evil spirit

Chapter 40 God of Gamblers? Declined god?

Chapter 40 [God of Gambling? Decline?] I took a deep breath and tried my best to hide the excitement in my heart! The ring really works! If I have always been a little skeptical about the role of the ring, then as more and more things have happened to me, I have no doubts about this magical ring at all.

It's just... Will I have any bad luck because of this? Is the home hit by fire again? Er... Is it necessary for me to call 119 first? Trying to get rid of these distractions, I bent down to hit the ball... This time, under my calm control, I finally played to a normal level. After shooting down the three-balls in one breath, I made a mistake in the fourth shot.

Minister Jin has probably been depressed for a long time, and his face is a little helpless. In his opinion, it is impossible for this kind of beginner's mistake to enter the pocket.

I stepped back two steps and quietly watched him hit the ball.

Elegant and steady pace! The textbook-like grip posture! Eagle-like sharp eyes! Then a gorgeous blow... Bang! Such a crisp and pleasant sound... Then I saw a beautiful black arc drawn in mid-air, like a full moon machete! The arc is faintly in line with the mystery between heaven and earth! Bang!! A ball popped up and the table fell to the ground, rolled to my feet, and then slowly stopped.

I was stunned.

Minister Jin was stunned.

The girl in red was stunned.

Hit the ball and fly off the platform! Moreover, it's still the black No. 8 ball! Fancy billiards No. 8 rules: Black No. 8 hit the platform, and the game will be directly lost!) I... my wife!" Minister Jin's mouth grew up, his eyes were wide open, and the expression on his face was as if he saw his wife stealing people. He didn't even notice that the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground... The beautiful woman in red looked at me like a ghost! The expression on my face immediately converged and looked very sincere. I walked over and patted Minister Jin gently on the shoulder and sighed, "Minister Jin, people have made mistakes, and horses have lost their hooves. You don't have to worry so much."

Then start the third game.

It's even weirder this time! I made the first shot and successfully shot down the ball, and then I missed the second shot and exchanged it for the gold minister.

Minister Jin shot down three colorful balls in the first shot... This time, the cue ball was not in the bag, and the black No. 8 ball was also safe.

But the problem is... He shot down the three balls of the bag in the first shot, all of which belonged to me! .................. Half an hour later, Minister Jin was finally about to collapse.

He shouted angrily, picked up the club and collapsed on his thigh, folded it into two pieces with a click, then threw it hard on the floor, and scolded, "**! I was almost hit by a ghost today!" By the heart.

I think it's completely normal for him to do this, and it doesn't mean that his ball is not good.

To be honest, his patience is really good... In this period of time, in such a period of time, three times the female ball into the bag, three times the black 8 into the bag, three times the black 8 into the bag, six times to put other people's colors into the bag... No matter how good-tempered the person is, it is Even if you are Ding Junhui Hendry... When you encounter this kind of ghost... In this case, even a saint will lift the table angrily, right? The girl in red next to her could see it most clearly. She clearly saw that my skills could only be regarded as ordinary, but she had this kind of ghost-like luck. Now she was so scared that she didn't even dare to say anything.

"No more!" Minister Jin cursed a few words in a low voice.

I sighed, put my hands behind my back, and then carefully, quietly took off the ring and put it in my pocket, comforted Minister Jin a few words, and said a few compliments, which was nothing more than a sincere praise for his ball skills. At the same time, I also thought that today he was actually influenced by this strange bad luck and could not Enough to play normally.

Next, I tried to brew a lukewarm tone, carefully not to provoke him, and then invited him to play cards together.

"Okay, it's okay to play cards. Damn it, I can't play the ball today."

Minister Jin shook his head and looked depressed.

Then he took out his wallet from his arms, took out a pile of big pink money, and summoned the girl in red in front of him. He didn't even look at it, so he stuffed it to her. At the same time, he whispered, "Beauty, have you seen what happened today?" The girl in red immediately said in an extremely sincere tone, "No, I was distracted just now.

But it seems that Minister Jin had a good time today.

You must have played a few more good games, right? After saying that, he smiled sweetly.

"Well, smart!" Minister Jin smiled with satisfaction, patted the girl's round buttocks wrapped in a dress, and then pulled me out of the billiard room.

No wonder he gave so many tips. It seems that he doesn't want him to spread the embarrassing things today.

There is a high-end chess and card room in the clubhouse. We asked for a small single room, and then the two of us sat down to play cards.

A beautiful woman in uniform also stood beside us to serve us, serving tea and pine water and being responsible for shuffling cards.

If the process of playing just now is a nightmare for Minister Kim... Then the next time, for me, is simply more terrible than a nightmare! I originally made a plan in my heart. When I was playing basketball just now, I let Minister Jin fail, so in order for him to regain his face, I should deliberately lose to him when playing cards.

After all, the task assigned to me by Fang Nan is to have fun with Minister Jin and lose to him at the same time.

I won in billiards, so I have to lose a few more games when playing cards.

It shouldn't be difficult, right? I thought to myself.

Minister Jin doesn't know how to play with gold flowers or anything. He probably plays a lot in regular casinos, so what we play is BLACKJACK.

This kind of game is quite suitable for two people.

