evil spirit

Chapter 12 No one is against it, right?

Chapter 12 [No one is against it, right?] [ Don't worry, there are absolutely two chapters a day, and one chapter in the evening!] Room No. 1 is the largest luxury private room in Jinbi Brilliant Nightclub.

On weekdays, it is usually not open here.

Only when we meet very talented guests will we clean up the private room.

Of course, our internal meetings are usually set up here.

As usual, I sat on the sofa in the middle. Tonight, the four supervisors in the nightclub were all here. In addition to A Qiang, the other two supervisors sat beside me.

Although everyone usually doesn't say it, they all know that although there are four supervisors here, the real person is me.

There is no other reason, just because I'm from Brother Huan.

It's almost there. Four foremans with waiters sit on the left, four moms sit on the right, and two people in charge of the back yard warehouse and the kitchen are also pulled in.

A Wei stood beside me with a black face, and a pair of hands full of cocoons kept rubbing against his trousers.

He was also a very hard guy back then. He was seriously injured because of the fight and sat in the class room for two years. Later, because of his good performance, he was released, and his men were very hard.

There is also a scar on the face, which was scraped by a knife.

Originally, even if this guy usually smiles, he looks like a butcher's grout smile, but now he has a black face, which is even more scary.

Several moms didn't dare to look at him.

I deliberately leaned lazily on the sofa, holding a cigarette in my hand, with a bottle of beer on the table in front of me, squinting and not talking.

The other two supervisors wanted to say hello to me when they came in. Seeing that I didn't look well, they subconsciously swallowed their words back and sat down quietly to smoke.

Ten minutes later, Xiaofeng and A Qiang came in.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Xiaofeng's face was a little unnatural, but she was all the people who rolled over from the *** court. She immediately squeezed out a smile, twisted her waist and walked to me, and said with a smile, "Oh, little brother, didn't you have a rest today? I also told a few sisters that

I raised my eyelids and looked at her coldly. She was stabbed half a step away by my cold eyes. Seeing that I looked gloomy, I subconsciously closed my mouth and then sat down quietly.

A Qiang slowly came to me, and I saw that the calmness on his face was 90% pretended.

As soon as his buttocks were on the sofa, I said coldly, "Who let you sit?" Ah?" A Qiang looked at me with a guilty look.

I slowly sat up straight and let him stay here. Then I lowered my voice and said slowly, "Today's meeting must be very strange to everyone.

The market has always been doing well, which is everyone's credit.

The company has never treated everyone badly, which everyone should understand.

At this point, I took a quick look at A Qiang, narrowed my eyes, and deliberately said in a faint tone: "Everyone wants to make money, the company needs to develop, and everything needs to follow the rules.

If something goes wrong, everyone will be affected. There is no need to say more about this truth. Everyone understands when sitting down.

Speaking of this, I have sat up straight, supported the table with my hands, and looked down at the crowd with a look.

Everyone is expressionless, and several of them have been here for a long time and are familiar with me, with a little fear in their eyes.

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, I'll say it directly."

I looked at a young man with fair-eyed eyes sitting near the door and said, "Look, you are in charge of the company's property. Have you brought what I want you to make?" Ah Kan nodded and stood up, took something and handed it to me.

He is the company's finance department, who specializes in managing accounts. If anyone in the company has been with Brother Huan recently, except for me, it's him.

I picked up the things in my hand, took a look, and said in a cold tone, "Last month, someone used the convenience of his position to report the company's flower account for more than 60,000 yuan... What a big hand!" I took a look at A Qiang: "Brother Qiang, please explain it."

A Qiang has fully reacted and understood that tonight's scene is aimed at him. After all, he is not a talented bird. He was slightly flustered and covered up the past and said, "Xiao Wu, why do you ask me so? Everyone is the supervisor of the company. You don't have to ask how much I sign and report, right? Besides, the supervisor has the right to sign the order, so you don't have it?" I snorted, "I have! I signed no less than you last month. I signed a total of more than 50,000 yuan.

But I signed to major customers, more than half of which were signed to Boss Ma, but Boss Ma threw more than 400,000 yuan in the company last month! What about you? A Qiang, how much did your customers sell last month? It's less than 40,000!" A Qiang's face turned a little pale, but he immediately came back and shouted, "Xiao Wu, you are obviously picking on my fault!" I signed a little more orders last month, which is also to please the guests. The guests are happy, and naturally they will come to support them next time! I don't need to say more about this! If you want to deal with me, you don't have to put so many flowers! I know you are from Brother Huan, but this field is not alone with Brother Huan! It's not you Xiaowu who can cover the sky with one hand!" Listening to his words, instead of anger, I smiled faintly. I slowly stood up, walked to him, stretched out my hand and patted him gently on the shoulder.

A Qiang was shocked, but I just patted him on the shoulder. Without any other movements, he did not dodge.

"Very good."

I smiled and said, "Brother Qiang, you're right. I'm going to deal with you today.

But you're a little wrong. I don't want to cover the sky with one hand.

My little five's hands are not that big! But I made it very clear today that we should follow the rules when doing things in the company.

I gently put the bill in my hand in front of him and whispered, "Let's calculate the matter of signing the bill later. Now I'll ask you one more thing.

