sounded, and everyone calmed down. Both eyes looked tacitly at the door...

This it her?

Mo Hengxuan poured a bottle of beer in one go, hehe... He was hallucinating again.


The figure appeared, accompanied by everyone's unbelievable voice.

Mo Hengxuan's eyes looked at the door. I saw that familiar figure...

He rushed over, but when he saw the moment clearly, he was stunned...

It's Gong Xiaoxi, that's right, but... Gong Xiaoxi's stomach... is very big.

Mo Hengxuan's anger surged in his heart and stared at her stomach. Ha ha, it turns out that she has a new lover. No wonder she hasn't come back for so long. Only he was so stupid that he always thought she would come back.

"Hengheng, I'm back." Gong Xiaoxi's voice was full of excitement.

"Ha ha... Congratulations on being a mother." Mo Hengxuan smiled and looked at her raised stomach. "Who is so bold?"

"Fool, this bold man's name is Mo Hengxuan."


(Finally finished~~Thank you for your continuous support~~Yaya will continue to open new books~~The time of the new book will probably be after the National Day~~I hope everyone will continue to support Mo Xiaoya~~Thank you.)