Unfortunately, my nightmare has begun... The first card sent to me is a spade A and a heart J! BLACKJACK! The biggest card! And the card that poor Minister Jin got... Forget it, I don't even have to look at it! After I took three AJ in a row, I was sweating on my forehead... I quickly asked for a change of hair.

Then we played Stud... After I took two and four A's, three and four K's K's in a row... Minister Jin was about to faint! I noticed that the hands of the beautiful woman in charge of shuffling cards next to me were trembling... I felt that the clothes on my back had been soaked in cold sweat. Every time the beautiful woman next to me gave me a card, I had an expression of going to go to the execution.

We played from BLACKJACK to Stud, and then changed to Baccarat, the eldest brother... I had good luck all the way. It was simply a god blocking the killing of the god, and the Buddha blocked the killing of the Buddha, as if all the gods, Buddhas and demons were standing here, and my hands were blessed by the gods... Finally, we In the simplest game, even beginners can play "run fast"... When the beautiful woman was playing cards, I didn't dare to look at one, and finally picked up the card and found that... Big ghost and little ghost, four 2, four A, four K, four Q...#...%¥※......¥%... And Minister Jin's face is like earth, hand I held a "phone number" (no bad card greater than 10) and looked at his almost crazy expression... In fact, I have more reason to go crazy! I thought desperately: I'm going to lose! I want to lose!! I want to lose!!! But sometimes things are so weird. The more you want to lose, the more you are super invincible! What can be seen is that I didn't use that ring! I have put away the ring! So the only explanation is that when playing, the ring brings me good luck.

But at the same time, now I have to lose, otherwise my career will be affected... But because I used the ring indiscriminately, the bad luck brought to me now! And the embodiment of this bad luck is: let me win when I have to lose, and then... the end is probably because I destroyed the task Fang Nan gave me, and then I was fired... "Alas!" Minister Jin threw away the card in his hand, then ordered a cigarette for himself, took a sip, and looked at me with a cold look: "Young man, you're not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, are you kidding me? I have played cards for half my life, and I have never seen such a master as you.

God's testimony... I really want to cry at this moment!" I don't want to play anymore.

Minister Jin shook his head, stood up and gave me a deep look.

I can't understand how strong resentment is in this bunch of eyes. In short, it's very complicated.

Without saying a word, he had walked out of the chess and card room, leaving me to sit here alone, holding a good card that even the god of gambling would be jealous of... When I finally came to my senses, threw away the card and walked out of the room, the beautiful waiter behind me stared at my great back with a distracted and worshipful He muttered, "Wow, the god of gambling..." A long time later, there was an immortal legend circulating in this clubhouse: "The card is issued! The card is issued! ...The great mysterious man, he inherited the fine tradition of countless gambling masters! God of gambling! Gambler! Gambler! At this moment, the soul is possessed! ...He is not alone! He is not alone!! ..." When I walked out of the room, I saw Fang Nan and others standing in the corridor from afar. Minister Jin and Fang Nan seemed to say a few words. The distance was so far away that I couldn't hear what they were saying, but from Minister Jin's face... I don't think it would be a good word.

Then Minister Jin left with the female star, leaving Fang Nan alone and turning to look at me.

I was a little at a loss. I knew in my heart that I had messed up the task Fang Nan gave me.

Fang Nan's face was very calm, like a windless water.

When I walked to her, Fang Nan suddenly sighed heavily, then ignored me, took a deep look at me, turned around and left.

I smiled bitterly and followed her.

The two of them got off the elevator all the way to the parking lot.

When we all got in the car, as I started the car, I was thinking in my heart that I didn't know how to open my mouth. Fang Nan behind me suddenly said in a low voice, "Chen Yang... you... how did you do it?" ...Uh?" I don't know how to answer.

Fang Nan sighed again, and suddenly stretched out a delicate hand and reached in front of me from behind, holding a thick envelope in his hand.

What are you doing? Is it the severance pay that fired me? But the next sentence fell into my ear, which stunned me!" Chen Yang! Thank you so much... You did a great job today! Minister Jin said that he likes you very much, and he strongly hopes to find another time to compete with you.

Fang Nan's tone suddenly became lively, with infinite joy: "The company's business, he has made a promise to me! Chen Yang, you have done me a big favor! This is a reward for you. Although it's not much, only 10,000, I will thank you very much when the business is completed!" To be honest, I'm completely in a trance! I was like being hit by a master, and my whole body was stiff.

Successful? Well done?! No bad luck? No bad luck?? I took the envelope almost blankly, and I forgot to refuse, and I didn't even say anything to thank you.

I almost unconsciously started the car, stepped on the accelerator blankly, turned the steering wheel, and then... boom! The front of the car hit a high industrial ladder erected under the parking lot. The ladder fell down, and then hit a BENZ parked aside, and immediately smashed the front windshield of the car. Then a bucket of white paint originally placed on the ladder flew out directly and hit a heavy one. On the body of a Cadillac car, white paint was immediately spilled on the black body, which was so shocking! What's more outrageous is that the paint bucket hit the front of the car, bounced directly out and hit a motorcycle... Damn it, it was an expensive limited edition Harley motorcycle... With a bang, the headlights broke, and the body fell down directly... Dudududu... The sound of the harsh car alarm system echoed in the parking lot. ! And I was stunned... bad luck... damn bad luck! [Brothers, if you laugh, help smash the ticket and support Xiao Wu.