Last month, someone opened a 'hi bag' in the field. Is that right? A Qiang's expression on his face was stiff! "Hi bag" is an abbreviation, which generally means that someone takes ecstasy to a nightclub to open a private room, and then calls a few young ladies, closes the door and eats drugs together, and plays a ** party.

This kind of thing is found in many casinos, especially some small nightclubs and low-grade nightclubs.

However, in places with a slightly higher grade, guests are generally refused to come to play this.

The reason is that this kind of "hi bag" is severely cracked down by the police, and it is very dangerous in itself! In this city, there was a time when someone overdosed the drug and caused death! And people who like to take drugs, once they go crazy, have no self-control at all.

What's more, for such a dangerous thing, we can't make more money by opening a nightclub, and we have to take such a big risk out of thin air, so now many high-end venues will not allow guests to come in and drink medicine.

Everyone does business honestly, which is enough to make money.

In our field, Brother Huan once set a rule that he did not touch ecstasy or white powder. Although these two things are very rich, the money is too hot.

And most of the young ladies are unwilling to accompany the guests to take drugs... Everyone knows that once this thing is stained, the harm is endless. Once the drug is touched, it will be ruined, and if it is serious, the family will be ruined! A Qiang turned his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Wu, don't wrong me. If you have the ability, you can show evidence."

I know, he is full, but I really don't have any evidence, because I was not there for the nights when I opened the bag.

And the participating ladies were all under Xiaofeng's, who were deterred by Xiaofeng and A Qiang's ** power, and no one dared to say it.

I was so relaxed some time ago that I didn't even notice these things in the field! Fortunately, there is no trouble yet.

I still smiled: "Brother Qiang, I really have no evidence.

But we are not the police. We don't have to need evidence for anything.

I still had a smile on my face, but I suddenly twisted his chest and skirt and pulled him down! At the same time, his knees went up and hit his face! A Qiang screamed, and a ball of blood suddenly burst out on his face. He softened and covered his nose with both hands.

I picked him up, and Awei came up next to him, grabbed his hands and put them on the table, and straightened his fingers one by one.

A Qiang struggled desperately, but under the five majors and three thick Awei, it is not more effective than a chicken to be slaughtered.

I patted the palm of A Qiang's hand on the table, took a gentle breath, picked up the wine bottle, and smashed it down! A Qiang screamed as if he were killing a pig. My face remained unchanged. I grabbed the wine bottle in my hand and smashed it down again! Let me ask you again, is there anything about opening a high bag? A Qiang just screamed, but he didn't care to talk.

I smiled, and my hands fell!" Brother Qiang, I'm waiting for you. Do you have it or not? My tone was so soft that it was not murderous at all. After saying it, I smashed it again.

A Qiang's palm on the desktop has blurred flesh and blood, and blood is flowing! The people sitting around were all earthy. Although several of them were a little unbearable in their eyes, they did not dare to speak.

Those sitting here are all stoons in the field. They are not ordinary people. They have never seen similar scenes.

The wine bottle in my hand hit the fifth time. A Qiang didn't even have the strength to scream, and his body was as soft as a puddle of mud: "...Yes, there is..." I shrugged my shoulders, looked at the crowd, and smiled, "Look, I haven't wronged him."

After saying that, I raised the wine bottle and smashed it down. With A Qiang's scream, a ferocious smile appeared on my face: "So, I heard that you forced your princess to go into the water, isn't it true?" Yes! Yes, yes!" A Qiang's snot and tears all flowed out of his face, and he couldn't even cry: "Little fifth brother, you...give me... me!" I shook my head and said pleasantly, "A Qiang, it's not that I won't spare you.

The company's rules are set by Brother Huan.

No one can break the rules. If they break the rules, they will be punished! You should understand this truth on the first day you come in.

After saying that, I raised the bottle and patted it on his head.

With a bang, the bottle was broken, the broken glass was shot, and the wine was mixed with the blood, tears and snot on his head, rolling down.

I took a breath and motioned A Wei and others to let him go. A Qiang was unable to move. He slipped softly on the ground and couldn't even hum.

I quickly wiped a few drops of blood that had just splashed on my face, patted my clothes, and then took a cigarette handed over from A Wei's hand, lit it, took a sip first, and then sat down slowly, looked at the crowd, and said lightly, "That's what happened today.

Everyone, it's not that I'm cruel.

It's just his fault for breaking the rules.

I said, I don't cover the sky with one hand, but if someone breaks the rules, be careful of your own hands! If you let me know what to do behind someone's back..." When I said this, I deliberately took a deep look at Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng's face turned pale and her body trembled as if she were swinging, and then she slowly said, "Then don't blame Xiao Wu for turning his face.

As for the matter of forcing the waitress into the water, I said that if they are willing to go into the water to make money, I don't care.

If it is forced by other means, humph, I put the words here today. Whoever gets into trouble will be found by the company! Everyone does business to make money and make money. Don't make them unhappy. It's not good!" After a pause, I smiled again: "They are all from the company. As long as you make money for the company and abide by the company's rules, the company will definitely cover you."

Then I stood up and looked at the crowd with a smile: "My words are over, everyone... No one is against it?" [ Alas, there are few recommended tickets... Please waste a few seconds, click the mouse a few times, and smash the ticket...]